[mapserver-users] img.x versus map.x

Mike Smith nospam at cnrit.tamu.edu
Tue Sep 24 13:08:28 EDT 2002

Hello listers,

    Sorry to sound like a broken record, but I can't seem to get past 
this seemingly elementary problem!  I still can't get my image to zoom 
or pan to the point of my mouse click...it only zooms in to the center 
of the image and panning is totally disabled.  Thanks to several of you 
for offering suggestions, but nothing has worked so far.  I'm right on 
the edge of uncovering the problem, but can't seem to figure out where a 
certain mapserver CGI variable is coming from...here's what I've got:

when I click on my main image, my page reloads and zoomin occurs, but 
only to the center of my image, not to the point that I clicked on.  I 
see in the URL of my browser that the actual coordinates of my mouse 
clicks are showing up, however, unlike the Itasca demo and other working 
Mapserver pages I've seen, my mouse click coordinates are showing up in 
the following format:


now if I go into the URL field and change the above "map.x" and "map.y" 
to "img.x" and "img.y" respectively, then reload the URL...BOOM!  My 
image shows up zoomed to the right factor and centered on the point I 
had clicked on.

Here's my question:  How come I get "map.x" and "map.y" when I click my 
image?  If these were "img.x" and "img.y" then everything would be 
working...why is my mapserv CGI program inserting the wrong CGI variable 
names?  If I can only get it to insert the mouse coordinates as "img.x" 
and "img.y" values, I'll be working just fine!

Thanks in advance for your help!

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