[mapserver-users] template file links with a "?" in it

Nicole Bömeke bon at ivv-aachen.de
Thu Sep 12 08:28:10 PDT 2002

I want to link different points in my map with different html files.

It works fine if I give each html file a name that contains the point ID
and use the following template file link for the point query:

TEMPLATE "http://[host]/mapserv3.6_rrp_appl_NRW/[ID].html"


But what I really want to do is linking an active server pages file with
each point.
The asp file gets the point ID and creates the specific html file for the
by requesting information from an SQL database. I replaced the template file
link above
by the following link but got the error message "Malformed template name".

TEMPLATE "http://[host]/Sehenswuerdigkeiten.asp?dbspalte=[ID]"


It seams as if it is not possible to have template file links with a "?" in
Is there another way to tell the asp file the ID of the selected point?

Thanks Nicole

Nicole Bömeke
bon at ivv-aachen.de
IVV-Aachen, Germany

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