[mapserver-users] OT: Cataloguing masses of spatial data

Tyler Mitchell TMitchell at lignum.com
Wed May 22 09:50:20 PDT 2002

Hi guys and gals,
I'm reorganizing our corporate spatail data and have made up a few tools to
recursively search through folders for spatial (GDAL/OGR recognized)
datasets.  Then it saves an entry into a comma separated file which I can
then load into a database.  I hope to be able to use this database
(somehow) for looking up datasets in the future.  I will be building in
metadata that will link to a file location.

Has anyone else been doing anything like this?  I'd love to get the
discussion going.  It's kinda based on the concept of the WMS
getcapabilities - but with a much broader scope - i.e. not for use in
mapserver per se but as a data management tool that could help users know
what data is available for use as a layer in mapserver.

Anyway, I'm not explaining my thoughts very well.  But essentially I'm
building a database catalogue of our spatial database and would like to end
up using it for more than a "manger-level" lookup of what kind of data we
have in our company.  Doing anything similar?  Any other related ideas?


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