[mapserver-users] question regarding postgis

Tyler Mitchell TMitchell at lignum.com
Mon Sep 9 08:35:42 PDT 2002

I'm running a windows version of mapserver that has postgis installed.  You
are too aren't you Nicolas?
I certainly didn't compile it either!  Search the mapserver list and I'll
bet you'll find someone (Norman/woodbridge?) that has it packaged up


                      Nicolas Boretos                                                                                
                      <nicolasb at maich.gr>                 To:       Jan Hartmann <jhart at frw.uva.nl>                  
                      Sent by:                            cc:       mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu                
                      owner-mapserver-users at lists.        Fax to:                                                    
                      gis.umn.edu                         Subject:  Re: [mapserver-users] question regarding postgis 
                      09/09/2002 06:39 AM                                                                            


I dont know if this helps, but this was posted a bit back on th ms
list. I am using the stuff below, and it seems to work along with the
winbinaries at the mapserver site.

I dont know about php

I dont know if it might be possible to mingw the postgis dll..?


nicolas boretos

Jan Hartmann writes:

 > . However,
 > PostGIS  cannot be running on the same server as the (Windows)
 > MapServer, as PostgreSQL cannot be compiled for native Windows (yet).

PostgreSQL is distributed as part of Cygwin and I have placed a
compiled Cygwin PostGIS extension module at

There is also a beta Native Win32 PostgreSQL distribution



< following is a repost from the postgis-users list >

From: Norman Vine [nhv at cape.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 4:01 PM
To: 'postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net'
Subject: RE: [postgis-users] [Fwd: New Beta Release of Windows]

Tyler Mitchell writes:

 >Can anyone give some guidance on running pgsql2shp/shp2pgsql
 >in windows?
 >Anyone else getting consistent results with those tools?

I have placed native WIN32 versions of pgsql2shp / shp2pgsql @

these seem to work fine for me in conjunction with the following


< snip >

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