[mapserver-users] Extent and map size; Help needed
Marie Flanagan
theflan at gofree.indigo.ie
Thu May 16 03:32:32 PDT 2002
Hello all,
I have a problem with a CGI script - in zooming in/out. I am drawing layers from a map file, 2 of the layers being created on the fly from a flat file of point labels and co-ordinates. One of the 'dynamic' layers is a line shape and can be added as a feature to the layer, the other is a set of points and labels, each of which has to be drawn separately (there may be another way of doing it but I haven't discovered it yet).
My set_extent subroutine seems to work in that the map extent is changed, but when the map is drawn it presents as a little map in the top left hand corner if I am zooming in - it's like the exent is working but the scale of the map is not changing. What am I missing?
Thanks in anticipation of any help offered.
Extract from the code:
&set_extent($zoomdir, $zoomsize, $imgx, $imgy, @image_extent);
# Now draw all the map layers. Point layer with labels will be drawn separately after this
for my $i (0 ..($map->{numlayers}-1))
my $layer = $map->getLayer($i);
$success = $layer->draw($map, $image);
print DBG "Drew layer $layer->{name} --------- $i ------ $success\n";
$num_stops = @stops_list -1;
for my $i (0 .. $num_stops)
$display_count = $i + 1;
my ($x, $y, $desc) = split(/\t/, $stops_list[$i]);
if ($i==0) { $desc="[ $display_count ] START," . $desc; }
if ($i== ($num_stops)) { $desc = "[ $display_count ] FINISH," . $desc; }
if ($i > 0 && $i < ($num_stops)) { $desc = "[ $display_count ]"; }
print DBG "$stops_list[$i] ... $i ... $desc \n";
$draw_pt1=new pointObj();
$draw_pt1->{x} = $x;
$draw_pt1->{y} = $y;
$draw_pt1->draw($map, $pt_label, $image, undef, "$desc");
$draw_pt2=new pointObj();
$draw_pt2->{x} = $x;
$draw_pt2->{y} = $y;
$draw_pt2->draw($map, $pt_layer, $image, undef, undef);
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