Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 11:15 AM
Subject: [mapserver-users] Debian ?
> Hi, I am pretty new to linux, I am trying to set up mapserver with
> php-mapscript under debian (woody 3.0 install)
> My problem is that I get an error which says that I need to recompile
> php with --system-regex I think it was as it was complaining that php4's
> regex was bad.
> I am sorry about the vagueness of this, but I have been at this 25+
> hours straight and it will take a bit of digging to get back to where I
> was. (I trashed the file system baaaad)
> Under debian, I am using an install program (apt-get) to install stuff
> rather than using makefiles, so I don't have control of the options
> passed to the ./config script I don't think. Can anyone point me in the
> direction of somewhere that may explain this please ?
From Marc-Andre.Morin at Fri Nov 8 11:23:33 2002
From: Marc-Andre.Morin at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?=22Morin=2C_Marc-Andr=E9=22?=)
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 14:23:33 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] How to run MapServer with Tomcat 4.1?
Message-ID: <>
Hi everybody,
I'm trying to run MapServer Demo Application with Tomcat 4.1 from Apache.
If I have well understood the documention about it ( ), my CGI
script has to be placed in the WEB-INF folder of my web application.
My web.xml file seems like that:
MapServer Demo
MapServer Demo Application
And my demo_init.html file seems like that:
MapServer Demo Interface
MapServer Demo Interface
Click on the initialize button to fire up the demo with 3 layers turned on
will be accessible for browsing. The
data are of Itasca County, MN and were derived, for the most part, from USGS
1:24,000 quadrangles. Some things to note are:
If anyone could help me, it would be really appreciated!
Thanks in advance,
From mzm at Fri Nov 8 13:12:08 2002
From: mzm at (Michael Mio)
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 13:12:08 -0800
Subject: [mapserver-users] Help With Queries
Hi everyone. Well I got my page working with zooming, and panning, and
turning layers on and off. Many thanks to all that replied and helped me
out. Now I am having some trouble with doing some queries. I have been using
the Mapserver Demo as a reference and have been trying to follow that
example. However my page is not working the way the demo is. For the two
layers that I want to do queries on , I have three files. So for a raods
layer, I have roads.html, roads_header.html, and roads_footer.html. The
header file sets up the table I will use to store the information, the body
file has the field names I want returned, such as [Name] for the Name field,
and the footer just closes off the table I am storing the information in. I
also added a header and footer file for my main template. The header of that
returns coordinate information for my query and the footer returns two maps,
a standard querymap and a cached query map, which show the area I am
querying. So when I click on a road, it goes to the new page, and the
coordinate information comes up and the standard query map comes up. The
cached query map doesn't appear and when I look in the temp directory for
the qy file it is trying to access, it is there. Then for the information I
want returned, the table comes up, but for the answers, whatever I defined
in my roads.html is what shows up. So if I wanted the [Name] field to be
returned, [Name] shows up, and not the actual name of the road. Anyone have
any ideas or suggestions for this? I hope this email has been clear. Thank
you for your time.
Michael Mio
ImageCat, Inc.
From DMartin at Fri Nov 8 13:27:27 2002
From: DMartin at (Martin, Daniel)
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 15:27:27 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] layer transparent
Message-ID: <>
There are two ways to go about that, AFAIK. They are quite different, but
it depends on what effect you are trying to achieve.
One is to use a PIXMAP symbol with a setting for TRANSPARENT:
NAME 'dither-black-25_percent'
IMAGE dither-black-25_Percent.gif
In that case, the color in the palette index 1 would be transparent.
Newer versions of MapServer (not sure, I think 3.6+) support a setting in
the layer object:
This sets the layer at 30% of full.
Hope that helps,
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ivan Paoluzzi [mailto:tesimap at]
> Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 12:39 PM
> To: mapserver-users at
> Subject: [mapserver-users] layer transparent
> Hi all,
> I have a layer of polygons:
> NAME circ_tutte
> DATA circ_tutte
> COLOR 255 255 208
> Is it possible to render your COLOR transparent?
> Regards
> Ivan
> _________________________________________________________________
> Comunica le tue emozioni in tempo reale con MSN Messenger!
From steve.lime at Fri Nov 8 13:55:41 2002
From: steve.lime at (Steve Lime)
Date: Fri, 08 Nov 2002 15:55:41 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] symbols scalable?
It's possible with truetype text but not in general with other symbol
>>> Drew from Zhrodague 11/07/02 04:40PM >>>
> use SIZEUNITS in the CLASS to specify either pixels (that way it will
> the same screen size) or some measurement scale such as feet or
On a slightly related note, is there a way to angle a particular
scaled-symbol to another object, say the angle of a street, or other
From paul at Fri Nov 8 14:15:53 2002
From: paul at (Paul Smith)
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 16:15:53 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] Associating Postgresql data with shapes from a shapefile
I have a shapefile with DBF, using PHP mapscript. I want to pull in
data from a Postgresql database query that I can associate with shapes
in the shapefile using an index that's in the DBF. The purpose is then
to be able to use the new data in the "setExpression" method of a layer
class. What's the best way to do this? I want to do this on the fly
without creating a new shapefile/DBF, the main reason being I want to
keep the data in the Postgresql database.
Paul Smith
Center for Neighborhood Technology
Chicago, IL USA
From pkishor at Fri Nov 8 14:50:40 2002
From: pkishor at (Puneet Kishor)
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 16:50:40 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] Debian ?
In-Reply-To: <001101c28742$200142a0$7b2bcfd9@Frink>
Message-ID: <>
On Friday, November 8, 2002, at 10:15 AM, evilC wrote:
> Hi, I am pretty new to linux, I am trying to set up mapserver with
> php-mapscript under debian (woody 3.0 install)
> My problem is that I get an error which says that I need to recompile
> php with --system-regex I think it was as it was complaining that
> php4's
> regex was bad.
well, that's what you need to do. If apt-get is unable to do that for
you then you need to download the source and configure with
--system-regex, make, make install.
From pkishor at Fri Nov 8 14:55:47 2002
From: pkishor at (Puneet Kishor)
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 16:55:47 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] Help With Interactice Mapserver Applications
Message-ID: <>
On Thursday, November 7, 2002, at 07:28 PM, Michael Mio wrote:
> Hi everyone. I am a relatively new Mapserver user and could use some
> help on
> a few things. I am having a hard time getting my Mapserver
> applications to
> be interactive. I've found some tutorials online but none of them seem
> to
> explain that parts that I need explaining. Lots of the applications
> I've
> come across have an interface with a map that you can click on, some
> toggle
> buttons, layers you can turn on and off, and then a refresh/query
> submit
> button. I am wondering what exactly happens when that submit button is
> clicked. I guess those values are sent to the Mapserver application
> and then
> Mapserver outputs a new map based on those parameters? I kind of
> understand
> the .map and template files and how they work, and I have been able to
> get a
> page up with some layers showing and some options to choose from.
well, you got that right. Mapserver needs the map file at the very
least to create a map. If you were to not give it any value, it would
create a map based on the values from the map file. If you send some
values to mapserver, it customizes the default map for you.
No matter what method you are using, mapserver as a cgi or mapserver
with mapscript, you need to send the values correctly to mapserver.
That is what the submit button does... tells it to either turn on|off a
layer, pan|zoom|query the map, etc.
> However
> when I click submit, I get the message saying the page cannot be found.
check out your web page, the one where you click submit... you clicking
submit to a form... the form has an action... that action tells it
which page to go to... that page has the info necessary to make the
calls to mapserver.
I am assuming you are using mapserver as a cgi. Open up the files in
the itasca demo with a text editor and things will be clear to you...
provided, of course, that you have at least some experience with web
scripts. It is quite simple. The itasca demo is a great place to start.
If you are using php/mapscript, check out dmsolutions' gmap scripts, or
with perl check out the wiki has a lot of help.
From tpcolson at Fri Nov 8 15:32:38 2002
From: tpcolson at (Thomas P. Colson)
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 18:32:38 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] Performance issues
Message-ID: <>
I too, would like to thank all the people who answered my questions, and helped me get my Beta app running (which is ulitmately going to be the interface for a University Sponsored Watershed Management System).
Performance Question:
>From behind my firewall, on a 100 MB link, pages load quickly, works great.
Outside the firewall (T1), sometimes GIFS don't load, or the scale bar, etc...
this is running on a 1 GHZ w/ 1 GB RAM, RH 7.3
What do I need to "tweak" either in mapserver or apache to boost image delivery? Ultimately, 100's of users will be accessing this.
From tesimap at Sat Nov 9 05:36:20 2002
From: tesimap at (Ivan Paoluzzi)
Date: Sat, 09 Nov 2002 14:36:20 +0100
Subject: [mapserver-users] symbols scalable?
Thanks Steve,
I thought that it wasn't possible, but I have asked equally for a
>From: "Steve Lime"
>To: ,
>CC: , ,
>Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] symbols scalable?
>Date: Fri, 08 Nov 2002 15:55:41 -0600
>It's possible with truetype text but not in general with other symbol
> >>> Drew from Zhrodague 11/07/02 04:40PM >>>
> > use SIZEUNITS in the CLASS to specify either pixels (that way it will
> > the same screen size) or some measurement scale such as feet or
> On a slightly related note, is there a way to angle a particular
>scaled-symbol to another object, say the angle of a street, or other
Comunica in un ?altra dimensione con MSN Extra Storage!
From tesimap at Sat Nov 9 05:46:49 2002
From: tesimap at (Ivan Paoluzzi)
Date: Sat, 09 Nov 2002 14:46:49 +0100
Subject: [mapserver-users] layer transparent
but I have forgotten to tell that I'm using, in this project, mapserver 3.5
I'm searching a method to render transparent a layer of polygons such as
TRANSPARENCY in mapserver 3.6
>From: "Martin, Daniel"
>To: 'Ivan Paoluzzi' ,
>mapserver-users at
>Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] layer transparent
>Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 15:27:27 -0600
>There are two ways to go about that, AFAIK. They are quite different, but
>it depends on what effect you are trying to achieve.
>One is to use a PIXMAP symbol with a setting for TRANSPARENT:
> NAME 'dither-black-25_percent'
> IMAGE dither-black-25_Percent.gif
>In that case, the color in the palette index 1 would be transparent.
>Newer versions of MapServer (not sure, I think 3.6+) support a setting in
>the layer object:
>This sets the layer at 30% of full.
>Hope that helps,
Solo posta desiderata. Solo promozioni mozzafiato. MSN Offerte Speciali
From rich at Sat Nov 9 07:08:16 2002
From: rich at (Richard Greenwood)
Date: Sat, 09 Nov 2002 08:08:16 -0700
Subject: [mapserver-users] Performance issues
In-Reply-To: <8A13872FF821F4488B4A629647DC0C7102C9A4@mailman.nexussoft.c
Message-ID: <>
>Outside the firewall (T1), sometimes GIFS don't load, or the scale bar, etc...
What browser? I notice that IE gets "impatient" and doesn't always display
all images. This behavior is not limited to mapserver.
Remember that a T1 is only 1.5 Mb max. If your application is working
correctly behind your firewall, and poorly outside of it, then you probably
need to look at your infrastructure, rather than at mapserver.
Richard W. Greenwood, PLS
(307) 733-0203
Rich at
From krung at Sat Nov 9 09:09:08 2002
From: krung at (krung)
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 00:09:08 +0700
Subject: [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
Message-ID: <>
Hi Lowell, Puneet
I tried as you told me. If I ran with command line, mapserver.log was created whem error occured. But when run on Apache, mapserver's never created as error occured. (access right with this directory'd set to 777 already) So I checked it at error_log of httpd log file, but it's non-sense to me. It showed only "Premature of script headers: /usr/mapserver/".
And I tried to change script logic flow as you, Puneet, told me. It's the same error as before (Internal Server Error).
Do I have to specially configure when I create mapserver program? Any comments, help, advice would be graceful.
Thank you
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Lowell Filak"
Date: Thu, 07 Nov 2002 08:24:06 -0500
>You can try adding the line noted below and see if a file mapserver.log exists in the current directory and if it reports an error.
>If the mapserver.log file isn't created then try changing the path of the log file to somewhere writeable by the apache process.
>Lowell F.
>The following message was sent by "Krung Saengpole" on Thu, 7 Nov 2002 18:45:20 +0700.
>> Hello all,
>> I had trouble getting perl mapscript run on Apache 1.3.26 under RH 7.2. Mapscript compiled from mapserver 3.6.3.
>> My script is:
>> #!/usr/bin/perl
>> use mapscript;
>> use CGI qw/:standard/;
>$ENV{MS_ERRORFILE} = "mapserver.log"; <--Try adding this line.
>> print header();
>> print start_html();
>> $map = new mapObj('');
>> $img = $map->draw(); # <---- error took place here
>> $img->saveImage('file.png', $mapscript::MS_PNG,1,1,0);
>> ....
>> ....
>> What I did wrong with this script or anything else? But I could run this script at command line. I'm very new to Linux. I tried to write a script that open database and run under Apache, it had no problem. So, I thought it should not be wrong with Apache configuration.
>> Thank you in advance.
>> Krung.
From jnovak at Sat Nov 9 11:14:15 2002
From: jnovak at (Administrator)
Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2002 11:14:15 -0800
Subject: [mapserver-users] Rendering grids with mapserver
Message-ID: <>
Greetings Mapserver users:
I am investigating rendering lines of latiitude and longitude as part of
a mapserver application which displays maps in a latlong projection. I
have not seen any mapserver applications that render a grid except for
DMSolution's Rosa demo. It appears that the grid layer for this
application is a prerendered vector layer.
Does anyone have knowledge of other mapserver applications that are
displaying grids ?
Thanks in advance for your help,
John Novak
-------------- next part --------------
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From pkishor at Sat Nov 9 17:36:00 2002
From: pkishor at (Puneet Kishor)
Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2002 19:36:00 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
In-Reply-To: <>
On Saturday, November 9, 2002, at 11:09 AM, krung wrote:
> Hi Lowell, Puneet
> I tried as you told me. If I ran with command line, mapserver.log was
> created whem error occured. But when run on Apache, mapserver's never
> created as error occured. (access right with this directory'd set to
> 777 already) So I checked it at error_log of httpd log file, but it's
> non-sense to me. It showed only "Premature of script headers:
> /usr/mapserver/".
> And I tried to change script logic flow as you, Puneet, told me. It's
> the same error as before (Internal Server Error).
You really have to tell us what the error is. The "Internal Server
Error" is the end result. Usually, that end result is the result of one
or more errors happening in tandem. Do the following (assuming your
apache log is under /var/log/httpd/)... type "tail -f
/var/log/httpd/error_log". This will output the last few lines of the
log file on your stdout, and keep the handle open. Now run your
mapserver script via the web server. You will see the tail output
change. Copy the lines that were outputted as a result of your last
attempt to load the mapserver page. Mail that to the list. Then we will
know better what is going on.
Another question. In your message you say
>>> $img = $map->draw(); # <---- error took place here
How do you know that the error took place there? Usually the script
breaks because of an error before the break.
Again, send us all the error messages. Only then can we help.
I am assuming that perl runs fine as cgi on your computer otherwise.
> Do I have to specially configure when I create mapserver program? Any
> comments, help, advice would be graceful.
> Thank you
> Krung
> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: "Lowell Filak"
> Date: Thu, 07 Nov 2002 08:24:06 -0500
>> You can try adding the line noted below and see if a file
>> mapserver.log exists in the current directory and if it reports an
>> error.
>> If the mapserver.log file isn't created then try changing the path of
>> the log file to somewhere writeable by the apache process.
>> HTH
>> Lowell F.
>> The following message was sent by "Krung Saengpole"
>> on Thu, 7 Nov 2002 18:45:20 +0700.
>>> Hello all,
>>> I had trouble getting perl mapscript run on Apache 1.3.26 under RH
>>> 7.2. Mapscript compiled from mapserver 3.6.3.
>>> My script is:
>>> #!/usr/bin/perl
>>> use mapscript;
>>> use CGI qw/:standard/;
>> $ENV{MS_ERRORFILE} = "mapserver.log"; <--Try adding this line.
>>> print header();
>>> print start_html();
>>> $map = new mapObj('');
>>> $img = $map->draw(); # <---- error took place here
>>> $img->saveImage('file.png', $mapscript::MS_PNG,1,1,0);
>>> ....
>>> ....
>>> What I did wrong with this script or anything else? But I could run
>>> this script at command line. I'm very new to Linux. I tried to write
>>> a script that open database and run under Apache, it had no problem.
>>> So, I thought it should not be wrong with Apache configuration.
>>> Thank you in advance.
>>> Krung.
From mapserver at Sun Nov 10 02:48:12 2002
From: mapserver at (Nicol Hermann)
Date: 10 Nov 2002 11:48:12 +0100
Subject: [mapserver-users] Set Colors with php_mapscript in 3.7
Message-ID: <1036925297.547.20.camel@katrin>
Dear List,
how can i set colors with php_mapscript in Mapserver 3.7?
I am using the following code with 3.6.3 which works fine.
$classObj = ms_newClassObj($layer);
$classObj -> set("color", $map->addColor(255, 255, 0) );
$classObj -> set("outlinecolor", $map->addColor(0, 0, 0) );
The same code causes a fatal error with the CVS Version of 3.7:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: addcolor() in
/home/nicol/public_html/mapserver/ on line 499
I also tried:
$colorindex = $map->addColor(255, 255, 0);
$classObj -> set("color", $colorindex );
The result is the same.
What am I doing wrong?
From krung at Sun Nov 10 07:05:09 2002
From: krung at (krung)
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 22:05:09 +0700
Subject: [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
Message-ID: <>
As I told you last message, error_log showed no cause except "[Sun Nov 10 22.04.55] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: /map/".
I didn't know if I checked for error line correctly. I script it:
use mapscript;
use CGI qw/:standard/;
print header();
$map = new mapObj("") or print "couldn't open map file\n";
unless ($map) { exit;}
print 'OK';exit; <-- this line for checking openning map file and be removed if it prints.
$img = $map->draw() or print "images couldn't be drawn\n";
unless ($img) { exit;}
In line "print 'OK';exit;", I used it to check if openning mapfile had error. It printed 'OK', so it could open mapfile. Then I removed it out and re-run the script. It showed "Internal Server Error" to my browser. Error message I got from error_log in /etc/httpd/logs/error_log and /var/log/httpd/error_log was that I showed you in the beginning of this message. I didn't know what and how to solve this trouble.
Thank you
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Puneet Kishor
Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2002 19:36:00 -0600
>On Saturday, November 9, 2002, at 11:09 AM, krung wrote:
>> Hi Lowell, Puneet
>> I tried as you told me. If I ran with command line, mapserver.log was
>> created whem error occured. But when run on Apache, mapserver's never
>> created as error occured. (access right with this directory'd set to
>> 777 already) So I checked it at error_log of httpd log file, but it's
>> non-sense to me. It showed only "Premature of script headers:
>> /usr/mapserver/".
>> And I tried to change script logic flow as you, Puneet, told me. It's
>> the same error as before (Internal Server Error).
>You really have to tell us what the error is. The "Internal Server
>Error" is the end result. Usually, that end result is the result of one
>or more errors happening in tandem. Do the following (assuming your
>apache log is under /var/log/httpd/)... type "tail -f
>/var/log/httpd/error_log". This will output the last few lines of the
>log file on your stdout, and keep the handle open. Now run your
>mapserver script via the web server. You will see the tail output
>change. Copy the lines that were outputted as a result of your last
>attempt to load the mapserver page. Mail that to the list. Then we will
>know better what is going on.
>Another question. In your message you say
>>>> $img = $map->draw(); # <---- error took place here
>How do you know that the error took place there? Usually the script
>breaks because of an error before the break.
>Again, send us all the error messages. Only then can we help.
>I am assuming that perl runs fine as cgi on your computer otherwise.
>> Do I have to specially configure when I create mapserver program? Any
>> comments, help, advice would be graceful.
>> Thank you
>> Krung
>> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
>> From: "Lowell Filak"
>> Date: Thu, 07 Nov 2002 08:24:06 -0500
>>> You can try adding the line noted below and see if a file
>>> mapserver.log exists in the current directory and if it reports an
>>> error.
>>> If the mapserver.log file isn't created then try changing the path of
>>> the log file to somewhere writeable by the apache process.
>>> HTH
>>> Lowell F.
>>> The following message was sent by "Krung Saengpole"
>>> on Thu, 7 Nov 2002 18:45:20 +0700.
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> I had trouble getting perl mapscript run on Apache 1.3.26 under RH
>>>> 7.2. Mapscript compiled from mapserver 3.6.3.
>>>> My script is:
>>>> #!/usr/bin/perl
>>>> use mapscript;
>>>> use CGI qw/:standard/;
>>> $ENV{MS_ERRORFILE} = "mapserver.log"; <--Try adding this line.
>>>> print header();
>>>> print start_html();
>>>> $map = new mapObj('');
>>>> $img = $map->draw(); # <---- error took place here
>>>> $img->saveImage('file.png', $mapscript::MS_PNG,1,1,0);
>>>> ....
>>>> ....
>>>> What I did wrong with this script or anything else? But I could run
>>>> this script at command line. I'm very new to Linux. I tried to write
>>>> a script that open database and run under Apache, it had no problem.
>>>> So, I thought it should not be wrong with Apache configuration.
>>>> Thank you in advance.
>>>> Krung.
From pkishor at Sun Nov 10 07:56:35 2002
From: pkishor at (Puneet Kishor)
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 09:56:35 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
In-Reply-To: <>
Note my response below --
On Sunday, November 10, 2002, at 09:05 AM, krung wrote:
> Puneet
> As I told you last message, error_log showed no cause except "[Sun Nov
> 10 22.04.55] [error] [client] Premature end of script
> headers: /map/".
please post not just the last line, but several lines _before_ the last
line as well. The last line tells you that the ultimate cause of script
dying was "Premature end of script headers...". However, the lines
before that will provide the clue as to what led to a premature end.
Do this... tail . Note the timestamp of the last line.
