[mapserver-users] I'm hitting some max threshold?!?!

Mike Smith nospam at cnrit.tamu.edu
Mon Sep 23 13:08:33 PDT 2002


    I'm hitting some maximum that's built-in to Mapserver and I'm not 
sure which one.  I have a map file with 52 layers and 352 classes.  My 
page works fine (for the most part) except that I cannot load more than 
14 layers at once.  That 15th layer blows up my whole page when I try to 
load it.  With one exception...I've got these 8 layers that have classes 
defined inside them using "EXPRESSION" to sub-divide the layer by a 
certain field.  I can load all these type of layers, regardless of 
whether or not I exceed the 14 layer limit, but I cannot view load more 
than 14 of my regular layers (regular meaning ones that do not use the 
"EXPRESSION" keyword to search for class members...that may sound weird, 
but that's the only differentiator between the layers that work and the 
ones that don't work)

Any ideas what "MAX" value I need to increase in the source code so that 
I can recompile and have this work?



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