[mapserver-users] width of line features

Drew from Zhrodague drew at Zhrodague.net
Sat Oct 26 11:15:41 PDT 2002

> Yes. In the LAYER object you can specify SIZEUNITS as 
> pixel|feet|inches|kilometers|meters|miles, default is pixels.

	Hm, what am I doing wrong here? Also, the legend wigs-out when I 
set the size larger, I'd like to quell that if possible, or reset some 
absolute values. Can you make suggestions?

layer   name "secondaryroadstile"
        type line
        status default
        tileindex "secondaryroadstile"
        tileitem "LOCATION"
        maxscale 200000
        sizeunits feet
        labelmaxscale 25000
                color 204 204 153
                size 30
                TEXT ([FENAME] [FETYPE])
                        color 122 137 103
                        size 12
                        position auto
                        position auto
                        TYPE TRUETYPE
                        ANGLE AUTO
                        FONT zurichlight
                        mindistance 200
                        angle auto

	Also, this is for http://www.WiFiMaps.com, you can check-out the 
app, we've sorta made a PHPNuke module for mapserver, and included a few 
other things, like searching and stats.

	We're so extremely impressed with Mapserver, and can't say enough 
nice things about it. I have the mapfile docs printed on large-format 
paper on the wall in my livingroom (48x36). Wonderfulness, yay, and kudos!

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