Run your webpage. Email us all the lines added to the logfile _since_
the timestamp you noted above.
> ..
> $map = new mapObj("") or print "couldn't open map file\n";
> unless ($map) { exit;}
here is a better way to replace the above two lines with... all
accomplished on one line.
# create a new map object
die $mapscript::ms_error->{message} unless $map = new
> ..
> In line "print 'OK';exit;", I used it to check if openning mapfile had
> error. It printed 'OK', so it could open mapfile. Then I removed it
> out and re-run the script. It showed "Internal Server Error" to my
> browser. Error message I got from error_log in
> /etc/httpd/logs/error_log and /var/log/httpd/error_log was that I
> showed you in the beginning of this message.
how can you have two apache logs... you will have only one, either
under /etc/httpd/logs OR under /var/log/httpd. Make sure you are
looking at the correct one before you inspect it with the tail command.
VERY IMPT. Please run perl with the -w switch like so
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
This will print out a whole slew of warnings that will help you get to
the bottom of your problem.
> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: Puneet Kishor
> Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2002 19:36:00 -0600
>> On Saturday, November 9, 2002, at 11:09 AM, krung wrote:
>>> Hi Lowell, Puneet
>>> I tried as you told me. If I ran with command line, mapserver.log was
>>> created whem error occured. But when run on Apache, mapserver's never
>>> created as error occured. (access right with this directory'd set to
>>> 777 already) So I checked it at error_log of httpd log file, but it's
>>> non-sense to me. It showed only "Premature of script headers:
>>> /usr/mapserver/".
>>> And I tried to change script logic flow as you, Puneet, told me. It's
>>> the same error as before (Internal Server Error).
>> Krung,
>> You really have to tell us what the error is. The "Internal Server
>> Error" is the end result. Usually, that end result is the result of
>> one
>> or more errors happening in tandem. Do the following (assuming your
>> apache log is under /var/log/httpd/)... type "tail -f
>> /var/log/httpd/error_log". This will output the last few lines of the
>> log file on your stdout, and keep the handle open. Now run your
>> mapserver script via the web server. You will see the tail output
>> change. Copy the lines that were outputted as a result of your last
>> attempt to load the mapserver page. Mail that to the list. Then we
>> will
>> know better what is going on.
>> Another question. In your message you say
>>>>> $img = $map->draw(); # <---- error took place here
>> How do you know that the error took place there? Usually the script
>> breaks because of an error before the break.
>> Again, send us all the error messages. Only then can we help.
>> I am assuming that perl runs fine as cgi on your computer otherwise.
>> pk/
>>> Do I have to specially configure when I create mapserver program? Any
>>> comments, help, advice would be graceful.
>>> Thank you
>>> Krung
>>> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
>>> From: "Lowell Filak"
>>> Date: Thu, 07 Nov 2002 08:24:06 -0500
>>>> You can try adding the line noted below and see if a file
>>>> mapserver.log exists in the current directory and if it reports an
>>>> error.
>>>> If the mapserver.log file isn't created then try changing the path
>>>> of
>>>> the log file to somewhere writeable by the apache process.
>>>> HTH
>>>> Lowell F.
>>>> The following message was sent by "Krung Saengpole"
>>>> on Thu, 7 Nov 2002 18:45:20 +0700.
>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>> I had trouble getting perl mapscript run on Apache 1.3.26 under RH
>>>>> 7.2. Mapscript compiled from mapserver 3.6.3.
>>>>> My script is:
>>>>> #!/usr/bin/perl
>>>>> use mapscript;
>>>>> use CGI qw/:standard/;
>>>> $ENV{MS_ERRORFILE} = "mapserver.log"; <--Try adding this line.
>>>>> print header();
>>>>> print start_html();
>>>>> $map = new mapObj('');
>>>>> $img = $map->draw(); # <---- error took place here
>>>>> $img->saveImage('file.png', $mapscript::MS_PNG,1,1,0);
>>>>> ....
>>>>> ....
>>>>> What I did wrong with this script or anything else? But I could run
>>>>> this script at command line. I'm very new to Linux. I tried to
>>>>> write
>>>>> a script that open database and run under Apache, it had no
>>>>> problem.
>>>>> So, I thought it should not be wrong with Apache configuration.
>>>>> Thank you in advance.
>>>>> Krung.
From bfraser at Sun Nov 10 10:46:14 2002
From: bfraser at (Brent Fraser)
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 11:46:14 -0700
Subject: [mapserver-users] Rendering grids with mapserver
References: <>
Message-ID: <041001c288e9$73079730$020002c0@SHARK>
After some discussion with Steve Lime about functionality etc, I filed the
following enhancement request
"Mapserver needs the ability to automatically add coordinate system grid,
graticule, tic marks, labels around perimeter of map (similar to
found in ArcView's Graticule extension)."
As a work-around, I currently use a shapefile of lat/lon lines with
attributes for labelling and filtering based on scale. This method works ok
but I can't get the labels to stay on the bottom and left of the map (one of
these days I'll fire up the debugger and see what's going on).
Brent Fraser
----- Original Message -----
From: Administrator
To: mapserver-users at
Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 12:14 PM
Subject: [mapserver-users] Rendering grids with mapserver
Greetings Mapserver users:
I am investigating rendering lines of latiitude and longitude as part of a
mapserver application which displays maps in a latlong projection. I have
not seen any mapserver applications that render a grid except for
DMSolution's Rosa demo. It appears that the grid layer for this application
is a prerendered vector layer.
Does anyone have knowledge of other mapserver applications that are
displaying grids ?
Thanks in advance for your help,
John Novak
From jnovak at Sun Nov 10 12:17:24 2002
From: jnovak at (Administrator)
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 12:17:24 -0800
Subject: [mapserver-users] Rendering grids with mapserver
Message-ID: <>
Thanks, Brent. I'll add some additional comments to the enhancement
-----Original Message-----
From: Brent Fraser [mailto:bfraser at]
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 10:46 AM
To: Administrator; mapserver-users at
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Rendering grids with mapserver
After some discussion with Steve Lime about functionality etc, I filed
the following enhancement request
"Mapserver needs the ability to automatically add coordinate system
grid, graticule, tic marks, labels around perimeter of map (similar to
functionality found in ArcView's Graticule extension)."
As a work-around, I currently use a shapefile of lat/lon lines with
attributes for labelling and filtering based on scale. This method
works ok but I can't get the labels to stay on the bottom and left of
the map (one of these days I'll fire up the debugger and see what's
going on).
Brent Fraser
----- Original Message -----
From: Administrator
To: mapserver-users at
Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 12:14 PM
Subject: [mapserver-users] Rendering grids with mapserver
Greetings Mapserver users:
I am investigating rendering lines of latiitude and longitude as part of
a mapserver application which displays maps in a latlong projection. I
have not seen any mapserver applications that render a grid except for
DMSolution's Rosa demo. It appears that the grid layer for this
application is a prerendered vector layer.
Does anyone have knowledge of other mapserver applications that are
displaying grids ?
Thanks in advance for your help,
John Novak
From Antti.Roppola at Sun Nov 10 19:48:04 2002
From: Antti.Roppola at (Antti.Roppola at
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 14:48:04 +1100
Subject: [mapserver-users] Debian ?
Message-ID: <4D6E6CCBC9CED61192720060B06B3DD7C3FADD@ACTMAIL2>
There are detailed instructions for building PHP/Mapscript
under Debian on the Wiki.
I just installed PHP using apt and then inserted my manually built
PHP (using system regex). It's a very small change and if you do it
correctly, you won't break package management/dependancies.
I believe Paul Baker has debs that will build a CGI PHP install that
uses the system regex. That would be even neater. You may also want
to add deb-src entries to your sources.list and build your own PHP
package by changing the build rules.
-----Original Message-----
From: evilC [mailto:evilc at]
Sent: Saturday, 9 November 2002 3:16 AM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: [mapserver-users] Debian ?
Hi, I am pretty new to linux, I am trying to set up mapserver with
php-mapscript under debian (woody 3.0 install)
My problem is that I get an error which says that I need to recompile
php with --system-regex I think it was as it was complaining that php4's
regex was bad.
I am sorry about the vagueness of this, but I have been at this 25+
hours straight and it will take a bit of digging to get back to where I
was. (I trashed the file system baaaad)
Under debian, I am using an install program (apt-get) to install stuff
rather than using makefiles, so I don't have control of the options
passed to the ./config script I don't think. Can anyone point me in the
direction of somewhere that may explain this please ?
From Antti.Roppola at Sun Nov 10 19:55:08 2002
From: Antti.Roppola at (Antti.Roppola at
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 14:55:08 +1100
Subject: [mapserver-users] Performance issues
Message-ID: <4D6E6CCBC9CED61192720060B06B3DD7C3FADE@ACTMAIL2>
Was this an issue on your server, or was it in the hosting environment?
Near as I can tell, our organisation's web proxy is a significant
bottleneck, I am hoping that fiddling with caching pragmas in the
sent pages may get us better performance. Anyone been experimenting?
You could append the time taken to generate each page on the bottom
of the page. I am guessing your pages are rendering as fast as they
ever did, but take longer to navigate your proxy/firewall/DMZ.
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas P. Colson [mailto:tpcolson at]
Sent: Saturday, 9 November 2002 10:33 AM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: [mapserver-users] Performance issues
I too, would like to thank all the people who answered my questions, and helped me get my Beta app running (which is ulitmately going to be the interface for a University Sponsored Watershed Management System).
Performance Question:
>From behind my firewall, on a 100 MB link, pages load quickly, works great.
Outside the firewall (T1), sometimes GIFS don't load, or the scale bar, etc...
this is running on a 1 GHZ w/ 1 GB RAM, RH 7.3
What do I need to "tweak" either in mapserver or apache to boost image delivery? Ultimately, 100's of users will be accessing this.
From jnovak at Sun Nov 10 20:07:52 2002
From: jnovak at (Administrator)
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 20:07:52 -0800
Subject: [mapserver-users] Performance issues
Message-ID: <>
Is the map Walnut Creek CA ? Just curious, as I'm on the peninsula
south of SF.
I saw something similar to your issue, although both internally and
externally. I had my web server, IIS, configured for only 5 concurrent
connections. The Rosa applet got very unhappy about the small number of
connections and apparently was somewhat confused by it. I would see
random subsets of the buttons on the toolbar appearing as I repeatedly
refreshed the page.
BTW, I noticed that your app zooms in properly given a mouse click but
does nothing when presented with a rectangular selection area.
John Novak
-----Original Message-----
From: Antti.Roppola at [mailto:Antti.Roppola at]
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 7:55 PM
To: tpcolson at
Cc: mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] Performance issues
Was this an issue on your server, or was it in the hosting environment?
Near as I can tell, our organisation's web proxy is a significant
bottleneck, I am hoping that fiddling with caching pragmas in the sent
pages may get us better performance. Anyone been experimenting?
You could append the time taken to generate each page on the bottom of
the page. I am guessing your pages are rendering as fast as they ever
did, but take longer to navigate your proxy/firewall/DMZ.
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas P. Colson [mailto:tpcolson at]
Sent: Saturday, 9 November 2002 10:33 AM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: [mapserver-users] Performance issues
I too, would like to thank all the people who answered my questions, and
helped me get my Beta app running (which is ulitmately going to be the
interface for a University Sponsored Watershed Management System).
Performance Question:
>From behind my firewall, on a 100 MB link, pages load quickly, works
Outside the firewall (T1), sometimes GIFS don't load, or the scale bar,
this is running on a 1 GHZ w/ 1 GB RAM, RH 7.3
What do I need to "tweak" either in mapserver or apache to boost image
delivery? Ultimately, 100's of users will be accessing this.
From antonienko at Sun Nov 10 23:04:16 2002
From: antonienko at (Antonio Hernandez Sanchez)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 08:04:16 +0100
Subject: [mapserver-users] New list for spanish users
Message-ID: <003201c28950$90442810$0100a8c0@antonienko>
Please, excuse me for using spanish here, but this is a message about a new
mapserver list in spanish language.
He creado una lista para usuarios hispano-parlantes de mapserver, para que
podamos entendernos en nuestro propio idioma.
Si quer?is daros de alta, pod?is hacerlo en la siguiente p?gina:
Acabo de crearla, as? que el n?mero de usuarios dados de alta es de (dejadme
contar...) s?, 1, exactamente 1. :-)
Espero que sea de utilidad para todos.
Antonio Hern?ndez
From srodriguez at Mon Nov 11 05:40:16 2002
From: srodriguez at (Seth Rodriguez)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 08:40:16 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Message-ID: <000701c28987$df5efdd0$7a05a8c0@12GVD11>
I have been asked by the boss to develop some new marketable GIS skills.
Our company does a lot of work in the transportation industry. One task
in our transportation work is to do public involvement. So I have
suggested developing project websites with web-based project mapping
using MapServer, which I was introduced to at an ArcView training. To
assess the usability of the software, I wanted to implement a test to
show the boss. Unfortunately, my programming experience is limited to a
bit of avenue, AML, VB, and html, none of which I would say I am fluent
in. Fortunately, the description of the software notes that programming
is not required for basic use.
I apologize for my novice questions, but I am having some problems off
the bat. I have downloaded the newest version (3.6.3) and the demo, but
have not found any executables in the zips. I am assuming that this is
due to a corrupted download. I also noticed that the software is known
to run on 95, 98, and NT. I am running XP on my machine. Will this be a
problem? I can move to another machine if needed.
I hope that I am not biting off too much with this task. Luckily for me,
I am a quick learner. Would anyone out there please consider taking a
young, ambitious consultant under their wing to help him impress his
boss? I will be forever grateful.
Thanks for your time.
Seth Rodriguez
Environmental Scientist
GIS Analyst
Maguire Group Inc.
564 Forbes Avenue, Suite 1212
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(412) 281-6393
(412) 281-7908 FAX
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From Bjarni.Pjetursson at Mon Nov 11 05:47:09 2002
From: Bjarni.Pjetursson at (Bjarni Pjetursson)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 14:47:09 +0100
Subject: [mapserver-users] Suggestion for added functionality: Nautic miles
Message-ID: <>
Hi list,
I would like to suggest support for nautic miles in MapServer. Looking at
the source code, it should be easy to implement along with the other units
like meters and kilometers.
Bjarni Thor Pjetursson
TietoEnator Consulting, Denmark
From tpcolson at Mon Nov 11 06:15:50 2002
From: tpcolson at (Thomas P. Colson)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 09:15:50 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Message-ID: <>
What are your Linux Skills? It works much better "out of the box" on Red Hat. I'd stay away from "Winders".
-----Original Message-----
From: Seth Rodriguez [mailto:srodriguez at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 8:40 AM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
I have been asked by the boss to develop some new marketable GIS skills. Our company does a lot of work in the transportation industry. One task in our transportation work is to do public involvement. So I have suggested developing project websites with web-based project mapping using MapServer, which I was introduced to at an ArcView training. To assess the usability of the software, I wanted to implement a test to show the boss. Unfortunately, my programming experience is limited to a bit of avenue, AML, VB, and html, none of which I would say I am fluent in. Fortunately, the description of the software notes that programming is not required for basic use.
I apologize for my novice questions, but I am having some problems off the bat. I have downloaded the newest version (3.6.3) and the demo, but have not found any executables in the zips. I am assuming that this is due to a corrupted download. I also noticed that the software is known to run on 95, 98, and NT. I am running XP on my machine. Will this be a problem? I can move to another machine if needed.
I hope that I am not biting off too much with this task. Luckily for me, I am a quick learner. Would anyone out there please consider taking a young, ambitious consultant under their wing to help him impress his boss? I will be forever grateful.
Thanks for your time.
Seth Rodriguez
Environmental Scientist
GIS Analyst
Maguire Group Inc.
564 Forbes Avenue, Suite 1212
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(412) 281-6393
(412) 281-7908 FAX
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From Ericfrost at Mon Nov 11 06:44:21 2002
From: Ericfrost at (Eric - HRA)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 08:44:21 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] Unsubscribe
Message-ID: <001301c28990$d28ce460$>
Please remove my name from the list.
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From evilc at Mon Nov 11 07:25:02 2002
From: evilc at (evilC)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 15:25:02 -0000
Subject: [mapserver-users] Debian ?
In-Reply-To: <4D6E6CCBC9CED61192720060B06B3DD7C3FADD@ACTMAIL2>
Message-ID: <000101c28996$81294360$7b2bcfd9@Frink>
Thanks for the info
-----Original Message-----
From: Antti.Roppola at [mailto:Antti.Roppola at]
Sent: 11 November 2002 03:48
To: evilc at; mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] Debian ?
There are detailed instructions for building PHP/Mapscript
under Debian on the Wiki.
I just installed PHP using apt and then inserted my manually built
PHP (using system regex). It's a very small change and if you do it
correctly, you won't break package management/dependancies.
I believe Paul Baker has debs that will build a CGI PHP install that
uses the system regex. That would be even neater. You may also want
to add deb-src entries to your sources.list and build your own PHP
package by changing the build rules.
-----Original Message-----
From: evilC [mailto:evilc at]
Sent: Saturday, 9 November 2002 3:16 AM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: [mapserver-users] Debian ?
Hi, I am pretty new to linux, I am trying to set up mapserver with
php-mapscript under debian (woody 3.0 install)
My problem is that I get an error which says that I need to recompile
php with --system-regex I think it was as it was complaining that php4's
regex was bad.
I am sorry about the vagueness of this, but I have been at this 25+
hours straight and it will take a bit of digging to get back to where I
was. (I trashed the file system baaaad)
Under debian, I am using an install program (apt-get) to install stuff
rather than using makefiles, so I don't have control of the options
passed to the ./config script I don't think. Can anyone point me in the
direction of somewhere that may explain this please ?
From ychen at Mon Nov 11 07:30:28 2002
From: ychen at (Yu-Hsin Chen)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 10:30:28 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Message-ID: <>
Although I've read in this list that MapServer runs on Windows, in the long run, I'd have to agree with Tom that you should try a Linux platform ( or UNIX if you have access to one ).
>From your description I take you might not have experienced Linux/UNIX yet. It does cost 'a little' more to set up a UNIX than a Linux system. If you have a spare computer you can either download or buy ( inexpensively ) installation CD for Linux. Red Hat is a popular commercialized brand. I personally run Mandrake 8.0 with MapServer running either using shape files or directly retrieve data from Oracle. It is not 'that' difficult to set it up.
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas P. Colson [mailto:tpcolson at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 9:16 AM
To: Seth Rodriguez; mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
What are your Linux Skills? It works much better "out of the box" on Red Hat. I'd stay away from "Winders".
-----Original Message-----
From: Seth Rodriguez [mailto:srodriguez at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 8:40 AM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
I have been asked by the boss to develop some new marketable GIS skills. Our company does a lot of work in the transportation industry. One task in our transportation work is to do public involvement. So I have suggested developing project websites with web-based project mapping using MapServer, which I was introduced to at an ArcView training. To assess the usability of the software, I wanted to implement a test to show the boss. Unfortunately, my programming experience is limited to a bit of avenue, AML, VB, and html, none of which I would say I am fluent in. Fortunately, the description of the software notes that programming is not required for basic use.
I apologize for my novice questions, but I am having some problems off the bat. I have downloaded the newest version (3.6.3) and the demo, but have not found any executables in the zips. I am assuming that this is due to a corrupted download. I also noticed that the software is known to run on 95, 98, and NT. I am running XP on my machine. Will this be a problem? I can move to another machine if needed.
I hope that I am not biting off too much with this task. Luckily for me, I am a quick learner. Would anyone out there please consider taking a young, ambitious consultant under their wing to help him impress his boss? I will be forever grateful.
Thanks for your time.
Seth Rodriguez
Environmental Scientist
GIS Analyst
Maguire Group Inc.
564 Forbes Avenue, Suite 1212
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(412) 281-6393
(412) 281-7908 FAX
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From tpcolson at Mon Nov 11 07:40:49 2002
From: tpcolson at (Thomas P. Colson)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 10:40:49 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Message-ID: <>
and here's the link
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas P. Colson
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 10:40 AM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Here's a good link for RH installation:
Hint: Don't install RH with RH PHP installed. Hint 2: Make sure Apache is up and running before you compile any of the libraries. Hint 3: Make sure you get GIF image support running, and tested with the PHP info script. You'll pull your hair out trying to get the demos to work without GIF support (they can work, with a lot of code hacking).
-----Original Message-----
From: Yu-Hsin Chen [mailto:ychen at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 10:30 AM
To: Thomas P. Colson; Seth Rodriguez; mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Although I've read in this list that MapServer runs on Windows, in the long run, I'd have to agree with Tom that you should try a Linux platform ( or UNIX if you have access to one ).
>From your description I take you might not have experienced Linux/UNIX yet. It does cost 'a little' more to set up a UNIX than a Linux system. If you have a spare computer you can either download or buy ( inexpensively ) installation CD for Linux. Red Hat is a popular commercialized brand. I personally run Mandrake 8.0 with MapServer running either using shape files or directly retrieve data from Oracle. It is not 'that' difficult to set it up.
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas P. Colson [mailto:tpcolson at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 9:16 AM
To: Seth Rodriguez; mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
What are your Linux Skills? It works much better "out of the box" on Red Hat. I'd stay away from "Winders".
-----Original Message-----
From: Seth Rodriguez [mailto:srodriguez at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 8:40 AM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
I have been asked by the boss to develop some new marketable GIS skills. Our company does a lot of work in the transportation industry. One task in our transportation work is to do public involvement. So I have suggested developing project websites with web-based project mapping using MapServer, which I was introduced to at an ArcView training. To assess the usability of the software, I wanted to implement a test to show the boss. Unfortunately, my programming experience is limited to a bit of avenue, AML, VB, and html, none of which I would say I am fluent in. Fortunately, the description of the software notes that programming is not required for basic use.
I apologize for my novice questions, but I am having some problems off the bat. I have downloaded the newest version (3.6.3) and the demo, but have not found any executables in the zips. I am assuming that this is due to a corrupted download. I also noticed that the software is known to run on 95, 98, and NT. I am running XP on my machine. Will this be a problem? I can move to another machine if needed.
