[mapserver-users] MS_MAXSYMBOLS

Mark Eichin eichin at thok.org
Fri Sep 6 00:00:41 PDT 2002

> Because it's good programming style to use limits. 64 is ... uhm. Well

Not to be harsh, but, ummm....  "how 1970's" :-) The only thing limits
like this gets you is the need to edit and recompile things to fix
them.  If you're not doing hard real-time programming (and indeed,
you're not) or the limit corresponds to something physical (interface
packet size limit, physical number of ports, that kind of thing)
dynamic allocation is a win, really.

Out of curiosity, from where (and when) did this code evolve?  I've
never run across an error-handling API quite like msSetError before,
and given that there's code in the mapserver release tree that misuses
it[1] it would be nice to have more background from which to guess.

			_Mark_ <eichin at thok.org>

[1] the shptree tools, at least in 3.6.1, don't report *any* errors,
even "permission denied", and are prone to generating corrupt .qix
files, and I can't even tell if that's due to unreported errors or
other bugs without massaging some of the code... I'll send in patches
once I figure out what's wrong, in the short term the hack of noticing
that shptreetst dumps core on the corrupt ones leads to an sh
one-liner to delete them...  of course, the shptree tools are in a
different code style than the rest of the tree, likely contributed
from the Windows side of things, given the use of Hungarian notation.

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