[mapserver-users] SDE connect but not > once

Murray, Ross rmurray at NRCan.gc.ca
Mon Oct 28 11:13:52 PST 2002

I am connecting to an SDE coverage for spatial data. When initialised, the
map showing all extents loads correctly into the mapplet (although it is
significantly slower than a shapefile). Then I can  do what I wish (zoom,
query, pan, print); BUT ONLY ONCE. For example, I choose a map I want from a
drop-down list and, presto, there is the whole map in the applet. Then I
zoom in to an area; poof, there is the area. Then I attempt to query a
polygon in the area and I get:

 	msSDELayerOpen(): SDE error. SE_connection_create(): Network I/O
error. (-10)

>From this point the only thing that works is to go to a different map or
quit. That next map will load correctly and I can pan or query or zoom, but
I can't pan and query or query and zoom or whatever. Same error every time.

Any thoughts?

 <<Murray, Ross.vcf>> 
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