[mapserver-users] Polygon colors affected by a WMS layer

Peter Schut SCHUTP at em.agr.ca
Wed May 8 07:53:31 PDT 2002

I've attached an image of some bizarre behaviour that I get when I add a WMS client layer into an existing (and fully functionning) MapServer app.  The WMS layer is the light blue (rivers), and it displays properly when I call it by itself.  When this layer is added to the mapfile, a number of polygons from a locally resident soil coverage change color - to a green color that isn't even coded in the original mapfile!  

Has anyone seen this behaviour before?


Peter Schut
         Head, CanSIS - Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
         tel: 613 759-1874     http://sis.agr.gc.ca/cansis 

"We do not inherit the land from our fathers; we borrow it from our children."

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