[mapserver-users] Rosa with Mapserver 3.5 vs 3.6

Debbie Pagurek pagurekd at agr.gc.ca
Thu Sep 12 13:15:14 PDT 2002

Hi everyone,
I'm having a WEIRD problem with Rosa.  I have everything working perfectly on one server that is running Mapserver 3.6.  When I take the exact same mapfile and html templates and move them to a machine running Mapserver 3.5, the Rosa zoom in and pan no longer work at all... it keeps zooming in to a box that is probably centred on the centre of the map, not to the extents that I drag with the box or not centred on a point that I click.  I can't figure this one out - any ideas anyone?  Does Rosa behave differently with different versions of Mapserver?  Any hints on which variables to look at?

D. Pagurek

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