I hope that I am not biting off too much with this task. Luckily for me, I am a quick learner. Would anyone out there please consider taking a young, ambitious consultant under their wing to help him impress his boss? I will be forever grateful.
Thanks for your time.
Seth Rodriguez
Environmental Scientist
GIS Analyst
Maguire Group Inc.
564 Forbes Avenue, Suite 1212
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(412) 281-6393
(412) 281-7908 FAX
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From tpcolson at Mon Nov 11 07:40:29 2002
From: tpcolson at (Thomas P. Colson)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 10:40:29 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Message-ID: <>
Here's a good link for RH installation:
Hint: Don't install RH with RH PHP installed. Hint 2: Make sure Apache is up and running before you compile any of the libraries. Hint 3: Make sure you get GIF image support running, and tested with the PHP info script. You'll pull your hair out trying to get the demos to work without GIF support (they can work, with a lot of code hacking).
-----Original Message-----
From: Yu-Hsin Chen [mailto:ychen at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 10:30 AM
To: Thomas P. Colson; Seth Rodriguez; mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Although I've read in this list that MapServer runs on Windows, in the long run, I'd have to agree with Tom that you should try a Linux platform ( or UNIX if you have access to one ).
>From your description I take you might not have experienced Linux/UNIX yet. It does cost 'a little' more to set up a UNIX than a Linux system. If you have a spare computer you can either download or buy ( inexpensively ) installation CD for Linux. Red Hat is a popular commercialized brand. I personally run Mandrake 8.0 with MapServer running either using shape files or directly retrieve data from Oracle. It is not 'that' difficult to set it up.
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas P. Colson [mailto:tpcolson at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 9:16 AM
To: Seth Rodriguez; mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
What are your Linux Skills? It works much better "out of the box" on Red Hat. I'd stay away from "Winders".
-----Original Message-----
From: Seth Rodriguez [mailto:srodriguez at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 8:40 AM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
I have been asked by the boss to develop some new marketable GIS skills. Our company does a lot of work in the transportation industry. One task in our transportation work is to do public involvement. So I have suggested developing project websites with web-based project mapping using MapServer, which I was introduced to at an ArcView training. To assess the usability of the software, I wanted to implement a test to show the boss. Unfortunately, my programming experience is limited to a bit of avenue, AML, VB, and html, none of which I would say I am fluent in. Fortunately, the description of the software notes that programming is not required for basic use.
I apologize for my novice questions, but I am having some problems off the bat. I have downloaded the newest version (3.6.3) and the demo, but have not found any executables in the zips. I am assuming that this is due to a corrupted download. I also noticed that the software is known to run on 95, 98, and NT. I am running XP on my machine. Will this be a problem? I can move to another machine if needed.
I hope that I am not biting off too much with this task. Luckily for me, I am a quick learner. Would anyone out there please consider taking a young, ambitious consultant under their wing to help him impress his boss? I will be forever grateful.
Thanks for your time.
Seth Rodriguez
Environmental Scientist
GIS Analyst
Maguire Group Inc.
564 Forbes Avenue, Suite 1212
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(412) 281-6393
(412) 281-7908 FAX
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From teb at Mon Nov 11 07:37:18 2002
From: teb at (Thomas E. Burk)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 09:37:18 -0600 (CST)
Subject: [mapserver-users] MapServer - aplication (FWD)
Message-ID: <>
------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------
From: jvinas at
To: applications at
Cc: enric at
Subject: MapServer - aplication
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 12:16:19 +0100
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id
Dear Sirs,
We are a group of some friends that 3/4 years ago start a -free- (non
profitable for us) web site about fishing in Spain. After this time, we are
still poors, but very happy, bacuse our web site is being visited by abt
3000 fishers/daily. , and we had the opportunity to
meet with expert angleers and we make a lot of new friends.
Now we are studing several new proyects in order to give
additional/interesting information to our "customers", one of this could be
install/develope a Spain River/reservoir/Cost maps server, that could help
our anglers to look for their preferible place for fishing, with full
details of topography, deep, etc. There are some things in Spain, all
dispersed but nothing specific for fishing.
So, now I'm starting to take a look on your product, that seems that could
help us in this proyect, but please any suggestion, recomendation, etc from
yr experience would be highly appreciated, we are not fully dedicated to
programming, and all our time, is just some hours can be steral fm our
Thnks in advance, and best regards
Jesus Vinyas
mailto:jesus at
Please use the abome mentione e_mailk, preferable than this
Jes?s Vinyas +34 9 32957021 - S.C.I. L.Mgr A.M. Condeminas SA
fax +34 9 32957011 movil +34 696486514 Po Colon, 11- Prpal
mailto:jvinas at 08004 Barcelona Spain
------------- End Forwarded Message -------------
From srodriguez at Mon Nov 11 07:50:55 2002
From: srodriguez at (Seth Rodriguez)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 10:50:55 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <002001c2899a$1fdf6c20$7a05a8c0@12GVD11>
I have been told by my MIS department that we are getting new Novell
servers after the New Year which will have Apache. In the meantime, we
will try to test it on an NT machine. I was originally hoping to just
test the software on my own pc linked to our local network, but I am now
assuming that the components need to be installed/compiled on the
server. I am not sure what I was thinking.
I have read through the how to at, but I am
still a bit lost on how to compile everything, particularly all the
modules that I had to download. Any help there??
Seth Rodriguez
Environmental Scientist
GIS Analyst
Maguire Group Inc.
564 Forbes Avenue, Suite 1212
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(412) 281-6393
(412) 281-7908 FAX
-----Original Message-----
From: Yu-Hsin Chen [mailto:ychen at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 10:30 AM
To: Thomas P. Colson; Seth Rodriguez; mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Although I've read in this list that MapServer runs on Windows, in the
long run, I'd have to agree with Tom that you should try a Linux
platform ( or UNIX if you have access to one ).
>From your description I take you might not have experienced Linux/UNIX
yet. It does cost 'a little' more to set up a UNIX than a Linux system.
If you have a spare computer you can either download or buy (
inexpensively ) installation CD for Linux. Red Hat is a popular
commercialized brand. I personally run Mandrake 8.0 with MapServer
running either using shape files or directly retrieve data from Oracle.
It is not 'that' difficult to set it up.
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas P. Colson [mailto:tpcolson at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 9:16 AM
To: Seth Rodriguez; mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
What are your Linux Skills? It works much better "out of the box" on Red
Hat. I'd stay away from "Winders".
-----Original Message-----
From: Seth Rodriguez [mailto:srodriguez at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 8:40 AM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
I have been asked by the boss to develop some new marketable GIS skills.
Our company does a lot of work in the transportation industry. One task
in our transportation work is to do public involvement. So I have
suggested developing project websites with web-based project mapping
using MapServer, which I was introduced to at an ArcView training. To
assess the usability of the software, I wanted to implement a test to
show the boss. Unfortunately, my programming experience is limited to a
bit of avenue, AML, VB, and html, none of which I would say I am fluent
in. Fortunately, the description of the software notes that programming
is not required for basic use.
I apologize for my novice questions, but I am having some problems off
the bat. I have downloaded the newest version (3.6.3) and the demo, but
have not found any executables in the zips. I am assuming that this is
due to a corrupted download. I also noticed that the software is known
to run on 95, 98, and NT. I am running XP on my machine. Will this be a
problem? I can move to another machine if needed.
I hope that I am not biting off too much with this task. Luckily for me,
I am a quick learner. Would anyone out there please consider taking a
young, ambitious consultant under their wing to help him impress his
boss? I will be forever grateful.
Thanks for your time.
Seth Rodriguez
Environmental Scientist
GIS Analyst
Maguire Group Inc.
564 Forbes Avenue, Suite 1212
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(412) 281-6393
(412) 281-7908 FAX
-------------- next part --------------
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From DMartin at Mon Nov 11 07:54:47 2002
From: DMartin at (Martin, Daniel)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 09:54:47 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Message-ID: <>
I'd have to disagree. I use it every day, and it works quite nicely "out of
the box" under "Winders". Go with what you know, and if it's windows, it
works fine in IIS.
-Dan Martin
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas P. Colson [mailto:tpcolson at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 8:16 AM
To: Seth Rodriguez; mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
What are your Linux Skills? It works much better "out of the box" on Red
Hat. I'd stay away from "Winders".
-----Original Message-----
From: Seth Rodriguez [mailto:srodriguez at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 8:40 AM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
I have been asked by the boss to develop some new marketable GIS skills. Our
company does a lot of work in the transportation industry. One task in our
transportation work is to do public involvement. So I have suggested
developing project websites with web-based project mapping using MapServer,
which I was introduced to at an ArcView training. To assess the usability of
the software, I wanted to implement a test to show the boss. Unfortunately,
my programming experience is limited to a bit of avenue, AML, VB, and html,
none of which I would say I am fluent in. Fortunately, the description of
the software notes that programming is not required for basic use.
I apologize for my novice questions, but I am having some problems off the
bat. I have downloaded the newest version (3.6.3) and the demo, but have not
found any executables in the zips. I am assuming that this is due to a
corrupted download. I also noticed that the software is known to run on 95,
98, and NT. I am running XP on my machine. Will this be a problem? I can
move to another machine if needed.
I hope that I am not biting off too much with this task. Luckily for me, I
am a quick learner. Would anyone out there please consider taking a young,
ambitious consultant under their wing to help him impress his boss? I will
be forever grateful.
Thanks for your time.
Seth Rodriguez
Environmental Scientist
GIS Analyst
Maguire Group Inc.
564 Forbes Avenue, Suite 1212
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(412) 281-6393
(412) 281-7908 FAX
-------------- next part --------------
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From DMartin at Mon Nov 11 09:08:56 2002
From: DMartin at (Martin, Daniel)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 11:08:56 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Message-ID: <>
As someone who uses MapServer on Windows with no Windows specific problems,
I would like to hear from you guys some reasons behind your statements. I'd
like to know what it is I'm missing out on. If there is some specific
advantage other than your passion for the platform, I'd like to know about
it. I've never heard of any myself, so if there is it would help me to know
about it.
Passion is certainly admirable. But if passion is the only reason, I'm
honestly a little bewildered to see new users steered towards a platform
without specific reasons.
Windows users might be turned off from MapServer by believing it doesn't
work well under "Winders", when in fact it runs very well. I'd hate to see
that happen, because MapServer is great!
-Dan Martin
-----Original Message-----
From: Yu-Hsin Chen [mailto:ychen at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 9:30 AM
To: Thomas P. Colson; Seth Rodriguez; mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Although I've read in this list that MapServer runs on Windows, in the long
run, I'd have to agree with Tom that you should try a Linux platform ( or
UNIX if you have access to one ).
>From your description I take you might not have experienced Linux/UNIX yet.
It does cost 'a little' more to set up a UNIX than a Linux system. If you
have a spare computer you can either download or buy ( inexpensively )
installation CD for Linux. Red Hat is a popular commercialized brand. I
personally run Mandrake 8.0 with MapServer running either using shape files
or directly retrieve data from Oracle. It is not 'that' difficult to set it
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas P. Colson [mailto:tpcolson at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 9:16 AM
To: Seth Rodriguez; mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
What are your Linux Skills? It works much better "out of the box" on Red
Hat. I'd stay away from "Winders".
-----Original Message-----
From: Seth Rodriguez [mailto:srodriguez at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 8:40 AM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
I have been asked by the boss to develop some new marketable GIS skills. Our
company does a lot of work in the transportation industry. One task in our
transportation work is to do public involvement. So I have suggested
developing project websites with web-based project mapping using MapServer,
which I was introduced to at an ArcView training. To assess the usability of
the software, I wanted to implement a test to show the boss. Unfortunately,
my programming experience is limited to a bit of avenue, AML, VB, and html,
none of which I would say I am fluent in. Fortunately, the description of
the software notes that programming is not required for basic use.
I apologize for my novice questions, but I am having some problems off the
bat. I have downloaded the newest version (3.6.3) and the demo, but have not
found any executables in the zips. I am assuming that this is due to a
corrupted download. I also noticed that the software is known to run on 95,
98, and NT. I am running XP on my machine. Will this be a problem? I can
move to another machine if needed.
I hope that I am not biting off too much with this task. Luckily for me, I
am a quick learner. Would anyone out there please consider taking a young,
ambitious consultant under their wing to help him impress his boss? I will
be forever grateful.
Thanks for your time.
Seth Rodriguez
Environmental Scientist
GIS Analyst
Maguire Group Inc.
564 Forbes Avenue, Suite 1212
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(412) 281-6393
(412) 281-7908 FAX
-------------- next part --------------
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From tpcolson at Mon Nov 11 09:19:03 2002
From: tpcolson at (Thomas P. Colson)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 12:19:03 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Message-ID: <>
Daniel,I think this calls for a detailed user survey. There are several cookie cutter survey cgi-forms out there. I'd be interested to see what the major install base is.
BTW,mapserver ROCKS on RH, at least in my env.
-----Original Message-----
From: Martin, Daniel [mailto:DMartin at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 12:09 PM
To: 'Yu-Hsin Chen'; Thomas P. Colson; Seth Rodriguez; mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
As someone who uses MapServer on Windows with no Windows specific problems, I would like to hear from you guys some reasons behind your statements. I'd like to know what it is I'm missing out on. If there is some specific advantage other than your passion for the platform, I'd like to know about it. I've never heard of any myself, so if there is it would help me to know about it.
Passion is certainly admirable. But if passion is the only reason, I'm honestly a little bewildered to see new users steered towards a platform without specific reasons.
Windows users might be turned off from MapServer by believing it doesn't work well under "Winders", when in fact it runs very well. I'd hate to see that happen, because MapServer is great!
-Dan Martin
-----Original Message-----
From: Yu-Hsin Chen [mailto:ychen at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 9:30 AM
To: Thomas P. Colson; Seth Rodriguez; mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Although I've read in this list that MapServer runs on Windows, in the long run, I'd have to agree with Tom that you should try a Linux platform ( or UNIX if you have access to one ).
>From your description I take you might not have experienced Linux/UNIX yet. It does cost 'a little' more to set up a UNIX than a Linux system. If you have a spare computer you can either download or buy ( inexpensively ) installation CD for Linux. Red Hat is a popular commercialized brand. I personally run Mandrake 8.0 with MapServer running either using shape files or directly retrieve data from Oracle. It is not 'that' difficult to set it up.
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas P. Colson [mailto:tpcolson at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 9:16 AM
To: Seth Rodriguez; mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
What are your Linux Skills? It works much better "out of the box" on Red Hat. I'd stay away from "Winders".
-----Original Message-----
From: Seth Rodriguez [mailto:srodriguez at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 8:40 AM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
I have been asked by the boss to develop some new marketable GIS skills. Our company does a lot of work in the transportation industry. One task in our transportation work is to do public involvement. So I have suggested developing project websites with web-based project mapping using MapServer, which I was introduced to at an ArcView training. To assess the usability of the software, I wanted to implement a test to show the boss. Unfortunately, my programming experience is limited to a bit of avenue, AML, VB, and html, none of which I would say I am fluent in. Fortunately, the description of the software notes that programming is not required for basic use.
I apologize for my novice questions, but I am having some problems off the bat. I have downloaded the newest version (3.6.3) and the demo, but have not found any executables in the zips. I am assuming that this is due to a corrupted download. I also noticed that the software is known to run on 95, 98, and NT. I am running XP on my machine. Will this be a problem? I can move to another machine if needed.
I hope that I am not biting off too much with this task. Luckily for me, I am a quick learner. Would anyone out there please consider taking a young, ambitious consultant under their wing to help him impress his boss? I will be forever grateful.
Thanks for your time.
Seth Rodriguez
Environmental Scientist
GIS Analyst
Maguire Group Inc.
564 Forbes Avenue, Suite 1212
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(412) 281-6393
(412) 281-7908 FAX
-------------- next part --------------
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From nacional at Mon Nov 11 09:49:50 2002
From: nacional at (Pericles S. Nacionales)
Date: 11 Nov 2002 11:49:50 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
In-Reply-To: <000701c28987$df5efdd0$7a05a8c0@12GVD11>
References: <000701c28987$df5efdd0$7a05a8c0@12GVD11>
Message-ID: <>
It should work on Windows XP although I haven't tried compiling it there
(I don't have XP on my machine). It sounds like you've downloaded the
source code. If you'd like to compile it yourself, you'll MS VC/C++ and
lots of time (you'll also have to compile other libraries needed by
MapServer). If you don't want to start there, download one of the
binaries at or at DM Solutions provides a
php/mapscript dll for Windows. If you are familiar with php, you might
consider looking into it.
By the way, I use MapServer both on Linux and Windows, and it works well
on both. If you are familiar with Linux, you should try it there as
well. It's much easier to compile MapServer in Linux... although there
are pitfalls, as already mentioned by others.
Good luck!
On Mon, 2002-11-11 at 07:40, Seth Rodriguez wrote:
> I have been asked by the boss to develop some new marketable GIS skills.
> Our company does a lot of work in the transportation industry. One task
> in our transportation work is to do public involvement. So I have
> suggested developing project websites with web-based project mapping
> using MapServer, which I was introduced to at an ArcView training. To
> assess the usability of the software, I wanted to implement a test to
> show the boss. Unfortunately, my programming experience is limited to a
> bit of avenue, AML, VB, and html, none of which I would say I am fluent
> in. Fortunately, the description of the software notes that programming
> is not required for basic use.
> I apologize for my novice questions, but I am having some problems off
> the bat. I have downloaded the newest version (3.6.3) and the demo, but
> have not found any executables in the zips. I am assuming that this is
> due to a corrupted download. I also noticed that the software is known
> to run on 95, 98, and NT. I am running XP on my machine. Will this be a
> problem? I can move to another machine if needed.
> I hope that I am not biting off too much with this task. Luckily for me,
> I am a quick learner. Would anyone out there please consider taking a
> young, ambitious consultant under their wing to help him impress his
> boss? I will be forever grateful.
> Thanks for your time.
> Seth Rodriguez
> Environmental Scientist
> GIS Analyst
> Maguire Group Inc.
> 564 Forbes Avenue, Suite 1212
> Pittsburgh, PA 15219
> (412) 281-6393
> (412) 281-7908 FAX
From tpcolson at Mon Nov 11 10:05:24 2002
From: tpcolson at (Thomas P. Colson)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 13:05:24 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] How to get rid of stock credits
Message-ID: <>
By editing line 386 of "build_phtml.php" in the htdocs directory, one can change the default credits to NOT change everytime GMAP factory is opened.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dean Gadoury [mailto:gadoury at]
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 1:51 PM
To: Thomas P. Colson
Cc: mapserver-users at
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] How to get rid of stock credits
MapLab specific questions can be posted the the maplab list. To
subscribe see:
To answer your question though: You can get rid of that text by editing
the html code for the page. The trick is that it is found in
x_contents.php, where x is the name you gave your application. You can
also modify other page elements in this file, like colours, fonts or
even the layout, but I will include 2 major cautionary notes.
1. If you modify any code in this file and re-open the project in
GMapFactory, your changes will be overwritten automatically by GMF. So
if you delete the credit line using your favorite text editor, then open
the project in GMF again the credit line will re-appear. This is the
expected and desired behaviour of GMF. So go ahead and make changes, but
it is best to make sure your application is finalized first. As long as
you don't open the project in GMF again you should have no problems.
2. Unless you really know what you're doing you shouldn't edit anything
inside the php code tags:
I hope that answers your question.
Thomas P. Colson wrote:
>How to get rid of "this application was built using GMapFactory" credit at bottom of page?
Dean Gadoury
DM Solutions Group
72 Chamberlain Ave. Third Floor
Ottawa, Ontario. K1S 1V9
613 565-5056 ext. 24
gadoury at
From gthornberry at Mon Nov 11 10:30:03 2002
From: gthornberry at (Gerald Thornberry)
Date: 11 Nov 2002 13:30:03 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1037039403.2522.124.camel@wilson>
Is this really necessary? If nothing else, why don't you at least start
a new thread. Neither one of you is answering the new user's questions
anymore. You can call it "my OS can beat up your OS". If someone wants
to truly conduct a survey, the results would, in fact, be interesting.
Until then, this thread is morphing into a "Windows sucks!/Linux sucks!"
holy war like on every other list out there. For MapServer's sake, mind
if we just keep this professional?
Gerald Thornberry
Technical Support Manager
Spatial Data Integrations, Inc.
From Chip.Hankley at Mon Nov 11 10:33:06 2002
From: Chip.Hankley at (Hankley, Chip)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 12:33:06 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Message-ID: <3DFF131E4E6D2D4198CDD758F35A5353010ABF08@postoffice.GASAI.Com>
> I am running XP on my machine. Will this be a problem? I can move
> to another machine if needed.
This shouldn't be a problem. The first thing you need to do is make sure
that you have a functioning web service. I'm not an XP person, but Win2K Pro
gives you the option to install IIS (Internet Information Service) as a web
server. You could also go through the process of installing Apache (free).
Start off by looking up "IIS" in help, and see how to install it.
As others have mentioned before, the OS you use is irrelevant. All platforms
come with their pro's and con's... if you are comfortable working in the
windows environment, then stick with that... otherwise you'll be adding one
more thing to the things you need to figure out.
The executables are not bundled with the demo (at least they didn't used to
be). From the main web site, look under downloads. You will see that there
are "pre-compiled binaries" - you should choose one of these. This will have
an executable (mapserv.exe) - this should get you started.
> I hope that I am not biting off too much with this task.
There is undoubtedly a learning curve...
From tpcolson at Mon Nov 11 10:46:18 2002
From: tpcolson at (Thomas P. Colson)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 13:46:18 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] Formating numbers?
Message-ID: <>
I have a .dbf file linked to a shape file, with polygon lengths and areas, represented as such:
Length 22819.79883560000 Area:16,112,356.43490000000
Mapserver Query returns:
Length: 2.28197988356e+004 Area: 1.61123564349e+007
Any way to format that to xxx, (feet) and xxx, (Sq. Feet)? in the query.phtml window?
