[mapserver-users] About "complete" Makefile.vc for MapServer 3.6.1 (and about ECW)

Hisaji ONO hi-ono at mn.xdsl.ne.jp
Sat Jun 29 08:38:45 PDT 2002

 Thank you very much for your help, Mr. Nacionales.

 I could make MapServer 3.6.1 with WMSClient.

 And this is another question about ECW. I tried my compiled MapServer 3.6.1
and pre-build 3.6 to display ECW image(8 bit) with following map file.

NAME rasterex
EXTENT 139.6 35.4 139.75 35.5
SIZE 512 512
SHAPEPATH "d:\MapServ\map"

# IMAGEPATH "C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\tmp\"
# IMAGEURL "/tmp/"

LAYER # start of the "yokohama" layer object
  NAME "yokohama image"
  DATA "533915.ecw"
END # end of layer object
END # end of map file

 But nothing diplayed without error messages.

 ECW doesn't requre World File? Without world file(.eww?), shp2img.exe
didn't show error message and created blank images.

 Do you have any suggestion.

 Best Regards.

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