[mapserver-users] Problems with itemquery

Robert Stanton geosys at iafrica.com
Wed Sep 18 06:44:30 EDT 2002

Hi Everyone

Does anyone know of a demo or tutorial on itemquery and itemquerymap. I have
looked at the tutorial at
http://maps.dnr.state.mn.us/mapserver_demos/tests/itemquery/test.html  but
it seems to be for version 3.3 and does not work properly with version 3.6.
I am having problems with matching numbers and strings with attribute
values. Mapserver returns either the first item in the dbase column, finds a
number with the same last few digits, or does not find a match at all,
despite the fact that the correct query string is being sent. I suspect the
'Filter' statement in the map file and my lack of knowledge of regular
expressions. Can someone perhaps give me some examples of what the Filter
statement should look like when one is trying to find a shape with either
numeric and/or string attributes.

Many thanks in advance
Robert Stanton

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