[mapserver-users] XML mapfile?

Andrew Hallam ahallam at digitalearth.com.au
Wed May 22 16:22:20 PDT 2002

As a starting point a small app/library could be created that converts an 
XML map file to the current map file format. It could use an XML schema to 
help validate the content before it is written to disk in native MapServer 


1. Allows those who want to work in XML to do so.
2. Generates pre-validated map file (maybe).
3. MapServer tool builders can add nice GUIs.
4. External applications can generate map files.
5. It has no impact on the current MapServer development path and schedule.
6. Easy-ish for someone outside the core developer group to do if they have 
the time.

I'll volunteer for a Java library if you can wait until July/August.

Andrew Hallam

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