[mapserver-users] Line label in the edge of the map

woodbri at swoodbridge.com woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Thu Sep 5 13:30:52 PDT 2002

You can position labels untransformed on the image but you would have 
to know where the line crosses the image in pixel space. Or if you 
can calculate the lat/long of where you want your label placed by say 
intersecting the lat or long line with the edge (extents) of you map 
you can get the lat/long, then position it at UL and you can give 
additional OFFSETs in X and Y to get it positioned nicely.


On 5 Sep 2002 at 21:55, Bjarni Pjetursson wrote:

> Hi,
> I've added latlong lines to my map and would like to place labels at
> the edges of the map (atlas style).
> When I try to use upper-left etc. for the labels, it only moves the
> labels a few pixels away from the center of the line.
> Is it possible to make the labels appear at the beginning or end of
> the line - that is, at the edge of the map?
> Regards
> Bjarni Thor Pjetursson

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