[mapserver-users] professional MapServer services list? / ArcIMS-MapServer choice
Ed McNierney
ed at topozone.com
Mon Sep 16 16:45:18 PDT 2002
John -
If anyone's interested in talking to me about the suitability of
MapServer in "moderate to semi-large projects" I would be happy to do
so. That's not a "feature matrix" sort of discussion, but I have built
and host MapServer applications serving multiple terabytes of data and
apps with hundreds of thousands of maps per day.
I'm not going to write up some sales pitch document about how MapServer
works wonders, because I think large-scale applications deployment
involves understanding a lot of things above and beyond which
application to choose. I'm sure I could choke MapServer on a few
hundred kilobytes of data if I organized it badly enough and screwed up
the server config to match. So if someone does want to discuss
large-scale MapServer applications, they're going to need to be able to
describe both the application and the data!
- Ed
Ed McNierney
President and Chief Mapmaker
TopoZone.com / Maps a la carte, Inc.
73 Princeton Street, Suite 305
North Chelmsford, MA 01863
(978) 251-4242
ed at topozone.com
-----Original Message-----
From: John Zastrow [mailto:john1zastrow at yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, September 16, 2002 6:50 PM
To: Mark Phillips; mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] professional MapServer services list? /
ArcIMS-MapServer choice
Mark and List,
I'm a similar boat, except that it's my own group that I'd be 'selling'
Mapserver to. It's my impression that for small to moderate sized
projects, mapserver does just fine. But moderate to semi-large projects
(size being user load and data load) one needs to use a commercial map
server (ArcIMS on Oracle).
Has anyone done a feature matrix of the various mapsevers out there? I
just started lurking on this list. Standard apologies if this has been
covered already. I'd be interested to see Mark's compilation and
information from folks who have comparative information.
--- Mark Phillips <mbp at geomtech.com> wrote:
> Hi List,
> I'm interested in compiling a list of companies and individuals who
> provide MapServer support and development services. If you are such a
> company or individual, could you drop me a note?
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