[mapserver-users] PHP MapScript - Max Layers / Classes

Hankley, Chip Chip.Hankley at gasai.com
Fri Oct 4 07:05:27 PDT 2002

Does anyone know if the maximum number of layers / classes issue (feature)
that CGI MapServer has applies to PHP MapScript (I think it's like 50 /

If so, how does it manifest? Does the mapfile just not load? Is an error
generated? Or does everything generate up to the limit?

I've got an app that is growing, and I think it may reach this level of
data. Anyone have any experience with larger applications like this? I would
like to NOT allow someone to turn on, say, 100 layers at a time, so the
limit (if there is one) seems like a good idea. OTH, I may need to give
access to more than 50 layers. I was thinking about moving to dynamically
generated layers, using a database structure to store layer defs... but
don't want to re-invent something someone else has done.

Any ideas?

Chip Hankley

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