[mapserver-users] Mapserver HTML Legend

Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Tue May 21 08:09:24 PDT 2002

A few issues with the HTML legend have been fixed over the last few
months.  So you should first make sure that you use the latest 3.6 beta
version, and if you still get this error then please file a bug about
this in bugzilla with your legend template and a copy of your mapfile.



"Obe, Regina DND\\MIS" wrote:
> I'm trying to use the new HTML legend feature in mapserver.   If I use just
> the class template format
> [leg_class_html opt_flag=1]
>      <tr><td nowrap><img src="[leg_icon]"><font
> size="-2">[leg_class_name]</font></td></tr>
> [/leg_class_html]
> That works fine, but as soon as I try to introduce a layer html
> e.g.
> [leg_layer_html opt_flag=1]
>      <tr><td nowrap><img src="[leg_icon]"><font
> size="-2">[leg_layer_name]</font></td></tr>
> [/leg_layer_html]
> [leg_class_html opt_flag=1]
>      <tr><td nowrap><img src="[leg_icon]"><font
> size="-2">[leg_class_name]</font></td></tr>
> [/leg_class_html]
> It gives
> Content-type: text/html generateLayerTemplate(): Web application error.
> Invalid pointer.
> Even if my layer html has nothing in it.
> I'm using MapServer version 3.5.1 (development) cgi  on a Windows 2000
> server.
> I'm wondering if there is something that should be in my layer definitions
> that I'm missing.

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