From Steve_Palmer at Mon Nov 11 10:49:19 2002
From: Steve_Palmer at (Palmer, Steve)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 12:49:19 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Message-ID: <>
Hear, hear!
-----Original Message-----
From: Gerald Thornberry [mailto:gthornberry at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 11:30 AM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Is this really necessary? If nothing else, why don't you at least start
a new thread. Neither one of you is answering the new user's questions
anymore. You can call it "my OS can beat up your OS". If someone wants
to truly conduct a survey, the results would, in fact, be interesting.
Until then, this thread is morphing into a "Windows sucks!/Linux sucks!"
holy war like on every other list out there. For MapServer's sake, mind
if we just keep this professional?
Gerald Thornberry
Technical Support Manager
Spatial Data Integrations, Inc.
-------------- next part --------------
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From DMartin at Mon Nov 11 11:05:13 2002
From: DMartin at (Martin, Daniel)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 13:05:13 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Message-ID: <>
As Linux users are quick to point out to Windows users, install base isn't a
measure of quality or features.
I'd really like to know what the shortcomings of MapServer on Windows are.
What makes MapServer rock on RH? Why doesn't it rock as much on Windows?
-Dan Martin
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas P. Colson [mailto:tpcolson at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 11:19 AM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Daniel,I think this calls for a detailed user survey. There are several
cookie cutter survey cgi-forms out there. I'd be interested to see what the
major install base is.
BTW,mapserver ROCKS on RH, at least in my env.
-----Original Message-----
From: Martin, Daniel [mailto:DMartin at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 12:09 PM
To: 'Yu-Hsin Chen'; Thomas P. Colson; Seth Rodriguez;
mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
As someone who uses MapServer on Windows with no Windows specific problems,
I would like to hear from you guys some reasons behind your statements. I'd
like to know what it is I'm missing out on. If there is some specific
advantage other than your passion for the platform, I'd like to know about
it. I've never heard of any myself, so if there is it would help me to know
about it.
Passion is certainly admirable. But if passion is the only reason, I'm
honestly a little bewildered to see new users steered towards a platform
without specific reasons.
Windows users might be turned off from MapServer by believing it doesn't
work well under "Winders", when in fact it runs very well. I'd hate to see
that happen, because MapServer is great!
-Dan Martin
-----Original Message-----
From: Yu-Hsin Chen [mailto:ychen at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 9:30 AM
To: Thomas P. Colson; Seth Rodriguez; mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Although I've read in this list that MapServer runs on Windows, in the long
run, I'd have to agree with Tom that you should try a Linux platform ( or
UNIX if you have access to one ).
>From your description I take you might not have experienced Linux/UNIX yet.
It does cost 'a little' more to set up a UNIX than a Linux system. If you
have a spare computer you can either download or buy ( inexpensively )
installation CD for Linux. Red Hat is a popular commercialized brand. I
personally run Mandrake 8.0 with MapServer running either using shape files
or directly retrieve data from Oracle. It is not 'that' difficult to set it
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas P. Colson [mailto:tpcolson at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 9:16 AM
To: Seth Rodriguez; mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
What are your Linux Skills? It works much better "out of the box" on Red
Hat. I'd stay away from "Winders".
-----Original Message-----
From: Seth Rodriguez [mailto:srodriguez at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 8:40 AM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
I have been asked by the boss to develop some new marketable GIS skills. Our
company does a lot of work in the transportation industry. One task in our
transportation work is to do public involvement. So I have suggested
developing project websites with web-based project mapping using MapServer,
which I was introduced to at an ArcView training. To assess the usability of
the software, I wanted to implement a test to show the boss. Unfortunately,
my programming experience is limited to a bit of avenue, AML, VB, and html,
none of which I would say I am fluent in. Fortunately, the description of
the software notes that programming is not required for basic use.
I apologize for my novice questions, but I am having some problems off the
bat. I have downloaded the newest version (3.6.3) and the demo, but have not
found any executables in the zips. I am assuming that this is due to a
corrupted download. I also noticed that the software is known to run on 95,
98, and NT. I am running XP on my machine. Will this be a problem? I can
move to another machine if needed.
I hope that I am not biting off too much with this task. Luckily for me, I
am a quick learner. Would anyone out there please consider taking a young,
ambitious consultant under their wing to help him impress his boss? I will
be forever grateful.
Thanks for your time.
Seth Rodriguez
Environmental Scientist
GIS Analyst
Maguire Group Inc.
564 Forbes Avenue, Suite 1212
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(412) 281-6393
(412) 281-7908 FAX
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From lfilak at Mon Nov 11 12:25:55 2002
From: lfilak at (Lowell Filak)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 15:25:55 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
Message-ID: <>
If you run the script at the command line and then immediately do "cat mapserver.log" what does it show?
If you also do "ls -l mapserver.log" what does it show?
Lowell F.
The following message was sent by "krung" on Sun, 10 Nov 2002 00:09:08 +0700.
> Hi Lowell, Puneet
> I tried as you told me. If I ran with command line, mapserver.log was created whem error occured. But when run on Apache, mapserver's never created as error occured. (access right with this directory'd set to 777 already) So I checked it at error_log of httpd log file, but it's non-sense to me. It showed only "Premature of script headers: /usr/mapserver/".
> And I tried to change script logic flow as you, Puneet, told me. It's the same error as before (Internal Server Error).
> Do I have to specially configure when I create mapserver program? Any comments, help, advice would be graceful.
> Thank you
> Krung
> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: "Lowell Filak"
> Date: Thu, 07 Nov 2002 08:24:06 -0500
> >You can try adding the line noted below and see if a file mapserver.log exists in the current directory and if it reports an error.
> >If the mapserver.log file isn't created then try changing the path of the log file to somewhere writeable by the apache process.
> >HTH
> >Lowell F.
> >
> >The following message was sent by "Krung Saengpole" on Thu, 7 Nov 2002 18:45:20 +0700.
> >
> >> Hello all,
> >>
> >> I had trouble getting perl mapscript run on Apache 1.3.26 under RH 7.2. Mapscript compiled from mapserver 3.6.3.
> >>
> >> My script is:
> >>
> >> #!/usr/bin/perl
> >> use mapscript;
> >> use CGI qw/:standard/;
> >
> >$ENV{MS_ERRORFILE} = "mapserver.log"; <--Try adding this line.
> >
> >>
> >> print header();
> >> print start_html();
> >> $map = new mapObj('');
> >> $img = $map->draw(); # <---- error took place here
> >> $img->saveImage('file.png', $mapscript::MS_PNG,1,1,0);
> >> ....
> >> ....
> >>
> >> What I did wrong with this script or anything else? But I could run this script at command line. I'm very new to Linux. I tried to write a script that open database and run under Apache, it had no problem. So, I thought it should not be wrong with Apache configuration.
> >>
> >> Thank you in advance.
> >> Krung.
> >
> >
> >
From DMartin at Mon Nov 11 13:50:43 2002
From: DMartin at (Martin, Daniel)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 15:50:43 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] JS -- Query result in a new window
Message-ID: <>
Off hand I don't see anything wrong with your code. My first suggestion is
to make sure you are getting inside the if statement. Simply add an alert.
if (document.mapserv.mode.value == "nquery") {
alert('Got Here'); = "_blank";
If you don't get the alert, then add another alert just prior to the if
-Dan Martin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Till Adams [mailto:adams at]
> Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 6:10 AM
> To: mapserver-users at
> Subject: [mapserver-users] JS -- Query result in a new window
> Dear listers,
> I'm trying to get this machine doing, what I want ... but it doesn't
> want to.
> I use MS 3.6.1 and the Mapplet and just want to open a query in a new
> window and not in my map window. My JS code is as follows:
> Looks fine, but it doesn't work. Every idea is appreciated. Thank you
> very much in advance and have a nice weekend!
> Cheers,
> Till
> -- -- -- terrestris jetzt online! -- -- --
> -----
> Dipl. Geogr. Till Adams
> terrestris, Paulsen&Adams GbR
> Meckenheimer Allee 166 * 53115 Bonn
> Tel.: 0228 73 9647 * Fax.: 0228 73 6538
> info at *
From tbartlett at Mon Nov 11 13:59:47 2002
From: tbartlett at (Thomas Bartlett)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 08:59:47 +1100
Subject: [mapserver-users] Mapplet problems.
References: <3DFF131E4E6D2D4198CDD758F35A5353010ABF08@postoffice.GASAI.Com>
Message-ID: <002001c289cd$a6cf0000$>
G'Day All,
I have only started using MapServ but it is really good to work with. At
present I am running it on an XP machine with IIS 5.1 and Internet Explorer
6.0.2. I just download the MapServ Win binarys and it all work fine (with a
HTML interface). However when I tried to run Mapplet, I keep getting the
following error,
exception: [mapplet.init]: cannot
access "localhost":80
I can't figure it out. It is an XP problem or a Mapplet issue ?? I have
tried changing a number of things in the demo.html, the demo_init.html, I
have even gone through the code supplied with Mapplet (I didn't change or
re-compile it though).
Any Ideas.
Tom Bartlett
----- Original Message -----
From: "Hankley, Chip"
To: "Seth Rodriguez" ;
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 5:33 AM
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
> > I am running XP on my machine. Will this be a problem? I can move
> > to another machine if needed.
> This shouldn't be a problem. The first thing you need to do is make sure
> that you have a functioning web service. I'm not an XP person, but Win2K
> gives you the option to install IIS (Internet Information Service) as a
> server. You could also go through the process of installing Apache (free).
> Start off by looking up "IIS" in help, and see how to install it.
> As others have mentioned before, the OS you use is irrelevant. All
> come with their pro's and con's... if you are comfortable working in the
> windows environment, then stick with that... otherwise you'll be adding
> more thing to the things you need to figure out.
> The executables are not bundled with the demo (at least they didn't used
> be). From the main web site, look under downloads. You will see that there
> are "pre-compiled binaries" - you should choose one of these. This will
> an executable (mapserv.exe) - this should get you started.
> > I hope that I am not biting off too much with this task.
> There is undoubtedly a learning curve...
From tbartlett at Mon Nov 11 14:26:01 2002
From: tbartlett at (Thomas Bartlett)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 09:26:01 +1100
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
References: <000701c28987$df5efdd0$7a05a8c0@12GVD11> <>
Message-ID: <008001c289d1$50f07020$>
G'Day Seth,
I'm running MapServ on XP without significant problems. I only have a
simple HTML setting running at the moment, and have no intension of running
PHP or Perl to do anything spectacular !!
Seth you need (as suggested by Perry)
1. IIS running on your machine. You need to XP CD, then goto Control
Panel, Add Remove Program, then its add/remove windows component. One of
which will be IIS (Internet Information Server)
2. Download the binary files (see locations below).
If you want any more help please contain me off the list.
Thomas Bartlett
----- Original Message -----
From: "Pericles S. Nacionales"
To: "Seth Rodriguez"
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 4:49 AM
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
> Seth,
> It should work on Windows XP although I haven't tried compiling it there
> (I don't have XP on my machine). It sounds like you've downloaded the
> source code. If you'd like to compile it yourself, you'll MS VC/C++ and
> lots of time (you'll also have to compile other libraries needed by
> MapServer). If you don't want to start there, download one of the
> binaries at or at
> DM Solutions provides a
> php/mapscript dll for Windows. If you are familiar with php, you might
> consider looking into it.
> By the way, I use MapServer both on Linux and Windows, and it works well
> on both. If you are familiar with Linux, you should try it there as
> well. It's much easier to compile MapServer in Linux... although there
> are pitfalls, as already mentioned by others.
> Good luck!
> -Perry
> On Mon, 2002-11-11 at 07:40, Seth Rodriguez wrote:
> > I have been asked by the boss to develop some new marketable GIS skills.
> > Our company does a lot of work in the transportation industry. One task
> > in our transportation work is to do public involvement. So I have
> > suggested developing project websites with web-based project mapping
> > using MapServer, which I was introduced to at an ArcView training. To
> > assess the usability of the software, I wanted to implement a test to
> > show the boss. Unfortunately, my programming experience is limited to a
> > bit of avenue, AML, VB, and html, none of which I would say I am fluent
> > in. Fortunately, the description of the software notes that programming
> > is not required for basic use.
> >
> >
> >
> > I apologize for my novice questions, but I am having some problems off
> > the bat. I have downloaded the newest version (3.6.3) and the demo, but
> > have not found any executables in the zips. I am assuming that this is
> > due to a corrupted download. I also noticed that the software is known
> > to run on 95, 98, and NT. I am running XP on my machine. Will this be a
> > problem? I can move to another machine if needed.
> >
> >
> >
> > I hope that I am not biting off too much with this task. Luckily for me,
> > I am a quick learner. Would anyone out there please consider taking a
> > young, ambitious consultant under their wing to help him impress his
> > boss? I will be forever grateful.
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks for your time.
> >
> >
> >
> > Seth Rodriguez
> >
> > Environmental Scientist
> >
> > GIS Analyst
> >
> > Maguire Group Inc.
> >
> > 564 Forbes Avenue, Suite 1212
> >
> > Pittsburgh, PA 15219
> >
> > (412) 281-6393
> >
> > (412) 281-7908 FAX
> >
> >
> >
From vinko at Mon Nov 11 16:32:29 2002
From: vinko at (Vinko Vrsalovic)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 19:32:29 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] Map Scale
Message-ID: <>
I've been looking at the archives, but didn't find a clear explanation
about this issue: The scale number shown by Mapserver is measured in
what? and in what ways it can be useful for output?
Because it doesn't make sense viewing the image, compared to what is
'normal' in real paper maps.
Vinko Vrsalovic
From gthornberry at Mon Nov 11 14:35:17 2002
From: gthornberry at (Gerald Thornberry)
Date: 11 Nov 2002 17:35:17 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1037054117.2593.262.camel@wilson>
The help that the respondents originally rendered in this thread was
great. Subsequent responses, however, were becoming increasingly
emotionally charged rather than informative and it galled me that:
1. The new user was no longer being served by their own thread
2. Yet another counter-productive OS holy war was brewing
My post was a gut response to the same, old Windows vs.Linux argument,
when they both suck and don't suck in their own ways. I was trying to
call attention to the unprofessional, argumentative _tone_ of the thread
rather than say that any _person_ was unprofessional. Bottom line: I
wasn't trying to call anybody names. If I offended anyone, I apologize.
I prefer to use Linux and OpenBSD myself. As a Tech Support Manager,
though, I try to simply stay agnostic and be a "solve the problem with
the right wrench" kind of person. Often that involves using Microsoft
Windows OSs. An objective comparison of operating systems would, in
fact, be very relevant to the MapServer forum. If someone takes the
time to genuinely compare them I hope you post the results. It would
benefit the MapServer user-base, especially new users, very much.
The MapServer list is a public forum, and I'm certainly not its
moderator. I'm just a subscriber who didn't feel like hearing a rehash
of tired, old Linux vs. Windows rants. I encourage anyone who has
advice, instruction, or opinion about MapServer to speak openly (as I
Gerald Thornberry
Technical Support Manager
Spatial Data Integrations, Inc.
From Rich at Mon Nov 11 15:09:45 2002
From: Rich at (Richard Greenwood)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 16:09:45 -0700
Subject: [mapserver-users] Mapplet problems.
In-Reply-To: <002001c289cd$a6cf0000$>
References: <3DFF131E4E6D2D4198CDD758F35A5353010ABF08@postoffice.GASAI.Com>
Message-ID: <>
I'm guessing that maybe Java is disabled in your browser. (Check Tools,
Security, Custom Level, Scripting). Or try another browser. Or try this site: and select the Java interface which used
mapplet). Then at least you can tell if it's your browser or your
At 08:59 AM 11/12/2002 +1100, you wrote:
>G'Day All,
>I have only started using MapServ but it is really good to work with. At
>present I am running it on an XP machine with IIS 5.1 and Internet Explorer
>6.0.2. I just download the MapServ Win binarys and it all work fine (with a
>HTML interface). However when I tried to run Mapplet, I keep getting the
>following error,
> exception: [mapplet.init]: cannot
>access "localhost":80
>I can't figure it out. It is an XP problem or a Mapplet issue ?? I have
>tried changing a number of things in the demo.html, the demo_init.html, I
>have even gone through the code supplied with Mapplet (I didn't change or
>re-compile it though).
>Any Ideas.
>Tom Bartlett
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Hankley, Chip"
>To: "Seth Rodriguez" ;
>Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 5:33 AM
>Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
> > > I am running XP on my machine. Will this be a problem? I can move
> > > to another machine if needed.
> >
> > This shouldn't be a problem. The first thing you need to do is make sure
> > that you have a functioning web service. I'm not an XP person, but Win2K
> > gives you the option to install IIS (Internet Information Service) as a
> > server. You could also go through the process of installing Apache (free).
> > Start off by looking up "IIS" in help, and see how to install it.
> >
> > As others have mentioned before, the OS you use is irrelevant. All
> > come with their pro's and con's... if you are comfortable working in the
> > windows environment, then stick with that... otherwise you'll be adding
> > more thing to the things you need to figure out.
> >
> > The executables are not bundled with the demo (at least they didn't used
> > be). From the main web site, look under downloads. You will see that there
> > are "pre-compiled binaries" - you should choose one of these. This will
> > an executable (mapserv.exe) - this should get you started.
> >
> > > I hope that I am not biting off too much with this task.
> >
> > There is undoubtedly a learning curve...
Richard W. Greenwood, PLS
Greenwood Mapping, Inc.
Rich at
(307) 733-0203
From rviancos at Mon Nov 11 15:08:33 2002
From: rviancos at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Ren=E9?= =?iso-8859-1?Q?_Vi=E1ncos?=)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 20:08:33 -0300
Subject: [mapserver-users] Mapplet problems.
In-Reply-To: <002001c289cd$a6cf0000$>
References: <3DFF131E4E6D2D4198CDD758F35A5353010ABF08@postoffice.GASAI.Com>
Message-ID: <>
i've a very good idea: Try with Linux....
Ren? Viancos
From rviancos at Mon Nov 11 15:40:36 2002
From: rviancos at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Ren=E9?= =?iso-8859-1?Q?_Vi=E1ncos?=)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 20:40:36 -0300
Subject: [mapserver-users] =?iso-8859-1?Q?lista_en_espa=F1ol_de_mapserver?=
Message-ID: <>
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From ed at Mon Nov 11 15:57:48 2002
From: ed at (Ed McNierney)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 18:57:48 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] Map Scale
Message-ID: <>
Vinko -
The scale number has no units - a scale ratio, as in "1:25,000" scale.
Scale ratios basically make no sense with a digital image, unless you specify the physical output (display or print) resolution of that image in pixels per some physical unit. By default, MapServer assumes that the output device has a resolution of 72 pixels per inch, and computes the scale ratio that way.
For example, if MapServer generated a line that it knows is 12 miles long (because MapServer knows such things), and the resulting image is 144 pixels long (which MapServer also knows since it generated the image), then at 72 pixels per inch the image will be two inches long, which is a scale ratio of 12 miles = 2 inches or 6 miles = 1 inch or 380,160 inches = 1 inch. That's a scale of 1:380,160, which is what MapServer will report.
You can use the RESOLUTION keyword in the MAP file to change the presumed output resolution. Unless you control the output device completely, reporting the scale as a ratio will never be accurate - but it's what most users expect, so it's worth doing.
- Ed
Ed McNierney
President and Chief Mapmaker
ed at
-----Original Message-----
From: Vinko Vrsalovic [mailto:vinko at]
Sent: Mon 11/11/2002 7:32 PM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: [mapserver-users] Map Scale
I've been looking at the archives, but didn't find a clear explanation
about this issue: The scale number shown by Mapserver is measured in
what? and in what ways it can be useful for output?
Because it doesn't make sense viewing the image, compared to what is
'normal' in real paper maps.
Vinko Vrsalovic
From DMartin at Mon Nov 11 16:23:48 2002
From: DMartin at (Martin, Daniel)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 18:23:48 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Message-ID: <>
When writing the thread I was being VERY careful to chose my words because I
wanted to make 100% sure I didn't offend anyone. Yet they did. For that I
apologize to the list.
I would like to know what offended the members of the list, so I can avoid
it in the future. I've read, and re-read the thread. I can't find the holy
war. I can't find the Windows bashing. I can't find the Linux bashing. I
can't find the ranting. Maybe I'm just blind to my own words.
I really don't want to be stuck with a cloud of concern over my head every
time I post that it might offend members of the list. I do feel that way
now, and for now I think I'll keep off the list.
Please do let me know, privately or publicly.
-Dan Martin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gerald Thornberry [mailto:gthornberry at]
> Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 4:35 PM
> To: mapserver
> Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
> Clarification:
> The help that the respondents originally rendered in this thread was
> great. Subsequent responses, however, were becoming increasingly
> emotionally charged rather than informative and it galled me that:
> 1. The new user was no longer being served by their own thread
> 2. Yet another counter-productive OS holy war was brewing
> My post was a gut response to the same, old Windows vs.Linux argument,
> when they both suck and don't suck in their own ways. I was trying to
> call attention to the unprofessional, argumentative _tone_ of
> the thread
> rather than say that any _person_ was unprofessional. Bottom line: I
> wasn't trying to call anybody names. If I offended anyone, I
> apologize.
> I prefer to use Linux and OpenBSD myself. As a Tech Support Manager,
> though, I try to simply stay agnostic and be a "solve the problem with
> the right wrench" kind of person. Often that involves using Microsoft
> Windows OSs. An objective comparison of operating systems would, in
> fact, be very relevant to the MapServer forum. If someone takes the
> time to genuinely compare them I hope you post the results. It would
> benefit the MapServer user-base, especially new users, very much.
> The MapServer list is a public forum, and I'm certainly not its
> moderator. I'm just a subscriber who didn't feel like
> hearing a rehash
> of tired, old Linux vs. Windows rants. I encourage anyone who has
> advice, instruction, or opinion about MapServer to speak openly (as I
> did).
> Gerald
> --
> Gerald Thornberry
> Technical Support Manager
> Spatial Data Integrations, Inc.
