[mapserver-users] Filename

Jason Spangler JasonS at cassco.org
Fri May 10 15:58:45 EDT 2002

Thanks pk, but unfortunately, I'm not to hip on the perl yet.  Is there a variable you can pass in the querystring that identifies the filename?


Jason Spangler
Cass County Information Systems
jasons at cassco.org

>>> Puneet Kishor <pkishor at geoanalytics.com> 05/09/02 05:57PM >>>

very easy to do with Perl/Mapscript. It might be hardcoded into the PHP/Mapscript methods.

here's how in Perl

my $appurl = "url/to/my/app/";
my $tmpdir = "path/to/my/tmp/";
my $mapimgname = $whateveriwant . time() . ".png";  # time() makes it unique, .png adds the extension
my $imgObj = $mapObj->draw();
mapscript::msSaveImage($imgObj, $tmpdir . $mapimgname, 2, $mapObj->{interlace}, $mapObj->{transparent}, 95); 
my $mapurl = $appurl . "tmp/" . $mapimgname;

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Spangler [mailto:JasonS at cassco.org]
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 3:56 PM
To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
Subject: [mapserver-users] Filename

I'm sure I'm overlooking something, but is it possible to change the name of the tmp map image file name?

I would like to add different variables to the beginning of the filename at different times of the day.

Any help would be appreciated.


Jason Spangler
Cass County Information Systems
jasons at cassco.org
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