[mapserver-users] MapServer and WMS question

Tweedy, Scott sctweedy at NRCan.gc.ca
Thu Sep 12 08:47:41 PDT 2002

I have a question about using MapServer.  I have a polygon layer that was
created as a MIF file and converted to a SHP file using FME.  When this
process was done FME created a layer of the type PolygonM (representation of
a set of parts (rings). Each part (ring) is a set of points connected by
segments that close back to the first point.).  Using MapLab and MapServer
directly on the Internet I've never had a problem displaying this layer.
I've been experimenting with creating a WMS server.  When I use the GetMap
request on that layer as part of the command:


I get an error saying that only a polygon layer can be created with a
polygon request.  If I go back to ArcView and convert the PolygonM to a
simple Polygon the request works fine.  Does anyone know anything about
support for PolygonM in OGC?  I don't really want to go back and reconvert
all the files.

Thanks in advance,

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