> (502)568-3628
From ahallam at Mon Nov 11 16:26:26 2002
From: ahallam at (Andrew Hallam)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 11:26:26 +1100
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
In-Reply-To: <1037054117.2593.262.camel@wilson>
References: <1037054117.2593.262.camel@wilson>
Message-ID: <9355343.1037100386@[]>
I run MapServer on Windows 2000 Server. In my opinion, there are two key
issues that you need to consider when planning to use MapServer on Windows:
1. Unless you have Visual C++ and know how to compile, you will be reliant
on downloading binary versions of MapServer. The binary versions may, or
may not, have all the features you require compiled into them. e.g. You may
be able to get binary versions that support FeatureX or FeatureY, but not
FeatureX and FeatureY. I suggest you check you requirements against the
available binaries.
2. If the web server will be on a network connected to the Internet you
have to let IIS respond to HTTP requests that contain "exe" files. i.e.
mapserv.exe. That means you cannot use URLScan to block all the automated
crack attempts that your server will receive from Code Red style worms and
malicious individuals. e.g. Request like "c/winnt/system32/cmd.exe",
"/MSADC/root.exe" and "/scripts/root.exe" will not get blocked so you have
to be extra careful with your security settings and patches.
When using Linux you obviously don't have to worry about Windows security
issues like Code Red et al attempting to get in via IIS, but you still have
to worry about security issues like the OpenSLL exploit.
My $0.02.
Andrew Hallam
Digital Earth Pty Ltd
From pkishor at Mon Nov 11 16:31:23 2002
From: pkishor at (Puneet Kishor)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 18:31:23 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>
All reasonable questions deserve a reasonable answer ;-)
On Monday, November 11, 2002, at 01:05 PM, Martin, Daniel wrote:
> As Linux users?are quick to point out to Windows users, install base
> isn't a measure of quality or features.
> ?
> I'd really like to know what the shortcomings of MapServer on Windows
> are.? What makes MapServer rock on RH?? Why doesn't it rock?as much on
> Windows?
mapserver by itself works just as well on both Windows and most all
versions/variations of Unix. Windows actually is a pretty good
opensource development platform, and if you throw cygwin in the mix,
you get most everything *nix has as well.
There are a few key differences, however --
1. Perl/Mapscript support -- does not work on Windows afaik.
2. Windows doesn't come with compilers, so you have to shell out for a
commercial compiler (MS). Most all *nix come with the c compiler (gcc)
pre-installed. Otherwise you have to depend on someone else preparing
the binaries for you. Which means, you can't really experiment with
various configurations of mapserver at will unless you have the
The above two, in my view, are perhaps the most significant areas in
which *nix wins over Win (!).
3. If you need Postgres/PostGIS support you need *nix, or Cygwin
(although there are rumors of a Win build for Postgres, I have not seen
4. Some other *nix niceties can be useful depending on the situation...
for example, I can work on my Linux box remotely using ssh... of
course, for Win there are other workarounds -- you could vpn. The *nix
philosophy is different -- there are a lot of small, small programs
that can work in tandem and do things for you, and your application can
get well integrated into the system. But, there are equal number of
creative solutions and utils in Win as well.
At this time mapserver seems to be equally popular with both *nix and
Win users (and Mac users, ahem!). For most part, it rocks just as well
on Win. The general advice is (most preferable first) --
go with what is most appropriate,
go with what you know,
go with what you can afford,
go with what you believe in,
go with what you are forced to work with
From pramsey at Mon Nov 11 17:33:53 2002
From: pramsey at (Paul Ramsey)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 17:33:53 -0800
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
References: <>
Message-ID: <>
Puneet Kishor wrote:
> 3. If you need Postgres/PostGIS support you need *nix, or Cygwin
> (although there are rumors of a Win build for Postgres, I have not seen
> it).
Puneet, et al,
There was a beta of a Windows-native PostgreSQL floating around about
4 months ago, and one of our users even got PostGIS installed and
working on it, but since then everything has gone silent. From this I
guess we can infer that (a) windows-native PgSQL does exist (b) PostGIS
will be usable on window-native PgSQL when it is released (c) at some
point windows users may be gratified with a release.
Note that you can run Mapserver on Windows and connect to a
PostgreSQL/PostGIS system running on UNIX via a TCP/IP network. The
PostgreSQL client libraries do TCP/IP connections quite happily, and the
Mapserver/PostGIS adapter has been tested with all sorts of funny
client/server, big-endian/little-endian combinations.
And of course you can run PostgreSQL/PostGIS under windows using the
cygwin helper suite ( We have lots of users that do so.
From morissette at Mon Nov 11 17:58:49 2002
From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 20:58:49 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] MapServer Platform/OS Survey (was: beginner getting started)
References: <>
Message-ID: <>
Thomas P. Colson wrote:
> Daniel,I think this calls for a detailed user survey. There are
> several cookie cutter survey cgi-forms out there. I'd be interested
> to see what the major install base is.
For those interested in a survey, there's a small one in the MapServer
wiki that was started a few months ago by Tyler Mitchell. This should
at least give you an idea of which platforms are used to run MapServer:
P.S. Note that the objective of this survey was not to decide which one
of Windows or Unix/Linux was better, but to find the smallest processor
that was used to run sites with MapServer apps. Until now the one to
beat is a Pentium 120... anyone running on a P90, P75, or even a 486?
Daniel Morissette morissette at
DM Solutions Group
From krung at Mon Nov 11 18:18:37 2002
From: krung at (krung)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 09:18:37 +0700
Subject: [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
Message-ID: <>
If I ran at the command line "cat mapserver.log", it showed the error I tend to make in mapfile, e.g. I changed "UNITS KILOMETERS" to "UNITS KILO", it showed that it didn't know "KILO". If that mapfile worked without error, no new message's in that log file. And with this error-free script run on Apache, it stoped with "Internal Server Error" with no new message in mapserver.log and at the error_log of Apache, it showed only one line "Premature end of script header:/mapserver/". With this error_log file, I'm very sure it printed out only one line of error per access to this script.
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Lowell Filak"
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 15:25:55 -0500
>If you run the script at the command line and then immediately do "cat mapserver.log" what does it show?
>If you also do "ls -l mapserver.log" what does it show?
>Lowell F.
>The following message was sent by "krung" on Sun, 10 Nov 2002 00:09:08 +0700.
>> Hi Lowell, Puneet
>> I tried as you told me. If I ran with command line, mapserver.log was created whem error occured. But when run on Apache, mapserver's never created as error occured. (access right with this directory'd set to 777 already) So I checked it at error_log of httpd log file, but it's non-sense to me. It showed only "Premature of script headers: /usr/mapserver/".
>> And I tried to change script logic flow as you, Puneet, told me. It's the same error as before (Internal Server Error).
>> Do I have to specially configure when I create mapserver program? Any comments, help, advice would be graceful.
>> Thank you
>> Krung
From morissette at Mon Nov 11 18:50:24 2002
From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 21:50:24 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] Set Colors with php_mapscript in 3.7
References: <1036925297.547.20.camel@katrin>
Message-ID: <>
Nicol Hermann wrote:
> how can i set colors with php_mapscript in Mapserver 3.7?
> I am using the following code with 3.6.3 which works fine.
> $classObj = ms_newClassObj($layer);
> $classObj -> set("color", $map->addColor(255, 255, 0) );
> $classObj -> set("outlinecolor", $map->addColor(0, 0, 0) );
> The same code causes a fatal error with the CVS Version of 3.7:
The way colors are handled internally has changed in 3.7, and as a
result of that the internal color table, and the addColor() method that
was used to allocate colors are gone.
They have been replaced with instances of colorObj everywhere a color is
used in MapScript and you set the colors using the
$color->setRGB(r, g, b) method.
Now, another change in 3.7 that affects you is that the $class->color
parameter is gone, as well as most of the class parameters that have
been moved to a new styleObj. This was to get rid of the duplication of
parameters for overlaycolor, overlaysymbol, etc.
So in 3.7 your code would become something like this:
$classObj = ms_newClassObj($layer);
$style = ms_newStyleObj($classObj);
$style->color->setRGB(255, 255, 0);
$style->outlinecolor->setRGB(0, 0, 0);
Note that 3.6 mapfiles using the old CLASS COLOR parameters are still
going to load properly for backwards compatibility, but in MapScript you
must use the new styleObj to assign your colors.
Finally, the file mapserver/mapscript/php3/README in the 3.7 nightly
builds (or from CVS) is usually up to date with respect to the state of
PHP MapScript. So you should refer to it to find out what else has
changed in PHP MapScript in 3.7. I also placed a live copy of this file
that will be automatically updated every morning from CVS at:
Daniel Morissette morissette at
DM Solutions Group
From pkishor at Mon Nov 11 18:50:26 2002
From: pkishor at (Puneet Kishor)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 20:50:26 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] Map Scale
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>
On Monday, November 11, 2002, at 06:32 PM, Vinko Vrsalovic wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been looking at the archives, but didn't find a clear explanation
> about this issue: The scale number shown by Mapserver is measured in
> what? and in what ways it can be useful for output?
technically scale is a ratio... hence, it doesn't have units
technically. A scale of 1:xxx means 1 unit on your display (computer or
paper) represents xxx units in the real world. So, 1 pix will be xxx
pixels, 1 cm will be xxx cms, etc.
now customarily folks give different units to the different components
of scale (the numerator and denominator). For example, Brits used to
refer to 1" to 4 miles maps in olden times in India. Of course, it
means what it says... 1" on the paper map is 4 miles in the real world.
In your application you can use some Javascript to give the user
feedback of the area depicted on the display. Just use appropriate
transformations to convert pixels to relevant geographic coords.
From pkishor at Mon Nov 11 19:12:50 2002
From: pkishor at (pkishor_98)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 03:12:50 -0000
Subject: [mapserver-users] Re: Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
In-Reply-To: <>
--- In mapserver-users at y..., "krung" wrote:
> Apache, it showed only one line "Premature end of script
> header:/mapserver/". With this error_log file,
> I'm very sure it printed out only one line of error per
> access to this script.
it will show only one line unless you run perl with the -w switch
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
Please use the -w switch, or use diagnostics.
> Thanks
> Krung
> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: "Lowell Filak"
> Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 15:25:55 -0500
> >If you run the script at the command line and then immediately do
"cat mapserver.log" what does it show?
> >If you also do "ls -l mapserver.log" what does it show?
> >Lowell F.
> >
> >The following message was sent by "krung" on Sun, 10
Nov 2002 00:09:08 +0700.
> >
> >> Hi Lowell, Puneet
> >>
> >> I tried as you told me. If I ran with command line, mapserver.log
was created whem error occured. But when run on Apache, mapserver's
never created as error occured. (access right with this directory'd
set to 777 already) So I checked it at error_log of httpd log file,
but it's non-sense to me. It showed only "Premature of script headers:
> >>
> >> And I tried to change script logic flow as you, Puneet, told me.
It's the same error as before (Internal Server Error).
> >>
> >> Do I have to specially configure when I create mapserver program?
Any comments, help, advice would be graceful.
> >>
> >> Thank you
> >> Krung
> >>
> >>
From pkishor at Mon Nov 11 20:35:43 2002
From: pkishor at (Puneet Kishor)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 22:35:43 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>
On Monday, November 11, 2002, at 06:23 PM, Martin, Daniel wrote:
> When writing the thread I was being VERY careful to chose my words
> because I
> wanted to make 100% sure I didn't offend anyone.
you didn't
> Yet they did. For that I
> apologize to the list.
you don't have to
> I would like to know what offended the members of the list, so I can
> avoid
> it in the future. I've read, and re-read the thread. I can't find
> the holy
> war. I can't find the Windows bashing. I can't find the Linux
> bashing. I
> can't find the ranting.
there was none.
> Maybe I'm just blind to my own words.
> I really don't want to be stuck with a cloud of concern over my head
> every
> time I post that it might offend members of the list.
you don't have to.
> I do feel that way
> now, and for now I think I'll keep off the list.
you shouldn't.
> Please do let me know, privately or publicly.
there. I just did.
this is a list. people will agree, people will demurr. who cares. its
just mapserver, not a freakin' political stump speech. of course, as
long as threads don't become idiotic ad nauseam...
do stay and contribute.
> -Dan Martin
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Gerald Thornberry [mailto:gthornberry at]
>> Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 4:35 PM
>> To: mapserver
>> Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
>> Clarification:
>> The help that the respondents originally rendered in this thread was
>> great. Subsequent responses, however, were becoming increasingly
>> emotionally charged rather than informative and it galled me that:
>> 1. The new user was no longer being served by their own thread
>> 2. Yet another counter-productive OS holy war was brewing
>> My post was a gut response to the same, old Windows vs.Linux argument,
>> when they both suck and don't suck in their own ways. I was trying to
>> call attention to the unprofessional, argumentative _tone_ of
>> the thread
>> rather than say that any _person_ was unprofessional. Bottom line: I
>> wasn't trying to call anybody names. If I offended anyone, I
>> apologize.
>> I prefer to use Linux and OpenBSD myself. As a Tech Support Manager,
>> though, I try to simply stay agnostic and be a "solve the problem with
>> the right wrench" kind of person. Often that involves using Microsoft
>> Windows OSs. An objective comparison of operating systems would, in
>> fact, be very relevant to the MapServer forum. If someone takes the
>> time to genuinely compare them I hope you post the results. It would
>> benefit the MapServer user-base, especially new users, very much.
>> The MapServer list is a public forum, and I'm certainly not its
>> moderator. I'm just a subscriber who didn't feel like
>> hearing a rehash
>> of tired, old Linux vs. Windows rants. I encourage anyone who has
>> advice, instruction, or opinion about MapServer to speak openly (as I
>> did).
>> Gerald
>> --
>> Gerald Thornberry
>> Technical Support Manager
>> Spatial Data Integrations, Inc.
>> (502)568-3628
From morissette at Mon Nov 11 20:52:13 2002
From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 23:52:13 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] WFS support
Message-ID: <>
> Matthew Hatcher wrote:
> What is the current progress of the WFS support within mapserver? I've
> had a look at some of the source code and it seems to be fairly well
> progressed, but I haven't been able to get a compilation environment
> working under Win32 yet, so haven't been able to test it.
You're right there is some useable WFS support in MapServer and it's
been there for a few weeks. I've just added a copy of my draft docs for
it in the wiki at
You can use it already, but there are a few things missing before it's
really useful, mainly the attribute filter and query support, these
should be added in the near future.
> Does anybody have any builds of mapserver (3.6.x or 3.7) that has all
> the input and wms formats built in? I'm not bothered about PDF, SWF or
> SDE, but I'd like OGR and GDAL, and WMS/WFS as a minimum.
There is no win32 build with WFS on our download site yet, and the
Windows makefiles in CVS are not updated to build with WFS either. So
your options are either to wait a few weeks until we have time to
package prebuilt win32 binaries, or use Linux if you can, or finally if
you feel brave and want to try building yourself on windows then see the
"special build considerations" in the WFS draft HOWTOs. Note that if
you try the build yourself then you're left on your own since supporting
everyone doing their own windows builds is just too time consuming.
Daniel Morissette morissette at
DM Solutions Group
From morissette at Mon Nov 11 21:46:40 2002
From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 00:46:40 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] WFS support
References: <> <028d01c28a0c$49c6c840$>
Message-ID: <>
Juanse wrote:
> Sorry to bother, but can you explaime in brief what WFS stand for; and what
> does it does or is different than WMS (Web map server?).
WFS stands for Web Feature Service.
The difference with WMS is that WMS returns an image (GIF, PNG) of
selected layers, and WFS returns vector features encoded in GML format.
GML stands for Geography Markup Language and is an XML encoding of
vector feature information (attributes and coordinates information).
When you're browsing maps, zooming, etc then you want to use a WMS
server, it's still the most efficient way to browse maps built from
remote data sources. However since a WMS sends you only a raster image
of the data then it's not possible to do anything intelligent with it
like performing attribute queries, or other operations that you would
normally do on vector data such as buffers, etc.
That's where WFS becomes useful... it allows you to connect to a remote
server to request features that match some attribute filter expression
for the area of your map, and then your client app (or a cascading
server) can use the feature information just like if it was coming out
of a local shapefile or a connection to PostGIS or another GIS database.
This is in no way a complete description of WFS and of everything you
can do with it, but I hope that will help you (and others on the list)
understand the difference.
Daniel Morissette morissette at
DM Solutions Group
From johnhagstrand at Tue Nov 12 00:48:00 2002
From: johnhagstrand at (John Hagstrand)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 02:48:00 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] wms getFeatureInfo
In-Reply-To: <7CDD7B94357FD5119E800002A537C46EB0FE56@s5-ccr-r1.ccrs.nrca>
Message-ID: <>
Thank you very much for the reply. I am doing the query on a polygon
layer, and my request looks like yours. Did you also have to do something
in your mapfile? If not, then how do you tell mapserver what info to
return to a getFeatureInfo request?
At 07:43 AM 11/8/2002, Peter.Bruton at wrote:
>I received the same sort of message the first time I executed a
>GetFeatureInfo request on a point layer. In my case the problem was that
>there were no features located in the location at the specified "x"/"y"
>There does not appear to be a way to set a search radius for the
>GetFeatureInfo request, so your "x"/"y" location must be exact where
>executing the request on a point layer. If you are executing a
>GetFeatureInfo request on a polygon layer this sort of problem should not
>I have provided an example GetFeatureInfo request below. We still have to a
>bit of work on our site so I have omitted the PREFIX.
>I hope this helps.
>Peter Bruton
>-----Original Message-----
>From: John Hagstrand [mailto:johnhagstrand at]
>Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 7:08 AM
>To: mapserver-users at
>Subject: [mapserver-users] wms getFeatureInfo
>When I execute the WMS getFeatureInfo command, I get this error message.
>GetFeatureInfo results:
> Search returned no results.
>What am I doing wrong?
>John Hagstrand
>Interage Research, Inc.
>847 838 5371
>Software Development Consulting for Internet Content Management
>We make knowledge accessible, useful, and relevant for everyone.
John Hagstrand
Interage Research, Inc.
847 838 5371
Software Development Consulting for Internet Content Management
We make knowledge accessible, useful, and relevant for everyone.
From woodbri at Tue Nov 12 04:44:15 2002
From: woodbri at (woodbri at
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 07:44:15 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] WFS support
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <3DD0B14F.27285.47AACF94@localhost>
Thank you for providing this update. It is a very interesting
development. Kudos to all involved.
I noticed in the limitations for WFS Server that there are no plans
for transaction support. I have not familiarized myself with the spec
and I realize the that MapServer is not a GIS system that would be
more suited to dealing with transactions, but I was wondering if a
limited capability to add objects to a special layer or repository
would not be a useful feature to Mapserver users. If this is well
defined within the spec, I can imagine a site that would allow remote
users the ability to add points, lines, etc to a write and view only
repository on the server. These added objects could be added to a
defined shapefile (yes, there are some locking issues that would need
to be dealt with) or a PostGIS or MySQL database and the same could
be defined as viewable layer(s).
Just something to consider,
-Steve W.
From tpcolson at Tue Nov 12 04:48:00 2002
From: tpcolson at (Thomas P. Colson)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 07:48:00 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] MapServer Platform/OS Survey (was: beginner getting started)
Message-ID: <>
P120 ??!?!?!
On that note....has anyone gotten any better performance using PHP accelerators, or such?
-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Morissette [mailto:morissette at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 8:59 PM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: [mapserver-users] MapServer Platform/OS Survey (was: beginner
getting started)
Thomas P. Colson wrote:
> Daniel,I think this calls for a detailed user survey. There are
> several cookie cutter survey cgi-forms out there. I'd be interested
> to see what the major install base is.
For those interested in a survey, there's a small one in the MapServer
wiki that was started a few months ago by Tyler Mitchell. This should
at least give you an idea of which platforms are used to run MapServer:
P.S. Note that the objective of this survey was not to decide which one
of Windows or Unix/Linux was better, but to find the smallest processor
that was used to run sites with MapServer apps. Until now the one to
beat is a Pentium 120... anyone running on a P90, P75, or even a 486?
Daniel Morissette morissette at
DM Solutions Group
From lfilak at Tue Nov 12 05:32:35 2002
From: lfilak at (Lowell Filak)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 08:32:35 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
Message-ID: <>
First problem solved.
Now please try adding the -w switch to your script as Puneet has suggested and report what happens.
Lowell F.
The following message was sent by "krung" on Tue, 12 Nov 2002 09:18:37 +0700.
> Lowell,
> If I ran at the command line "cat mapserver.log", it showed the error I tend to make in mapfile, e.g. I changed "UNITS KILOMETERS" to "UNITS KILO", it showed that it didn't know "KILO". If that mapfile worked without error, no new message's in that log file. And with this error-free script run on Apache, it stoped with "Internal Server Error" with no new message in mapserver.log and at the error_log of Apache, it showed only one line "Premature end of script header:/mapserver/". With this error_log file, I'm very sure it printed out only one line of error per access to this script.
> Thanks
> Krung
> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: "Lowell Filak"
> Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 15:25:55 -0500
> >If you run the script at the command line and then immediately do "cat mapserver.log" what does it show?
> >If you also do "ls -l mapserver.log" what does it show?
> >Lowell F.
> >
> >The following message was sent by "krung" on Sun, 10 Nov 2002 00:09:08 +0700.
> >
> >> Hi Lowell, Puneet
> >>
> >> I tried as you told me. If I ran with command line, mapserver.log was created whem error occured. But when run on Apache, mapserver's never created as error occured. (access right with this directory'd set to 777 already) So I checked it at error_log of httpd log file, but it's non-sense to me. It showed only "Premature of script headers: /usr/mapserver/".
> >>
> >> And I tried to change script logic flow as you, Puneet, told me. It's the same error as before (Internal Server Error).
> >>
> >> Do I have to specially configure when I create mapserver program? Any comments, help, advice would be graceful.
