[mapserver-users] HTML Legend with Status Checking...

Mike Smith nospam at cnrit.tamu.edu
Tue Oct 1 08:58:30 PDT 2002

Thank you, but this didn't change a thing.  Actually, let me correct 
that...it had a negative effect because now all my layers show up too, 
even if they are not displayed in the map.  I want only active layers to 
show in the legend and I want only IN-SCALE class symbols to show up in 
the legend, I don't want 4 symbols to show up in the legend for every 
layer that I have which has scale-specific classes...I just don't guess 
I can do that without converting everything over to Mapscript.  X-(

Any other ideas?

Martin, Daniel wrote:

>You probably want a bit mask of 2 in your opt_flag.  Layers with STATUS off
>still show, but layers out of scale don't show.  
>[leg_layer_html opt_flag=2]
>Per http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/doc36/html-legend-howto.html :
>1: If set, show layer even if out of scale (default: hide layers out of
>2: If set, show layer even if status is OFF (default: hide layers with
>4: If set, show layer even if type is QUERY (default: hide layers of TYPE
>8: If set, show layer even if type is ANNOTATION (default: hide layers of
>In my experience, opt_flag=2 is the most intuitive.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mike Smith [mailto:nospam at cnrit.tamu.edu]
>Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 5:06 PM
>To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
>Subject: [mapserver-users] HTML Legend with Status Checking...
>    I've seen how you can make legends using PHP Mapscript that check to 
>see whether a layer or class is in scale before displaying it in the 
>legend, but no mention of how to do this if I'm not using Mapscript.  I 
>have sub-classed many of my layers so that symbols show up in different 
>sizes depending on how far zoomed in you are.  In other words, I'm using 
>"MINSCALE" and "MAXSCALE" in my classes, but all of my classes show up 
>in the legend and that's really annoying!  I want ONLY the in-scale 
>symbol to show up in the legend as it does in the map...any tips on how 
>to do this without Mapscript?  I see the "if" conditional statements in 
>the HTML Legend How-to, but there's no status of "SCALE" to check with 
>those statements... if I could put an if statement in my legend template 
>that checked whether or not a class or layer was in scale, then I'd be 
>in business...any way to do this?

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