[mapserver-users] How to project a shapefile ?

MOREL Stephane stephane.morel at vanoise.com
Mon Oct 7 05:48:18 PDT 2002

Thank you Nicol
I will try it


Hi Stephane,

follow this link

After the creation you have to include it like

Nicol Hermann

MOREL Stephane <stephane.morel at vanoise.com> schrieb am 04.10.2002,
> Thank you Anwar for your help
> but I don't use Win2000. A s I said in my first post, I use Linux Suse 7.2.
> There is no dll with this OS. When I want to use php_mapscript, I must use
> at the beginning of the file : dl ('php_mapscript.so'). this the same stuff as the dll
> you use except that dll can't be use with Linux
> Thank you one more time for your help
> Stephane
> Hi,
>     I a using win 2000, php4.06, mapserver 3.6, apache and php mapscript
> 4.06 dlls.  I dwonloaded all these from  mapservers website. You can check
> you have the exact php_pmapscript.dll in your system. This is different to
> the mapserver executable. 
> Good luck.
> Anwar
> -----Original Message-----
> From: MOREL Stephane [mailto:stephane.morel at vanoise.com]
> Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 4:55 AM
> To: 'Shaik Anwar Hussain'; 'mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu'
> Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] How to project a shapefile ?
> Hi Thank for your help
> but it still doesn't work
> I have this error message :
> Fatal error: MapServer Error in msProcessProjection(): projection not named 
> in .../../my php files
> I saw you load a dll called php_proj.dll. I don't if we need to do the same 
> with Linux with something like dl('php_proj.so')
> Here is my code
> .....
> $oLine->addXY($xmin, $ymin);
> $oldproj = ms_newprojectionobj("proj=latlong");
> $newproj = ms_newprojectionobj("proj=lcc a=6378249.2 b=6356515.0 
> lat_0=46d48'0.0''N lon_0=2d20'14.025''E lat_1=45d53'56.108''N 
> lat_2=47d41'45.652''N x_0=600000.0 y_0=2200000.0 towgs84=-168,-60,+320 
> units=m no_defs");
> $oLine = $oLine->project($oldproj,$newproj);
> $oShp->add( $oLine );
> ...
> if I omit  in the $newproj variable, I get another error message :
> Fatal error: MapServer Error in msProcessProjection(): unknown projection 
> id in
> Stephane MOREL
> GIS manager
> www.vanoise.com
> Hi
>    This script creates shape file and reproject in to polyconic. U want to
> chane in French projection, change the values in $proj2 variable.
> Let me know if u have any quetions.
> Good luck,
> Anwar
> www.atsincorp.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: MOREL Stephane [mailto:stephane.morel at vanoise.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 12:52 PM
> To: 'mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu'
> Subject: [mapserver-users] How to project a shapefile ?
> Hi list
> I'm a newbie on Mapserver
> I use Mapserver 3.6.1 / Suse 7.2
> I wrote a small php script to create a shapefile filled with datas
> retrieved from a relational database.
> Differents users can query the database and i would like to allow them to
> cartography their results through Mapserver.
> The datas in the database is in latlong projection and all the rest of my
> geographic database are in Lambert II etendu which is a french projection.
> I found in the archive a post from Claude Philipona about this french
> projection parameters.
> I've updated my epsg file with those parameters.
> The script works perfectly but I still have shapefiles in latlon projection
> how can I transform the created shapefile in the french projection ?
> In fact I don't know how to use projectionobj with Mapscript
> Any help will be appreciated
> Stephane MOREL
> GIS manager
> www.vanoise.com

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