> >>
> >> Thank you
> >> Krung
> >>
> >>
From morissette at Tue Nov 12 06:26:18 2002
From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 09:26:18 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] PointZ
Message-ID: <>
"Lowther, David W" wrote:
> I've seen a couple of things in the archives and in practice letting me know
> that mapserver doesn't like shapefiles with z (i.e. PointZ) but nothing
> explaining why... It's easy enough to work around, but I was just curious.
> Why doesn't mapserver like these shapefiles?
It's simply because MapServer uses a version of shapelib that doesn't
support the shapefile with z values. Note that you could read those
files today using an OGR CONNECTION since OGR comes with the latest
version of shapelib which supports the shapefiles with Z values.
Daniel Morissette morissette at
DM Solutions Group
From rich at Tue Nov 12 06:43:21 2002
From: rich at (Richard Greenwood)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 07:43:21 -0700
Subject: [mapserver-users] mapplet enhancement
Message-ID: <>
I started working on a minor enhancement to mapplet this morning to add
line drawing for use in a distance measuring tool. I know Rosa supports
something like this. Has anyone done this with mapplet? Or is anybody
already working on it?
Richard W. Greenwood, PLS
(307) 733-0203
Rich at
From morissette at Tue Nov 12 07:00:19 2002
From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 10:00:19 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] WFS support
References: <3DD0B14F.27285.47AACF94@localhost>
Message-ID: <>
woodbri at wrote:
> I noticed in the limitations for WFS Server that there are no plans
> for transaction support. I have not familiarized myself with the spec
> and I realize the that MapServer is not a GIS system that would be
> more suited to dealing with transactions, but I was wondering if a
> limited capability to add objects to a special layer or repository
> would not be a useful feature to Mapserver users. If this is well
> defined within the spec, I can imagine a site that would allow remote
> users the ability to add points, lines, etc to a write and view only
> repository on the server. These added objects could be added to a
> defined shapefile (yes, there are some locking issues that would need
> to be dealt with) or a PostGIS or MySQL database and the same could
> be defined as viewable layer(s).
Hi Steve,
We should not forget that MapServer is a toolkit to serve maps and
navigation interfaces. This is what it was designed and built for and
that's why it outperforms most (all?) other systems for fast webmapping
interfaces. It is currently built and optimized for read-only access to
the data, so I'm not convinced that it would be a smart idea to start
bloating MapServer itself to support database updates. My opinion may
change eventually, but for now I would be hesitant to go in that
However, this doesn't mean that you should be prevented from using WFS
transactions in a complete webmapping application. Since MapServer is
just a toolkit, you could use it with another toolkit which would be
built and optimized for database and/or WFS transactions and then build
a complete webmapping site that combines fast navigation interfaces with
MapServer and WFS transactions with another tool.
This other tool could be a WFS built on top of OGR, or on top of
PostGIS, or any other data engine that MapServer supports already.
So any update made to the data source using the WFS interface would be
reflected immediately on your MapServer map and the user would never
notice that you are actually using two tools to build your application.
BTW, I think we'll have a transactional WFS at some point in the not too
distant future. If you can live with Java Servlets then there is
already Geoserver (
which supports WFS. I haven't tested it so I cannot tell you how well
it goes or if it supports transactions. Other options also include
building a WFS interface on top of OGR directly (in C/C++), or on top of
Daniel Morissette morissette at
DM Solutions Group
From Steve_Palmer at Tue Nov 12 07:08:52 2002
From: Steve_Palmer at (Palmer, Steve)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 09:08:52 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] Map Scale
Message-ID: <>
That's about as succinct an explanation as I've heard/seen.
So if the map units were in meters, would one plug in a resolution value of
182.88 pixels per centimeter (72 * 2.54) to derive the scale?
-----Original Message-----
From: Ed McNierney [mailto:ed at]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 4:58 PM
To: vinko at; mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] Map Scale
Vinko -
The scale number has no units - a scale ratio, as in "1:25,000" scale.
Scale ratios basically make no sense with a digital image, unless you
specify the physical output (display or print) resolution of that image in
pixels per some physical unit. By default, MapServer assumes that the
output device has a resolution of 72 pixels per inch, and computes the scale
ratio that way.
For example, if MapServer generated a line that it knows is 12 miles long
(because MapServer knows such things), and the resulting image is 144 pixels
long (which MapServer also knows since it generated the image), then at 72
pixels per inch the image will be two inches long, which is a scale ratio of
12 miles = 2 inches or 6 miles = 1 inch or 380,160 inches = 1 inch. That's
a scale of 1:380,160, which is what MapServer will report.
You can use the RESOLUTION keyword in the MAP file to change the presumed
output resolution. Unless you control the output device completely,
reporting the scale as a ratio will never be accurate - but it's what most
users expect, so it's worth doing.
- Ed
Ed McNierney
President and Chief Mapmaker
ed at
-----Original Message-----
From: Vinko Vrsalovic [mailto:vinko at]
Sent: Mon 11/11/2002 7:32 PM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: [mapserver-users] Map Scale
I've been looking at the archives, but didn't find a clear
about this issue: The scale number shown by Mapserver is measured in
what? and in what ways it can be useful for output?
Because it doesn't make sense viewing the image, compared to what is
'normal' in real paper maps.
Vinko Vrsalovic
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From srodriguez at Tue Nov 12 07:14:32 2002
From: srodriguez at (Seth Rodriguez)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 10:14:32 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] trying to test my install with the sample data
Message-ID: <000d01c28a5e$34dd6a40$7a05a8c0@12GVD11>
Hey all. Thanx to all for your much appreciated help and patience. I
believe that I have gotten the third win32 binary
) loaded
properly using IIS on my desktop winXP machine, and I am trying to test
it with the sample data. Using the directions offered at MapServer 3.5
Instructions, I have edited the demo_init.html and files as
instructed with no problem. Here is where I have hit a bump. To make
sure that my web server and mapserver cgi program are running properly,
I typed http://localhost/scripts/mapserv.exe into my internet explorer
window. The tutorial says I should get the message - no query
information to decode. Query_string set, but empty. I got the message as
- No query information to decode. QUERY_STRING not set. Any idea what I
have done wrong? Also, I am when I run mapserv.exe, I get that annoying
open/save message box that seems to be preventing my app from working
properly. Please help. The end seems so close yet so far away.
Seth Rodriguez
Environmental Scientist
GIS Analyst
Maguire Group Inc.
564 Forbes Avenue, Suite 1212
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(412) 281-6393
(412) 281-7908 FAX
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From gadoury at Tue Nov 12 07:27:15 2002
From: gadoury at (Dean Gadoury)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 10:27:15 -0500
Subject: [maplab-users] RE: [mapserver-users] How to get rid of stock
References: <>
Message-ID: <>
That is a very good point, and is a better solution if you want to
eliminate the line in all you applications, or put in one of your own.
Just a note though, the line to edit may be different under different
platforms and/or configurations. For example on my Windows system in
MapLab version 2.0rc3-dev the line to edit is 365. For the sake of
clarity here is the contents of that line:
."this application was built using GMapFactory"
Thomas P. Colson wrote:
>By editing line 386 of "build_phtml.php" in the htdocs directory, one can change the default credits to NOT change everytime GMAP factory is opened.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Dean Gadoury [mailto:gadoury at]
>Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 1:51 PM
>To: Thomas P. Colson
>Cc: mapserver-users at
>Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] How to get rid of stock credits
>MapLab specific questions can be posted the the maplab list. To
>subscribe see:
>To answer your question though: You can get rid of that text by editing
>the html code for the page. The trick is that it is found in
>x_contents.php, where x is the name you gave your application. You can
>also modify other page elements in this file, like colours, fonts or
>even the layout, but I will include 2 major cautionary notes.
>1. If you modify any code in this file and re-open the project in
>GMapFactory, your changes will be overwritten automatically by GMF. So
>if you delete the credit line using your favorite text editor, then open
>the project in GMF again the credit line will re-appear. This is the
>expected and desired behaviour of GMF. So go ahead and make changes, but
>it is best to make sure your application is finalized first. As long as
>you don't open the project in GMF again you should have no problems.
>2. Unless you really know what you're doing you shouldn't edit anything
>inside the php code tags:
>I hope that answers your question.
>Thomas P. Colson wrote:
>>How to get rid of "this application was built using GMapFactory" credit at bottom of page?
Dean Gadoury
DM Solutions Group
72 Chamberlain Ave. Third Floor
Ottawa, Ontario. K1S 1V9
613 565-5056 ext. 24
gadoury at
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From dlowther at Tue Nov 12 07:49:01 2002
From: dlowther at (Lowther, David W)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 09:49:01 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] trying to test my install with the sample d
the open save msg box can be avoided by disallowing execute access from that
directory in your webserver.
-----Original Message-----
From: Seth Rodriguez [mailto:srodriguez at]
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 9:15 AM
To: mapserver-users at; 'Thomas Bartlett'; 'Shaun Kolomeitz'
Subject: [mapserver-users] trying to test my install with the sample data
Hey all. Thanx to all for your much appreciated help and patience. I believe
that I have gotten the third win32 binary (
) loaded
properly using IIS on my desktop winXP machine, and I am trying to test it
with the sample data. Using the directions offered at MapServer 3.5 Demo
Instructions, I have
edited the demo_init.html and files as instructed with no problem.
Here is where I have hit a bump. To make sure that my web server and
mapserver cgi program are running properly, I typed
into my internet explorer window. The tutorial says I should get the message
- no query information to decode. Query_string set, but empty. I got the
message as - No query information to decode. QUERY_STRING not set. Any idea
what I have done wrong? Also, I am when I run mapserv.exe, I get that
annoying open/save message box that seems to be preventing my app from
working properly. Please help. The end seems so close yet so far away...
Seth Rodriguez
Environmental Scientist
GIS Analyst
Maguire Group Inc.
564 Forbes Avenue, Suite 1212
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(412) 281-6393
(412) 281-7908 FAX
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From teb at Tue Nov 12 07:52:24 2002
From: teb at (Thomas E. Burk)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 09:52:24 -0600 (CST)
Subject: [mapserver-users] SOS (FWD)
Message-ID: <>
------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------
From: "Rosa Aguilar"
Subject: SOS
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 11:51:23 +0100
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
Importance: Normal
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4522.1200
I am a really new user of Mapserver. In fact, I am having trouble compiling
the code.
I guest I have the required libraries ann source files, But When i try to
compile I got an error SO i dont get mapserv.exe
I downloaded gdal, however i don't know how to produce ?*.exe ?. I run the
make all --> "Nothing to do......"
Please any help :-(
Ing. Rosa Mar?a Aguilar
Centro de Procesamiento Digital de Im?genes
Tlf: 9034660 - 9034781
------------- End Forwarded Message -------------
From tpcolson at Tue Nov 12 08:07:20 2002
From: tpcolson at (Thomas P. Colson)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 11:07:20 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] SOS (FWD)
Message-ID: <>
What's your environment? W2K? Unix?
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas E. Burk [mailto:teb at]
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 10:52 AM
To: mapserver-users at
Cc: rosaa at
Subject: [mapserver-users] SOS (FWD)
------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------
From: "Rosa Aguilar"
Subject: SOS
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 11:51:23 +0100
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
Importance: Normal
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4522.1200
I am a really new user of Mapserver. In fact, I am having trouble compiling
the code.
I guest I have the required libraries ann source files, But When i try to
compile I got an error SO i dont get mapserv.exe
I downloaded gdal, however i don't know how to produce ?*.exe ?. I run the
make all --> "Nothing to do......"
Please any help :-(
Ing. Rosa Mar?a Aguilar
Centro de Procesamiento Digital de Im?genes
Tlf: 9034660 - 9034781
------------- End Forwarded Message -------------
From steve.lime at Tue Nov 12 08:17:48 2002
From: steve.lime at (Steve Lime)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 10:17:48 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] Fwd: SOS
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From: "Rosa Aguilar"
Subject: SOS
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 11:51:23 +0100
Size: 1631
From pkishor at Tue Nov 12 08:22:49 2002
From: pkishor at (Puneet Kishor)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 10:22:49 -0600
Subject: FW: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
a list of free compilers for windoze. I installed dev-c++ and I too found it
to be very nice.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Homme Zwaagstra [mailto:hrz at]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 4:46 AM
> To: pkishor at
> Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
> > 2. Windows doesn't come with compilers, so you have to
> shell out for a
> > commercial compiler (MS).
> A list of free, non-commercial compilers is available at:
>I have tried and been impressed with Dev-C++ in particular, although
>I have not gone as far as compiling Mapserver with it!
From rmurray at Tue Nov 12 08:57:44 2002
From: rmurray at (Murray, Ross)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 11:57:44 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] I give up; WMS (client)
Message-ID: <>
I have been trying for days now to retrieve a layer (any layer) into my
MapServer application from a remote MapServer source. I am sure I have a
correctly compiled programme:
and I am sure all the paths, including the one to the epsg file, are
correctly specified. My server end gets its stuff from an SDE layer and the
display is fine. I use the same programme, the same templates, and differ
only in these lines in the map file
in server WEB object
< WMS_TITLE "Surficial geology - Milne Inlet, NU"
--- in client WEB object
> WMS_TITLE "Surficial geology - Milne Inlet, NU"
and, in server end LAYER object (slightly altered with x's)
< DATA "GSC10196200002PLY,shape"
< CONNECTION ",port:5151,null,xxxx,xxxx"
< NAME milne
--- client end LAYER object
> NAME milne
It does not work. I get a blank image (but the scalebar is fine). On the
advice of a knowledgable colleague I tried connecting to a demo layer using
this for the LAYER object
NAME "GMap_WMS_Demo_Server-park"
"wms_srs" "EPSG:4269 EPSG:4326"
"wms_title" "Parks"
"wms_boundingbox" "EPSG:4269 -2346800 -67422.39844 2840370 3830120"
"wms_queriable" "1"
"wms_latlonboundingbox" "-173.433 41.4271 -13.0481 83.7466"
END #End layer projection
END #End of raster layer "GMap_WMS_Demo_Server-park"
Again a nice scalebar but a blank image.
Can anyone suggest why this image is blank, or can anyone point me in the
direction of how to debug something like this? I am most grateful to all the
kind help I have received.
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From nacional at Tue Nov 12 09:05:53 2002
From: nacional at (Pericles S. Nacionales)
Date: 12 Nov 2002 11:05:53 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] SOS (FWD)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>
Try one of the "MapServer Compilation HOWTOs" at It should get you at least
On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 09:52, Thomas E. Burk wrote:
> ------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------
> From: "Rosa Aguilar"
> To:
> Subject: SOS
> Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 11:51:23 +0100
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
> X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
> Importance: Normal
> X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4522.1200
> I am a really new user of Mapserver. In fact, I am having trouble compiling
> the code.
> I guest I have the required libraries ann source files, But When i try to
> compile I got an error SO i dont get mapserv.exe
> I downloaded gdal, however i don't know how to produce ?*.exe ?. I run the
> following:
> configure
> make all --> "Nothing to do......"
> Please any help :-(
> Ing. Rosa Mar?a Aguilar
> Centro de Procesamiento Digital de Im?genes
> Tlf: 9034660 - 9034781
> ------------- End Forwarded Message -------------
From bfischer at Tue Nov 12 09:10:34 2002
From: bfischer at (Brian Fischer)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 11:10:34 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] I give up; WMS (client)
Message-ID: <>
Here are a couple of WMS layers I have been using. I hope this might
help you out.
EXTENT 345221 5009802 896629 5620242
SIZE 500 500
FONTSET "d:/rrbdin/tools/mapserv36/fonts/fontset.list"
SYMBOLSET "d:/rrbdin/tools/mapserv36/symbols/symbol.sym"
SHAPEPATH "d:/rrbdin/tools/mapviewer/shapefiles"
IMAGEPATH "d:/rrbdin/tools/mapserv36/temp_mapserv/"
TEMPLATE rrbdinviewer_main.html
wms_title "RRBDIN"
# WMS_onlineresource
MAXSCALE 7000000
EMPTY '../../mapviewer/query_miss.html'
NAME bathmetry
"wms_title" "Elevation/Bathymetry"
"wms_srs" "EPSG:42304 EPSG:4269 EPSG:4326"
End #layer DmSolutions
NAME "usgslandsat7"
"wms_title" "US_Landsat7"
"wms_srs" "epsg:4326"
"wms_connectiontimeout" "1000"
END #layer usgslandsat7
-----Original Message-----
From: Murray, Ross [mailto:rmurray at]
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 10:58 AM
To: Mapserver-Users (E-mail)
Subject: [mapserver-users] I give up; WMS (client)
I have been trying for days now to retrieve a layer (any layer) into my
MapServer application from a remote MapServer source. I am sure I have a
correctly compiled programme:
and I am sure all the paths, including the one to the epsg file, are
correctly specified. My server end gets its stuff from an SDE layer and
display is fine. I use the same programme, the same templates, and
only in these lines in the map file
in server WEB object
< WMS_TITLE "Surficial geology - Milne Inlet, NU"
--- in client WEB object
> WMS_TITLE "Surficial geology - Milne Inlet, NU"
and, in server end LAYER object (slightly altered with x's)
< DATA "GSC10196200002PLY,shape"
< CONNECTION ",port:5151,null,xxxx,xxxx"
< NAME milne
--- client end LAYER object
> NAME milne
It does not work. I get a blank image (but the scalebar is fine). On the
advice of a knowledgable colleague I tried connecting to a demo layer
this for the LAYER object
NAME "GMap_WMS_Demo_Server-park"
"wms_srs" "EPSG:4269 EPSG:4326"
"wms_title" "Parks"
"wms_boundingbox" "EPSG:4269 -2346800 -67422.39844 2840370
"wms_queriable" "1"
"wms_latlonboundingbox" "-173.433 41.4271 -13.0481 83.7466"
END #End layer projection
END #End of raster layer "GMap_WMS_Demo_Server-park"
Again a nice scalebar but a blank image.
Can anyone suggest why this image is blank, or can anyone point me in
direction of how to debug something like this? I am most grateful to all
kind help I have received.
From Rich at Tue Nov 12 09:14:11 2002
From: Rich at (Richard Greenwood)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 10:14:11 -0700
Subject: [mapserver-users] SOS (FWD)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>
Start out, please, by telling us what platform you are trying to compile to
- windows or linux? If you are on windows, there is no configure script.
You generally need to edit the a bit and then run:
nmake /f
And if you are on windows, have you tried the pre-compiled binaries? That
might save you having to compile at all.
At 09:52 AM 11/12/2002 -0600, you wrote:
>------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------
>From: "Rosa Aguilar"
>Subject: SOS
>Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 11:51:23 +0100
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
>X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>Importance: Normal
>X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4522.1200
>I am a really new user of Mapserver. In fact, I am having trouble compiling
>the code.
>I guest I have the required libraries ann source files, But When i try to
>compile I got an error SO i dont get mapserv.exe
>I downloaded gdal, however i don't know how to produce ?*.exe ?. I run the
>make all --> "Nothing to do......"
>Please any help :-(
> Ing. Rosa Mar?a Aguilar
>Centro de Procesamiento Digital de Im?genes
> Tlf: 9034660 - 9034781
>------------- End Forwarded Message -------------
Richard W. Greenwood, PLS
Greenwood Mapping, Inc.
Rich at
(307) 733-0203
From Alec_Millar at Tue Nov 12 10:19:39 2002
From: Alec_Millar at (Alec Millar)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 13:19:39 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] unsubscribe
From rmurray at Tue Nov 12 10:54:06 2002
From: rmurray at (Murray, Ross)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 13:54:06 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] I give up; WMS (client)
Message-ID: <>
-----Original Message-----
From: Debbie Pagurek [
mailto:pagurekd at]
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 1:26 PM
To: rmurray at
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] I give up; WMS (client)
Hmmm... try setting STATUS DEFAULT instead of STATUS ON for your layers.
Nope. That weren't it.
I notice that your metadata tags look different from mine . . .
Nope. That weren't it neither.
For your SDE layer . . .
It probably isn't the SDE layer, since that layer looks great in the service
that calls it as an SDE layer instead of as a WMS layer. Indeed, if I type
I get precisely the map image I want.
for your second example, . . . Here's one that works:
It does look nice on its own, but it still won't come up if I call it as a
layer in my WMS client. Interestingly, it is a blank image but without the
background colour I assigned.
Lastly, I'd just make sure that your projection parameters are OK i.e. do
the bounds you give make sense? Try setting it up without using any
projection stuff and see if you can get it to work.
They are, they do, and it doesn't.
Good luck, and let me know if any of this helped.
Thanks anyway for your concern.
-------------- next part --------------
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From DMartin at Tue Nov 12 09:38:54 2002
From: DMartin at (Martin, Daniel)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 11:38:54 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] trying to test my install with the sample d
Message-ID: <>
"No query information to decode. QUERY_STRING not set." This is a good
message, believe it or not. With an empty query string (meaning nothing
like ?someVar=blah&someOtherVar=blah after mapserv.exe) this is exactly what
you should get. That tells me, at the very least, you have the permissions
set up correctly and mapserv.exe is ready to go.
MapServer requires certain things be passed to it. If you work with the
demo, the initialization page sets up the query string.
If you are getting the prompt to Save or Open, this usually indicates bad
headers being returned from the CGI app (mapserv.exe). This usually tells
me you probably haven't installed the proper libraries. For the distribution you need the, which is
found near the bottom of the same web page. Extract every file, except
readme.txt, into your C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory.
If you have already done that step, let us know.
-----Original Message-----
From: Seth Rodriguez [mailto:srodriguez at]
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 9:15 AM
To: mapserver-users at; 'Thomas Bartlett'; 'Shaun Kolomeitz'
Subject: [mapserver-users] trying to test my install with the sample data
Hey all. Thanx to all for your much appreciated help and patience. I believe
that I have gotten the third win32 binary ( loaded
properly using IIS on my desktop winXP machine, and I am trying to test it
with the sample data. Using the directions offered at MapServer 3.5 Demo
Instructions, I have edited the demo_init.html and files as
instructed with no problem. Here is where I have hit a bump. To make sure
that my web server and mapserver cgi program are running properly, I typed
http://localhost/scripts/mapserv.exe into my internet explorer window. The
tutorial says I should get the message - no query information to decode.
