[mapserver-users] Add points to shape

Puneet Kishor pkishor at GeoAnalytics.com
Thu May 16 11:23:33 PDT 2002

On Thursday, May 16, 2002, at 04:33  AM, Stepan Kafka wrote:

> You must add record to dbf separately by means of php_dbase modul 
> functions.
> You are also able to add attributes here etc.. at this point.

well, you can't just add a shape to the .shp file and a dbase record to 
the .dbf file and have them correlate. remember, they are linked 
together by the interim .shx file. I haven't done this, but I am 
assuming the shape adding method automatically creates a linked, empty 
dbf record.

in any case, I think Guillaume is wanting to draw "annotations"... just 
for temporary display. In which case, he would want to add shapes, not 
in the ESRI shapes sense, but shapes in the geometric (or non-geom) 
shapes sense.


> Stepan Kafka
>> -----Pùvodní zpráva-----
>> Od: owner-mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
>> [mailto:owner-mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu]za uživatele Guillaume
>> Sueur
>> Odesláno: 16. kvìtna 2002 10:11
>> Komu: Liste MapServer
>> Pøedmìt: [mapserver-users] Add points to shape
>> Hi there,
>> I'm trying to build up an application able to add points to a shape 
>> using
>> mapscript. I'm using these two methods :
>> function creerPoint($Xpt,$Ypt)
>> {
>>   GLOBAL      $gpoMap;
>>   $flnShapefile = "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ipso_facto\htdocs\data\logipro";
>>   $objShapefile = ms_newShapeFileObj( $flnShapefile, MS_SHP_POINT);
>>   $oLayer = $gpoMap->getlayerbyname(BIENS);
>>   //methode 1
>>   //$point = ms_newPointObj();
>>   //$point->setXY($Xpt,$Ypt);
>>   //$objShapefile->addPoint($point);
>>   //$objShapefile->free;
>>   //methode 2
>>   $point = ms_newPointObj();
>>   $point->setXY($Xpt,$Ypt);
>>   $line = ms_newlineObj();
>>   $shape = ms_newshapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POINT);
>>   $line->add($point);
>>   $shape->add($line);
>>   $objShapefile->addshape($shape);
>>   $objShapefile->free;
>> }
>> Both methods are doing the same : they add a point in the shape
>> file, but no
>> line in the dbf file, so the layer is corrupted and can't be opened.
>> Addfeature seems to do the same.
>> Any idea ?
>> Thanks
>> ----------------------------------------------------
>> Guillaume SUEUR - guillaume.sueur at geosignal.fr
>> Ingénieur développement
>> 25bis, avenue Marcel DASSAULT
>> BP 5836
>> ------------------------------------------------------

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