[mapserver-users] Caching

Lowell Filak lfilak at medinaco.org
Wed Oct 30 12:59:14 EST 2002

FWIW: We currently do parcel mapping & when a specific parcel is queried we cache all of the image and report data for that parcel-id in files named after the id, ie. tmp/image/03817A11007.png & tmp/report/01317A11007.txt.
Any later requests for the same data receive the cached copy instead of starting a new request.
We have toyed with naming zoom-in/out requests using some combination of upper x,y & scale so they can be cached also but have not implemented it.
Lowell F.

The following message was sent by James Healy <jimmy at deefa.com> on 30 Oct 2002 23:39:20 +1100.

> This is probably a little silly, but i thought i vaguly remember hearing
> something about it...
> Does mapserver perform any sort of caching on commonly requested
> queries? ie. same extents, same features + layers on, etc etc.
> Processing time can add up, and it would be cool if it did.
> Otherwise... do others have a manual system in place to cache common
> maps? what is it?
> thanks!
> James
> -- 
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> work: worker at aycs.org.au / personal: jimmy at deefa.com
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