Query_string set, but empty. I got the message as - No query information to
decode. QUERY_STRING not set. Any idea what I have done wrong? Also, I am
when I run mapserv.exe, I get that annoying open/save message box that seems
to be preventing my app from working properly. Please help. The end seems so
close yet so far away.
Seth Rodriguez
Environmental Scientist
GIS Analyst
Maguire Group Inc.
564 Forbes Avenue, Suite 1212
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(412) 281-6393
(412) 281-7908 FAX
From mapserver at Tue Nov 12 14:48:32 2002
From: mapserver at (Mapserver account for mailing list)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 15:48:32 -0700 (MST)
Subject: [mapserver-users] SDE joins
Message-ID: <>
I have found no obvious mechanism to undertake tabular joins in mapserver for SDE layers. Any hacks? Will this be a feature in the future? Thanks in advance.
My current solution involves triggers in SQL Server and data duplication (not a preferred method).
From mapserver at Tue Nov 12 15:17:03 2002
From: mapserver at (Mapserver account for mailing list)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 16:17:03 -0700 (MST)
Subject: [mapserver-users] SDE performance
Message-ID: <>
We have been running MapServer (MS) on Linux since 1998 and have been using it recently to connect to SDE. As our repositories of information grow inside SDE, we have been using MS to hit those very same datasets as we do in ArcMap. Connectivity to the data sets is not a problem, but performance is.
Our MS is running on a Linux server while our SDE runs on a Win2K server. Performance from other Win2K servers and workstations to SDE, on databases of varying sizes, is very good (largest DB is ~32GB). When hitting the SDE from the Linux server, performance is horrible. I began tracing the problem about a week ago and have hypothesized that the performance issue lies in how MS is connecting to SDE.
The SDE server is 'big and fast' and is not the bottleneck (other apps hit SDE with prowess). The network connectivity between the Linux server and the SDE server is not the issue as it is on a gig ether connection (yes, a decent backplane on the switch) and workstations with a 100Mbit connection retrieve the same data faster.
The processor on the Linux box is fast as well. It gets pinned for a period of time initially, but processor load is very short and in sporadic bursts (mostly initially).
I have monitored the network load between the 2 boxes and the processor, and memory loads on each box as I spawn a 'map' via MS. Even very simple layers with little data to display take a long time to display. Processor, memory, and network hits are intermittent and not what I would call large for the infrastructure.
My theory is that the latency between MS request and display has to do more with the number of connections/authentications (viz., for each layer) that occur between MS and SDE. (Steve, ideas?) The nature of the map file and a brief peek at the source seemed to point to frequent connections occurring. If this is the case, would it not make more sense to permit a nesting of layer objects inside a 'connection object' so that one single connection could be made for multiple layer requests (I am not proposing this, simply exemplifying how the number of connection transactions could be reduced). Persistent connections are obviously not a solution for a web-based CGI, but a persistent connection during a single MS request does make sense to me. Perhaps I am missing something
Suggestions from Steve or anyone with similar configs would be appreciated. MS with tiled shapefiles was blazing, but the sheer volume of data we manage makes that option defunct. Thanks in advance for your help.
From jimmy at Tue Nov 12 14:53:50 2002
From: jimmy at (James Healy)
Date: 13 Nov 2002 09:53:50 +1100
Subject: [mapserver-users] SDE joins
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1037141632.49233.19.camel@jimmy>
Hi there...
I have some custom made shp and dbf files that i make with output from
various scripts, and at the moment i've got it displaying as several
layers by using expressions on the dbf fields...
my question is, is it possible to pass the criteria for the expression
via a URL or some other means, besides hard coding it into the map file?
By reading this email, you are old enough to have almost certainly
broken the law somewhere, sometime. There are so many of them and they
so complicated it is highly unlikely you haven't. So remove carefully
remove all sharp objects from your person and slowly approach the
police station with your hands in the air.
work: worker at / personal: jimmy at
msn: jimmy at / ICQ: 6370237
From pramsey at Tue Nov 12 16:24:10 2002
From: pramsey at (Paul Ramsey)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 16:24:10 -0800
Subject: [mapserver-users] SDE performance
References: <>
Message-ID: <>
Mapserver account for mailing list wrote:
> Would it not
> make more sense to permit a nesting of layer objects inside a
> 'connection object' so that one single connection could be made for
> multiple layer requests (I am not proposing this, simply exemplifying
> how the number of connection transactions could be reduced).
For PostGIS and OracleSpatial, this is also an issue. As the number of
layers which are generated from the database for a given map growns, the
number of redundant connection calls also grows. For PostgreSQL, it is
not a *huge* issue, because connection overhead is relatively low. For
OracleSpatial it *is* quite a large issue, because Oracle connection
time overhead is relatively large. The same thing might hold for SDE.
Bottom line, it is silly to be creating and tearing down these
connections over and over when the data is being read from the same place.
One possibility would be to abstract the connection making process a
bit, so that a 'getConnection' function first checks a hash to see if
there is already a connection with parameters which match the requested
connection. It would probably have to reside on the mapObj though...
| Paul Ramsey
| Refractions Research
| Email: pramsey at
| Phone: (250) 885-0632
From tbartlett at Tue Nov 12 16:26:23 2002
From: tbartlett at (Thomas Bartlett)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 11:26:23 +1100
Subject: [mapserver-users] Moving scalebar
Message-ID: <016901c28aab$4c536650$>
G'Day All,
Has anyone else noticed a problem whereby the location (or maybe alignment) of the scalebar changes sometimes when the page is refreshed. At the moment I have the scalebar sitting in a cell within a table underneath the map. However every so often when I zoom or refresh the map the scalebar moves. This means that the right part of the bar is hidden behind the next cell in the row?
Any ideas??
Thomas Bartlett
GIS Technician
Digital (Digest) Data Design Pty Ltd
Military GIS Professionals and Consultants
Telephone: 02 6286 9555
Facsimile: 02 6286 9888
Postal : PO Box 683 MAWSON ACT 2607
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From krung at Tue Nov 12 21:48:01 2002
From: krung at (krung)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 12:48:01 +0700
Subject: [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
Message-ID: <>
Lowell and Puneet,
I'd tried switch -w already, the same result. I suspect that my Apache has suexec enabled. It might cause the problem. I'll try to disable it but don't know how to now. I'll try with it.
Thank you very much for your help and patience.
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Lowell Filak"
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 08:32:35 -0500
>First problem solved.
>Now please try adding the -w switch to your script as Puneet has suggested and report what happens.
>Lowell F.
>The following message was sent by "krung" on Tue, 12 Nov 2002 09:18:37 +0700.
>> Lowell,
>> If I ran at the command line "cat mapserver.log", it showed the error I tend to make in mapfile, e.g. I changed "UNITS KILOMETERS" to "UNITS KILO", it showed that it didn't know "KILO". If that mapfile worked without error, no new message's in that log file. And with this error-free script run on Apache, it stoped with "Internal Server Error" with no new message in mapserver.log and at the error_log of Apache, it showed only one line "Premature end of script header:/mapserver/". With this error_log file, I'm very sure it printed out only one line of error per access to this script.
>> Thanks
>> Krung
From pucher at Wed Nov 13 02:16:47 2002
From: pucher at (Alexander Pucher)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 11:16:47 +0100
Subject: [mapserver-users] Newe MapServer Application
Message-ID: <>
Dear Mapserver-list members,
The Department of Geography and Regional Research of the University of
Vienna, Austria is proud to present their latest MapServer project,
which was launched yesterday evening under the title
"Reason for eviction - non-Ayrian" (
The contents of this website are primarily based on the research and
publication work carried out by Herbert Exenberger, Johann Koss and
Brigitte Ungar-Klein, namely the book "Reason for eviction - non-Ayrian.
The eviction of Jewish tenants from council flats in Vienna in 1938 and
1939. " published by Picus The texts taken from a touring exhibition of
the same name, shown in various parts of Vienna, aiming to increase
sensitivity for the subject of Aryanisation, were adapted for the
Internet. The data collected for this site refer to Jewish men and women
who lost their lives during the NS regime - be it that they were
deported and murdered in a concentration camp, or that they died in
Vienna or elsewhere. Survivors were not included in the data for reason
of data privacy. The data mainly rely on sources from the documentation
archive of the Austrian Resistance, i.e. "the name register of Austrian
holocaust victims".
The system is based on MapServer and PostGIS, offering a complete german
and english interface.
Have fun!!
Institut fuer Geographie und Regionalforschung
Universitaet Wien
Kartografie und Geoinformation
Departement of Geography and Regional Research
University of Vienna
Cartography and GIS
Universitaetstr. 7, A-1010 Wien, AUSTRIA
Tel: (+43 1) 4277 48644
Fax: (+43 1) 4277 48649
E-mail: alexander.pucher at
Atlas of Eastern and Southeastern Europe:
M$ is not the answer. M$ is the question!
No is the answer -- Eric Naggum
From jhart at Wed Nov 13 02:57:40 2002
From: jhart at (Jan Hartmann)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 11:57:40 +0100
Subject: [mapserver-users] SDE performance
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>
My impression is that this would not be very hard to implement: just a
global array with pointers to every CONNECTION opened in all LAYERS. The
applications itself (PostGIS, SDE, Oracle) could test for already open
connections. The only thing MapServer itself would have to do is closing
all connections at the end.
This would certainly be of great help for Oracle and SDE users; large
connection overheads have been mentioned regularly on this list. Even
for PostGIS there are advantages; think about reusing complex queries
with spatial operators and TMP tables. IMHO certainly worth looking into!
Jan Hartmann
Paul Ramsey wrote:
> One possibility would be to abstract the connection making process a
> bit, so that a 'getConnection' function first checks a hash to see if
> there is already a connection with parameters which match the requested
> connection. It would probably have to reside on the mapObj though...
> P.
Jan Hartmann
Department of Geography
University of Amsterdam
From frauke.trurnit at Wed Nov 13 05:08:47 2002
From: frauke.trurnit at (Frauke Trurnit)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 14:08:47 +0100 (MET)
Subject: [mapserver-users] msOpenSHPFile(): Unable to access file.
References: <>
Message-ID: <>
I have installed MapServer 3.6.3 on Linux. Now I'm not able to create a
with a single layer. My mapfile looks like that:
NAME test_frauke
SIZE 400 300
EXTENT -12548000 5083000 -6575000 2348000
SHAPEPATH "/usr/local/httpd/htdocs/frauke/daten/"
NAME Staten
DATA states
COLOR 255 255 128
The effect is: msOpenSHPFile(): Unable to access file. (states)
Thanks for help!
Frauke Trurnit
+++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more +++
NEU: Mit GMX ins Internet. Rund um die Uhr f?r 1 ct/ Min. surfen!
From lfilak at Wed Nov 13 05:16:42 2002
From: lfilak at (Lowell Filak)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 08:16:42 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
Message-ID: <>
Next idea.
Please send your script.
Lowell F.
The following message was sent by "krung" on Wed, 13 Nov 2002 12:48:01 +0700.
> Lowell and Puneet,
> I'd tried switch -w already, the same result. I suspect that my Apache has suexec enabled. It might cause the problem. I'll try to disable it but don't know how to now. I'll try with it.
> Thank you very much for your help and patience.
> Krung
> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: "Lowell Filak"
> Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 08:32:35 -0500
> >Okay.
> >First problem solved.
> >Now please try adding the -w switch to your script as Puneet has suggested and report what happens.
> >Lowell F.
> >
> >The following message was sent by "krung" on Tue, 12 Nov 2002 09:18:37 +0700.
> >
> >> Lowell,
> >>
> >> If I ran at the command line "cat mapserver.log", it showed the error I tend to make in mapfile, e.g. I changed "UNITS KILOMETERS" to "UNITS KILO", it showed that it didn't know "KILO". If that mapfile worked without error, no new message's in that log file. And with this error-free script run on Apache, it stoped with "Internal Server Error" with no new message in mapserver.log and at the error_log of Apache, it showed only one line "Premature end of script header:/mapserver/". With this error_log file, I'm very sure it printed out only one line of error per access to this script.
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >> Krung
From Michael.Soracco at Wed Nov 13 05:26:56 2002
From: Michael.Soracco at (Michael Soracco)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 08:26:56 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] msOpenSHPFile(): Unable to access file.
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>
I'm somewhat new to this, but I'll take a stab at it.
Try setting your SHAPEPATH relative to the webservers path i.e.
SHAPEPATH "frauke/daten"
Frauke Trurnit wrote:
> Hello,
> I have installed MapServer 3.6.3 on Linux. Now I'm not able to create a
> map
> with a single layer. My mapfile looks like that:
> NAME test_frauke
> SIZE 400 300
> EXTENT -12548000 5083000 -6575000 2348000
> SHAPEPATH "/usr/local/httpd/htdocs/frauke/daten/"
> NAME Staten
> DATA states
> COLOR 255 255 128
> The effect is: msOpenSHPFile(): Unable to access file. (states)
> Thanks for help!
> Frauke Trurnit
> --
> +++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more +++
> NEU: Mit GMX ins Internet. Rund um die Uhr f?r 1 ct/ Min. surfen!
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From woodbri at Wed Nov 13 06:03:08 2002
From: woodbri at (woodbri at
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 09:03:08 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] msOpenSHPFile(): Unable to access file.
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <3DD2154C.24942.4D195FC2@localhost>
So this implies that you have shape files at:
AND the the permissions are readable by the webserver process.
On 13 Nov 2002 at 14:08, Frauke Trurnit wrote:
> Hello,
> I have installed MapServer 3.6.3 on Linux. Now I'm not able to create
> a map with a single layer. My mapfile looks like that:
> NAME test_frauke
> SIZE 400 300
> EXTENT -12548000 5083000 -6575000 2348000
> SHAPEPATH "/usr/local/httpd/htdocs/frauke/daten/"
> NAME Staten
> DATA states
> COLOR 255 255 128
> The effect is: msOpenSHPFile(): Unable to access file. (states)
> Thanks for help!
> Frauke Trurnit
> --
> +++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more +++
> NEU: Mit GMX ins Internet. Rund um die Uhr f?r 1 ct/ Min. surfen!
From steve.lime at Wed Nov 13 08:34:27 2002
From: steve.lime at (Steve Lime)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 10:34:27 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] Newe MapServer Application
Wow, one of the most interesting mapping applications I've ever seen.
Fast as
hell and looks fabulous. Kudos!
Stephen Lime
Data & Applications Manager
Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155
>>> Alexander Pucher 11/13/02 04:16AM
Dear Mapserver-list members,
The Department of Geography and Regional Research of the University of
Vienna, Austria is proud to present their latest MapServer project,
which was launched yesterday evening under the title
"Reason for eviction - non-Ayrian" (
The contents of this website are primarily based on the research and
publication work carried out by Herbert Exenberger, Johann Koss and
Brigitte Ungar-Klein, namely the book "Reason for eviction -
The eviction of Jewish tenants from council flats in Vienna in 1938 and
1939. " published by Picus The texts taken from a touring exhibition of
the same name, shown in various parts of Vienna, aiming to increase
sensitivity for the subject of Aryanisation, were adapted for the
Internet. The data collected for this site refer to Jewish men and
who lost their lives during the NS regime - be it that they were
deported and murdered in a concentration camp, or that they died in
Vienna or elsewhere. Survivors were not included in the data for reason
of data privacy. The data mainly rely on sources from the documentation
archive of the Austrian Resistance, i.e. "the name register of Austrian
holocaust victims".
The system is based on MapServer and PostGIS, offering a complete
and english interface.
Have fun!!
Institut fuer Geographie und Regionalforschung
Universitaet Wien
Kartografie und Geoinformation
Departement of Geography and Regional Research
University of Vienna
Cartography and GIS
Universitaetstr. 7, A-1010 Wien, AUSTRIA
Tel: (+43 1) 4277 48644
Fax: (+43 1) 4277 48649
E-mail: alexander.pucher at
Atlas of Eastern and Southeastern Europe:
M$ is not the answer. M$ is the question!
No is the answer -- Eric Naggum
From m.spring at Wed Nov 13 09:29:36 2002
From: m.spring at (m.spring at
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 18:29:36 +0100
Subject: [mapserver-users] msOpenSHPFile(): Unable to access file.
In-Reply-To: <3DD2154C.24942.4D195FC2@localhost> ('s
message of "Wed, 13 Nov 2002 09:03:08 -0500")
References: <3DD2154C.24942.4D195FC2@localhost>
Hash: SHA1
woodbri at writes:
> So this implies that you have shape files at:
> /usr/local/httpd/htdocs/frauke/daten/states.shp
> /usr/local/httpd/htdocs/frauke/daten/states.shx
> /usr/local/httpd/htdocs/frauke/daten/states.dbf
If you do not want to make your shapes downloadable, you should
definitely find another place outside the webserver document tree for
Regarding your problem:
I do never use SHAPEPATH, but instead repeat the path inside the DATA
token which I always quote.
Hope this helps
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.6 and Gnu Privacy Guard
From r00t at Wed Nov 13 09:48:23 2002
From: r00t at (Jim Burnett)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 12:48:23 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] Newe MapServer Application
Message-ID: <026601c28b3c$df83f160$de01a8c0@JOEL>
very cool. Good job!!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Lime"
To: ;
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Newe MapServer Application
> Wow, one of the most interesting mapping applications I've ever seen.
> Fast as
> hell and looks fabulous. Kudos!
> Steve
> Stephen Lime
> Data & Applications Manager
> Minnesota DNR
> 500 Lafayette Road
> St. Paul, MN 55155
> 651-297-2937
> >>> Alexander Pucher 11/13/02 04:16AM
> >>>
> Dear Mapserver-list members,
> The Department of Geography and Regional Research of the University of
> Vienna, Austria is proud to present their latest MapServer project,
> which was launched yesterday evening under the title
> "Reason for eviction - non-Ayrian" (
> The contents of this website are primarily based on the research and
> publication work carried out by Herbert Exenberger, Johann Koss and
> Brigitte Ungar-Klein, namely the book "Reason for eviction -
> non-Ayrian.
> The eviction of Jewish tenants from council flats in Vienna in 1938 and
> 1939. " published by Picus The texts taken from a touring exhibition of
> the same name, shown in various parts of Vienna, aiming to increase
> sensitivity for the subject of Aryanisation, were adapted for the
> Internet. The data collected for this site refer to Jewish men and
> women
> who lost their lives during the NS regime - be it that they were
> deported and murdered in a concentration camp, or that they died in
> Vienna or elsewhere. Survivors were not included in the data for reason
> of data privacy. The data mainly rely on sources from the documentation
> archive of the Austrian Resistance, i.e. "the name register of Austrian
> holocaust victims".
> The system is based on MapServer and PostGIS, offering a complete
> german
> and english interface.
> Have fun!!
> Regards
> alex
> --
> ________________________________________________________
> Institut fuer Geographie und Regionalforschung
> Universitaet Wien
> Kartografie und Geoinformation
> Departement of Geography and Regional Research
> University of Vienna
> Cartography and GIS
> Universitaetstr. 7, A-1010 Wien, AUSTRIA
> Tel: (+43 1) 4277 48644
> Fax: (+43 1) 4277 48649
> E-mail: alexander.pucher at
> FTP:
> WWW:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Atlas of Eastern and Southeastern Europe:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> M$ is not the answer. M$ is the question!
> No is the answer -- Eric Naggum
From otesta at Wed Nov 13 10:26:19 2002
From: otesta at (Oscar Testa)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 15:26:19 -0300
Subject: [mapserver-users] PHP QueryByrect
Message-ID: <>
Hello, I'm using PHP/Mapscript with Mapserver 3.6.3 in a win2k machine.
When i use querybypoint function, the result is correct, but when i try
to use querybyrect didn't return any element, and the result is a
MS_FAILURE return code.
Any idea??
From christym at Wed Nov 13 13:18:10 2002
From: christym at (christy)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 16:18:10 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] [layername_desc]
Message-ID: <>
Hello all!
I've been outputting the DESCRIPTION of specific LAYERs in html query templates with no problem using [layername_desc].
For example, a layer called "nwi" has the DESCRIPTION "National Wetlands Inventory" and this description is obtained using [nwi_desc].
Is there a way to dynamically output the DESCRIPTION for any QLAYER selected? For example, in one query the QLAYER might be "majrds" with a
DESCRIPTION of "Major Roads". In a second query the QLAYER is "cntbnd" and the DESCRIPTION is "County Boundaries". I'm trying to write a generic
query template that is not specific to any one layer and therefore can output the DESCRIPTION of any layer queried.
I've tried using "[[qlayer]_desc]" in my html code. But, this doesn't work. For the "majrds" example above, I'd get "[majrds_desc]" instead of the
actual description which is "Major Roads".
Any ideas??
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From Jean-Francois.Doyon at Wed Nov 13 13:55:29 2002
From: Jean-Francois.Doyon at (Jean-Francois.Doyon at
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 16:55:29 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] Problems with Perl mapscript and save()
Message-ID: <>
I'm trying to run a batch process on a bunch of mapfiles, so I wrote a
little perl/mapscript script to help me along (Find it below).
I'm having 2 problems, one seems to have something to do with re-entrancy
and the destruction/creation of the object, and the other with the save()
Here is the output I get when I run my script:
[root at grumbler root]# ./ -d english/ -w newmapfiles/
(in cleanup) Not a HASH reference at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i386-linux/ line 2415.
Can't call method "save" on unblessed reference at ./ line 35.
The errors seem to have something to do with the destruction of the object,
but I can't really figure out what the cause is.
Also, possibly related, the save() function does nothing!
