[Mapserver-users] MapServer - is this possible?

Geoffrey Rowland geoffrey.rowland at noaa.gov
Mon Aug 11 08:24:35 PDT 2003


I'm new to using MapServer, and have a couple of questions.  I have some 
data stored in a MySQL database, state, county, and then a number (which 
is related to the county).  Now what I want to do is have MapServer 
display an ArcView shapefile of the United States (county level), and 
then use PHP + MapScript to query the database and then color each 
county based on what the number is in the database. Is that possible?

Geoffrey Rowland
Technical Officer
Climate Information Project
NOAA Research
Office of  Global Programs
RGII Technologies, Inc., a Computer Horizons Company
Phone: 301-427-2089x186
Fax : 301-427-2082
geoffrey.rowland at noaa.gov

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