[mapserver-users] question regarding postgis

Hankley, Chip Chip.Hankley at GASAI.Com
Wed Sep 4 13:59:56 PDT 2002

I'm pretty sure that there is NOT a pre-compiled binary (for windows) that
has PostGIS support on the DMSolutions site. I think that you'll have to use
the CGI mapserver for now... (if you want to do PostGIS).


-----Original Message-----
From: Tyler Mitchell [mailto:TMitchell at lignum.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 3:22 PM
To: Grant Marblestone
Cc: MapServer List
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] question regarding postgis

It looks like you are running it on windows.  It doesn't look like you are
compiling your own exe, right?
Can someone give Grant a pointer to either the DM Solutions mapserver
download site or another. It also looks like he needs PHP and PostGIS
support, right?


                      Grant Marblestone

                      <GrantM at ATSER.com>                  To:
MapServer List                                   
                      Sent by:
<mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu>                       
                      owner-mapserver-users at lists.        cc:

                      gis.umn.edu                         Fax to:

                                                          Subject:  Re:
[mapserver-users] question regarding postgis 

                      09/04/2002 12:23 PM

                      Please respond to Grant




so more questions....

I have installed postgis and supposedly it works? but do i need to have a
special mapserv.exe file or what?

i use mapserv 3.5 | not up to date with 3.6 yet....

here is my error? i use gmap
Warning: MapServer Error in msPOSTGISLayerOpen(): msPOSTGISLayerOpen called
but unimplemented! in c:\phpdev\www\aweb\gmap\htdocs\gmap75.php3 on line

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in
c:\phpdev\www\aweb\gmap\htdocs\gmap75.php3 on line 484

any suggestions?

thanks in advance,

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