Here is the code, it is simple:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use mapscript;
use Getopt::Std;
if ( $opt_h ) {
print "MapFile Mass Updater\n\n\t-d\tDirectory where mapfiles are
located\n\n\t-w Directory to write files to.\n\n\t-h\tThis help.\n\n";
if (! $opt_d ) {
print "\nYou MUST provide the directory name to work on with the -d
option. See -h for help.\n\n";
if (! $opt_w ) {
print "\nYou MUST provide the directory name to write to with the -w
option. See -h for help.\n\n";
sub workmapfile {
my $mapfile = $_[0].$_[1];
print $mapfile."\n";
my $map = new mapObj($mapfile);
$map->{scalebar}->{imagecolor}->{red} = 204;
$map->{scalebar}->{imagecolor}->{green} = 204;
$map->{scalebar}->{imagecolor}->{blue} = 204;
my $outputfile = $opt_w.$_[1];
print $outputfile."\n";
sub walkmapdir {
my $mapfiledir = $_[0];
while ( my $direntry = readdir(MAPDIR) ) {
if ( $direntry ne '.' && $direntry ne '..' ) {
if ( $direntry =~ /.*\.map$/ ) {
if ( -d $opt_d ) { if ( substr($opt_d,-1,1) ne "/" ) { $opt_d = $opt_d."/" }
walkmapdir($opt_d) }
Am I doing anything wrong ??? Anybody have any idea how to get around this ?
Jean-Fran?ois Doyon
Internet Service Development and Systems Support
GeoAccess Division
Canada Center for Remote Sensing
Natural Resources Canada
Phone: (613) 992-4902
Fax: (613) 947-2410
From pkishor at Wed Nov 13 18:54:12 2002
From: pkishor at (Puneet Kishor)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 20:54:12 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] how does swig work?
Message-ID: <>
Perl gurus,
I am trying to understand where swig comes into the picture. When I
configure/make mapserver, a bunch of perlvars get generated. The
Makefile.PL uses these perlvars to generate the make file. Where does
swig come in the picture? I don't have swig on my machine. Is mapserver
already swigged?
I want to understand this because -- (1) for the heck of it; (2)
experiment with new versions of swig (well, I really don't know what I
am talking about -- I really would like to experiment with the new
version of perl 5.8.0, if possible.
From pkishor at Wed Nov 13 18:50:43 2002
From: pkishor at (Puneet Kishor)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 20:50:43 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] Problems with Perl mapscript and save()
In-Reply-To: <>
On Wednesday, November 13, 2002, at 03:55 PM,
Jean-Francois.Doyon at wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to run a batch process on a bunch of mapfiles, so I wrote a
> little perl/mapscript script to help me along (Find it below).
> I'm having 2 problems, one seems to have something to do with
> re-entrancy
> and the destruction/creation of the object, and the other with the
> save()
> function.
> Here is the output I get when I run my script:
> [root at grumbler root]# ./ -d english/ -w newmapfiles/
> english/
> newmapfiles/
> (in cleanup) Not a HASH reference at
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i386-linux/ line 2415.
from a recent thread on this topic, here is Joe Bussell's reply that
works (Lowell and a few others had helped me with this a while back as
well) --
The cleanup errors are due to a poorly written interface to SWIG. The
code that connects PERL to the underliing C functionality creates ties
using perl hashes. Some interconnects are not proper hashes. I have no
idea why at this point, but I do know a hack that will eliminate the
cleanup warnings. In your file everywhere you find a
DESTROY method you should return directly if the input is not a hash. I
offer the following example:
return unless $_[0]->isa('HASH');
my $self = tied(%{$_[0]});
delete $ITERATORS{$self};
if (exists $OWNER{$self}) {
delete $OWNER{$self};
the above replace is in about 5-6 different places in
That will take care of that.
From jnovak at Thu Nov 14 00:41:00 2002
From: jnovak at (Administrator)
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 00:41:00 -0800
Subject: [mapserver-users] how does swig work?
Message-ID: <>
SWIG is an open source software package that automagically
generates PERL interfaces for the c structures mapserver uses. I think
that map.h is one of the places to look, as I recall a bunch of SWIG
related defines in that header in particular.
I have not yet poked at the scripting support, but I'd wager that the
3.6.3 distribution comes with the PERL SWIG output included.
John Novak
Novacell Technologies
-----Original Message-----
From: Puneet Kishor [mailto:pkishor at]
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 6:54 PM
To: Mapserver
Subject: [mapserver-users] how does swig work?
Perl gurus,
I am trying to understand where swig comes into the picture. When I
configure/make mapserver, a bunch of perlvars get generated. The
Makefile.PL uses these perlvars to generate the make file. Where does
swig come in the picture? I don't have swig on my machine. Is mapserver
already swigged?
I want to understand this because -- (1) for the heck of it; (2)
experiment with new versions of swig (well, I really don't know what I
am talking about -- I really would like to experiment with the new
version of perl 5.8.0, if possible.
From pagurekd at Thu Nov 14 08:37:14 2002
From: pagurekd at (Debbie Pagurek)
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 11:37:14 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] bug list query
Hey everyone,
is the bugzilla page on the mapserver site working OK? I am trying to search to see if anyone has reported a bug with SDE queries and I can't get ANY bugs listed.
So if someone can answer this, that would be great. Better yet, if someone could tell me specifically if a bug concerning SDE queries has been posted that would be great. And even better yet, if someone could automagically tell me how to get my queries to an SDE layer working, that would be FABULOUS! (mapserver v3.6.1, LINUX platform)
D. Pagurek
From teb at Thu Nov 14 08:59:17 2002
From: teb at (Thomas E. Burk)
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 10:59:17 -0600 (CST)
Subject: [mapserver-users] mapserv CGI, Tomcat 4.0.2, Win2000 problems (FWD)
Message-ID: <>
------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------
X-Sender: gooteri at
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 17:46:43 +0100
To: mapserver-info at
From: "Erik Van der Goot"
Subject: mapserv CGI, Tomcat 4.0.2, Win2000 problems
Mime-Version: 1.0
Dear all,
I would like to use mapserver to produce simple maps, basically to be
included into an html page through the tag.
The problem is that I seem to 'hang' mapserv.exe when accessing through
I am using Tomcat 4 standalone as my web server.
I have created a MapServer webapp inthe Tomcat WebApps directory, and in
the web.xml I have enabled the cgi-servlet.
I have installed the mapserver software in the
webapps\MapServer\WEB-INF\cgi directory and set the url pattern to cgi-bin
So far so good..
If I type the url of the mapserv.exe, it works, in the sense that I get
correct error message. So I AM talking to mapserv.exe through HTTP
I have then downloaded and installed the demo. I have with some trial and
error edited all the paths in the demo-init.html.
When I click on the init button, the browser just sits there. I CAN
see the .GIF files being produced on the server, but i get nothing back,
error, nothing, just a blank page and a little whirling globe (yes I use
So I am almost there but something is not working....
When I try to produce a map through the URL directly (using my own data)
behaves the same way. Whenever I make a mistake in the filenames it gives
me an error, so ok, i AM talking to the program, but when I type
I get nothing but a waiting browser...
Any help would be greatly appreciated
------------- End Forwarded Message -------------
From Steve_Palmer at Thu Nov 14 09:27:01 2002
From: Steve_Palmer at (Palmer, Steve)
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 11:27:01 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] Hide Layers on HTML legend where filtered results are null
Message-ID: <>
I've waded through hundreds and hundreds of archived messages and have not
found any guidance and am hoping someone can point me in the right
I am displaying layers on an HTML legend
The content of those layers is controlled by passing a filter value as part
of my GET string (map_mylayername_filter=somevalue)
If the filter doesn't "find" any records, I would like to be able to hide
that layer on my legend
Any tips/guidance that anyone could provide would be greatly appreciated
MapServer 3.6.1, WinNT/IIS4 - Win2000/IIS5
Steve Palmer
GIS Developer
406-728-9323 x206
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From steve.lime at Thu Nov 14 10:02:22 2002
From: steve.lime at (Steve Lime)
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 12:02:22 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] Fwd: mapserv CGI, Tomcat 4.0.2, Win2000 problems
An embedded message was scrubbed...
From: "Erik Van der Goot"
Subject: mapserv CGI, Tomcat 4.0.2, Win2000 problems
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 17:46:43 +0100
Size: 3056
From steve.lime at Thu Nov 14 10:19:34 2002
From: steve.lime at (Steve Lime)
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 12:19:34 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] how does swig work?
Swig is used to write scripting language wrapper code automatically
existing C/C++ libraries. Swig creates the glue between C and the
of choice. This usually involves a C file written in the appropritiate
low level
language API (nasty, nasty stuff) and then some supporting files
in the scripting language itself. One could write these by hand and
languages give you the tools to do just that, but then you're limited
just that language. PHP/MapScript is maintained that way. Swig allows
to target multiple languages. Swig works off of an "interface" file
allows you to dictate how the resulting module will work. Check out
mapscript/mapscript.i in the MapServer distribution to see what we
for MapScript.
For distributions I run Swig (1.1.883) to generate language specific
files before the tar file is built. If you're using the CVS you'll need
to Swig
things yourself.
Stephen Lime
Data & Applications Manager
Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155
>>> Puneet Kishor 11/13/02 08:54PM >>>
Perl gurus,
I am trying to understand where swig comes into the picture. When I
configure/make mapserver, a bunch of perlvars get generated. The
Makefile.PL uses these perlvars to generate the make file. Where does
swig come in the picture? I don't have swig on my machine. Is mapserver
already swigged?
I want to understand this because -- (1) for the heck of it; (2)
experiment with new versions of swig (well, I really don't know what I
am talking about -- I really would like to experiment with the new
version of perl 5.8.0, if possible.
From krbaker at Thu Nov 14 10:23:43 2002
From: krbaker at (Keith Baker)
Date: 14 Nov 2002 13:23:43 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] Making a Legend?
Message-ID: <>
I'd like to make just a legend on a separate page from everything else.
This is what I am trying:
# Start of map file
NAME Vmap0
SIZE 600 600
EXTENT -180 -90 180 90
SHAPEPATH "/mapdata/vmap0/"
SYMBOLSET "/mapdata/vmap.sym"
FONTSET "/mapdata/vmap.font"
#We don't like drawing Oceans so we'll leave the background ocean color
IMAGECOLOR 131 157 255
FONT arial
COLOR 0 0 0
NAME ground
TILEINDEX ground_tile
COLOR 251 188 61
NAME population
TILEINDEX pop_tile
# COLOR 255 0 0
COLOR 255 240 82
and I send the query:
I get a small image with no content? what do I do?
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From teb at Thu Nov 14 08:59:17 2002
From: teb at (Thomas E. Burk)
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 10:59:17 -0600 (CST)
Subject: [mapserver-users] mapserv CGI, Tomcat 4.0.2, Win2000 problems (FWD)
Message-ID: <>
------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------
X-Sender: gooteri at
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 17:46:43 +0100
To: mapserver-info at
From: "Erik Van der Goot"
Subject: mapserv CGI, Tomcat 4.0.2, Win2000 problems
Mime-Version: 1.0
Dear all,
I would like to use mapserver to produce simple maps, basically to be
included into an html page through the tag.
The problem is that I seem to 'hang' mapserv.exe when accessing through
I am using Tomcat 4 standalone as my web server.
I have created a MapServer webapp inthe Tomcat WebApps directory, and in
the web.xml I have enabled the cgi-servlet.
I have installed the mapserver software in the
webapps\MapServer\WEB-INF\cgi directory and set the url pattern to cgi-bin
So far so good..
If I type the url of the mapserv.exe, it works, in the sense that I get
correct error message. So I AM talking to mapserv.exe through HTTP
I have then downloaded and installed the demo. I have with some trial and
error edited all the paths in the demo-init.html.
When I click on the init button, the browser just sits there. I CAN
see the .GIF files being produced on the server, but i get nothing back,
error, nothing, just a blank page and a little whirling globe (yes I use
So I am almost there but something is not working....
When I try to produce a map through the URL directly (using my own data)
behaves the same way. Whenever I make a mistake in the filenames it gives
me an error, so ok, i AM talking to the program, but when I type
I get nothing but a waiting browser...
Any help would be greatly appreciated
------------- End Forwarded Message -------------
From DMartin at Thu Nov 14 11:37:22 2002
From: DMartin at (Martin, Daniel)
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 13:37:22 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] Hide Layers on HTML legend where filtered r
esults are null
Message-ID: <>
Without Mapscript, I suspect that's going to be hard to do. The two ways I
know of to hide a layer in the legend is:
1) Setting the status to off -> requires not using an opt_flag of 2.
2) Using the order_metadata feature, and setting the metadata value to a
negative number. In this case the status is irrelevant.
I'm don't think you can do either as the result of a filter without
Mapscript. Perhaps someone else knows a way....
-----Original Message-----
From: Palmer, Steve [mailto:Steve_Palmer at]
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 11:27 AM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: [mapserver-users] Hide Layers on HTML legend where filtered results
are null
I've waded through hundreds and hundreds of archived messages and have not
found any guidance and am hoping someone can point me in the right
I am displaying layers on an HTML legend
The content of those layers is controlled by passing a filter value as part
of my GET string (map_mylayername_filter=somevalue)
If the filter doesn't "find" any records, I would like to be able to hide
that layer on my legend
Any tips/guidance that anyone could provide would be greatly appreciated
MapServer 3.6.1, WinNT/IIS4 - Win2000/IIS5
Steve Palmer
GIS Developer
406-728-9323 x206
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From joe at Thu Nov 14 08:03:31 2002
From: joe at (Joe Bussell)
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 08:03:31 -0800
Subject: [mapserver-users] how does swig work?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>
I had fun getting PERL 5.8 working with mapserver. I offer the
following snippet from an earlier post which may save you some
The interface code in mapscript_wrap.c is broken for PERL 5.8.
Specifically, the macro XS(boot_mapscript) must be declared if the PERL
object is not declared. In my world line 431 which reads
SWIGEXPORT(void) boot_mapscript(CV* cv);
should be replaced with
On Wed, Nov 13, 2002 at 08:54:12PM -0600, Puneet Kishor wrote:
> Perl gurus,
> I am trying to understand where swig comes into the picture. When I
> configure/make mapserver, a bunch of perlvars get generated. The
> Makefile.PL uses these perlvars to generate the make file. Where does
> swig come in the picture? I don't have swig on my machine. Is mapserver
> already swigged?
> I want to understand this because -- (1) for the heck of it; (2)
> experiment with new versions of swig (well, I really don't know what I
> am talking about -- I really would like to experiment with the new
> version of perl 5.8.0, if possible.
> Tia,
> pk/
Joe Bussell
On Time Systems
From morissette at Thu Nov 14 12:38:03 2002
From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette)
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 15:38:03 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] Re: labelObj question - PHP
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>
Dylan Keon wrote:
> Since there isn't a getLabel method, what is the PHP syntax for setting
> label parameters? The closest I could find in the archives is something
> like $layerClass->{label}->set('size', 20); but that didn't work.
Well, I didn't try it myself before writing this, but what you did
should work:
$layerClass->{label}->set('size', 20)
Are you sure that's it's not something else that you're missing such as
the label type (TRUETYPE)?
One way to test that your label size is being set properly could be to
call $map->save("/tmp/") after setting the label size and see if
the value is correct. If it is then it must be something else you're
missing in your label defn.
Daniel Morissette morissette at
DM Solutions Group
From Steve_Palmer at Thu Nov 14 13:28:56 2002
From: Steve_Palmer at (Palmer, Steve)
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 15:28:56 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] Hide Layers on HTML legend where filtered r
esults are null
Message-ID: <>
Thanks to Dan & Peter for their prompt replies. Works like a charm if I
"hard-code" those values in my map file.
Currently, I have all the layers in my mapfile set with...
"legend_order" "0"
I know before I initialize the map if there won't be any results to display
as a result of my filter
If I try and pass the values to my map template as part of my GET string
(e.g., map_mylayername_metadata_legend_order=-1) it seems to ignore it -
shouldn't this method work?
-----Original Message-----
From: Martin, Daniel [mailto:DMartin at]
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 12:37 PM
To: Palmer, Steve; mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] Hide Layers on HTML legend where filtered r
esults are null
Without Mapscript, I suspect that's going to be hard to do. The two ways I
know of to hide a layer in the legend is:
1) Setting the status to off -> requires not using an opt_flag of 2.
2) Using the order_metadata feature, and setting the metadata value to a
negative number. In this case the status is irrelevant.
I'm don't think you can do either as the result of a filter without
Mapscript. Perhaps someone else knows a way....
-----Original Message-----
From: Palmer, Steve [mailto:Steve_Palmer at]
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 11:27 AM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: [mapserver-users] Hide Layers on HTML legend where filtered results
are null
I've waded through hundreds and hundreds of archived messages and have not
found any guidance and am hoping someone can point me in the right
I am displaying layers on an HTML legend
The content of those layers is controlled by passing a filter value as part
of my GET string (map_mylayername_filter=somevalue)
If the filter doesn't "find" any records, I would like to be able to hide
that layer on my legend
Any tips/guidance that anyone could provide would be greatly appreciated
MapServer 3.6.1, WinNT/IIS4 - Win2000/IIS5
Steve Palmer
GIS Developer
406-728-9323 x206
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From nhv at Thu Nov 14 13:58:58 2002
From: nhv at (Norman Vine)
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 16:58:58 -0500
Subject: [mapserver-users] how does swig work?
Message-ID: <033401c28c29$099f2e50$a637ba8c@sfdev3>
Steve Lime writes:
> For distributions I run Swig (1.1.883) to generate language specific
> files before the tar file is built.
FYI - I have been using SWIG Version 1.3.16u-20021019-1050
for Python mapscript successfully.
From Simon.Kirkness at Thu Nov 14 15:50:38 2002
From: Simon.Kirkness at (Simon Kirkness)
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 10:50:38 +1100
Subject: [mapserver-users] Addition to Mapserver examples.
Hi All,
Wow what a learning curve for the inexperienced.
Check out this site and see what you think.
add it to your list of examples if it seems O.K.
Check out other developments with similar projects, probably using
different software at
And thank you very much to all involved in creating Mapserver and
providing support.
Simon Kirkness
simonkirkness at
<">< <">< <">< <">< <">< <">< <">< <">< <">< <">< <">< <"><
Simon Kirkness
NSW Fisheries
Project Officer
Threatened Species
Port Stephens Fisheries Centre
Ph: (02) 4916 3810
Fax: (02) 4916 3880
Email: kirkness at
Note: This message is intended for the addressee named and may contain
confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient,
delete it and notify the sender. Views expressed in this message are
of the individual sender, and are not necessarily the views of NSW
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From DMartin at Thu Nov 14 15:58:14 2002
From: DMartin at (Martin, Daniel)
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 17:58:14 -0600
Subject: [mapserver-users] Hide Layers on HTML legend where filtered r
esults are null
Message-ID: <>
You are definitely on the right track. I didn't even think of that.
Unfortunately, you've gone beyond my understanding. I've yet to work with
the URL based dynamic changes to the map file. I tinkered with your example
below, but I also was unable to affect change in the metadata from the URL.
I'd bet one of the developers knows why it's not working. ;)
-----Original Message-----
From: Palmer, Steve [mailto:Steve_Palmer at]
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 3:29 PM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] Hide Layers on HTML legend where filtered r
esults are null
Thanks to Dan & Peter for their prompt replies. Works like a charm if I
"hard-code" those values in my map file.
Currently, I have all the layers in my mapfile set with...
"legend_order" "0"
I know before I initialize the map if there won't be any results to display
as a result of my filter
If I try and pass the values to my map template as part of my GET string
(e.g., map_mylayername_metadata_legend_order=-1) it seems to ignore it -
shouldn't this method work?
-----Original Message-----
From: Martin, Daniel [mailto:DMartin at]
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 12:37 PM
To: Palmer, Steve; mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] Hide Layers on HTML legend where filtered r
esults are null
Without Mapscript, I suspect that's going to be hard to do. The two ways I
know of to hide a layer in the legend is:
1) Setting the status to off -> requires not using an opt_flag of 2.
2) Using the order_metadata feature, and setting the metadata value to a
negative number. In this case the status is irrelevant.
I'm don't think you can do either as the result of a filter without
Mapscript. Perhaps someone else knows a way....
-----Original Message-----
From: Palmer, Steve [mailto:Steve_Palmer at]
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 11:27 AM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: [mapserver-users] Hide Layers on HTML legend where filtered results
are null
I've waded through hundreds and hundreds of archived messages and have not
found any guidance and am hoping someone can point me in the right
I am displaying layers on an HTML legend
The content of those layers is controlled by passing a filter value as part
of my GET string (map_mylayername_filter=somevalue)
If the filter doesn't "find" any records, I would like to be able to hide
that layer on my legend
Any tips/guidance that anyone could provide would be greatly appreciated
MapServer 3.6.1, WinNT/IIS4 - Win2000/IIS5
Steve Palmer
GIS Developer
406-728-9323 x206
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From pradeepkumar at Thu Nov 14 21:26:26 2002
From: pradeepkumar at (Pradeep)
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 10:56:26 +0530
Subject: [mapserver-users] Supported Formats List
HI User List
Can some one post me the complete list of all the Vector and Raster
formats supported by Mapserver
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From krung at Thu Nov 14 21:24:54 2002
From: krung at (krung)
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 12:24:54 +0700
Subject: [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
Message-ID: <>
My script is very simple below;
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use mapscript;
use DBI qw/:standard/;
print header();
$map = new mapObj("") or die "couldn't open map file\n";
$img = $map->draw();
$img->saveImage("images/test.png", $mapscript::MS_PNG,1,1,0);
print "";
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Lowell Filak"
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 08:16:42 -0500
>Next idea.
>Please send your script.
>Lowell F.
>The following message was sent by "krung" on Wed, 13 Nov 2002 12:48:01 +0700.
>> Lowell and Puneet,
>> I'd tried switch -w already, the same result. I suspect that my Apache has suexec enabled. It might cause the problem. I'll try to disable it but don't know how to now. I'll try with it.
>> Thank you very much for your help and patience.
>> Krung
>> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
>> From: "Lowell Filak"
>> Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 08:32:35 -0500
>> >Okay.
>> >First problem solved.
>> >Now please try adding the -w switch to your script as Puneet has suggested and report what happens.
>> >Lowell F.
>> >
>> >The following message was sent by "krung"