[mapserver-users] Mapplet - Force Zoomdir with image buttons

Marco Catellani macatel at libero.it
Fri May 31 10:48:29 PDT 2002

Hi all.

I'm using MapServer 3.6 with Mapplet Extension.

The question involves zoomdir value. Using classical interface with radio
button (coupled with the [zoomdir_-1|0|1_check] special character) the
application run correctly.

I'm trying to use image buttons instead of radio buttons to obtain the same
result. What I need is that clicking the image the zoomdir value change

I'm using code like this:

function ZoominSub(){
  document.mapserv.zoomdir.value = "1";

<input type="hidden" name="zoomdir" value="">
<a href="#" onClick="zoomin();">
<img src="http://localhost/images/zoomin.gif" alt="Zoom in"></a>

but I don't get what I want; in fact when I click the image and then I click
over the map the result is a pan operation, not a zoomin one.

Do you have any suggestion or advise?

Thank you very much!


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