[mapserver-users] query by several POINTS????

Ingo Luensmann Ingo.Luensmann at gmx.de
Wed May 29 23:28:58 PDT 2002

Hi all,

is it possible to do a query using not only one point, but several points. I
 like to hilite several polygons in the map by clicking them one after
another and all should be hilited so long, as I click on a button, which deletes
all selections. My idea is to store all clicked positions in an array as long
as the "delete-highlights"-Button is pressed. Then all elements in the array
will be deleted. No problems so far with the array, but when I make a
querybypoint and then another querybypoint, the first query is not shown and so on.
Is there a possibility in mapserver to hightlight several polygons by point

Has anyone an idea.

Ingo Lünsmann
Only a student in Vechta 

GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

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