[mapserver-users] text search in mapserver 3.6

Toni Hernández toni at giscampus.udg.es
Tue Sep 24 01:40:42 PDT 2002

hi all,

I have been bumping my head with this problem. I hope some one has the

I downloaded the itasca demo and slowly start doing some changes.
I have a map of my city (girona, spain) and a list of the names of the
streets. I want to select one of this streets and make a query(no matter the
zoom in the moment of the query). I the version 3.4 I was able to display
two images, one just for the street (zoomed) and the other one with the city
and the street colored. But I can not do that with version 3.6.  I know
there must be a way of doing it but I am lost.

This are the the cgi variables I am using:
<input type="radio" name="mode" value="itemquery"> <b>Query feature</b><br>
<input type="hidden" name="qlayer" value="carrers">
<select name="name">

And this is my map file for the "carrers" (Streets) layer:

  NAME carrers
  DATA carrers
  STATUS default
  FILTER "%name%"
    NAME "l_carrers"
    COLOR 255 225 90
    TEMPLATE "carrers.html"
  HEADER "cap_carrers.html"
  FOOTER "peu_carrers.html"
  DUMP TRUE # allow GML export
    WMS_TITLE "Minor Civil Divisions"
    WMS_ABSTRACT "Minor civil divisions for Itasca County. (boundaries
    WMS_SRS "EPSG:26915"

Am I forgeting or misusing something??

Thanks in advance for your time and knowledge.

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