[Mapserver-users] 4.0 pdf make error

Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Wed Aug 13 11:12:29 PDT 2003

Joe Smith wrote:

> The answer may have been posted, but I didn't catch it.  You can just email
> me the solution if you want.  I configured like this:
> ./configure --with-gd=/home/joe/gd --with-php=/home/joe/php --enable-debug -
> -with-pdf=/home/joe/pdflib/bind/c/include
> I added a line to the Makefile:
> PDF_INC= -I/home/joe/pdflib/bind/c/include
> PDF_LIB= -L/home/joe/pdflib/bind/c/include/lib -lpdf
> PDF=     -DUSE_PDF
> PDF_OBJ= mappdf.o

Why did you have to edit the makefile?  Configure didn't detect your PDF 
lib?  This is quite possible since the lib was probably not 'installed'.

You would save lots of trouble if you installed the lib (using 'make 
install'), either in the default location (/usr/local) or even under 
your home account if you specify --prefix=/home/joe/local for instance. 
  Note that you'll also need LD_LIBRARY_PATH if pdflib is not installed 
in the default system libs directory.

> Here's my error:
> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpdf
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make: *** [shp2img] Error 1

The following line:

 > PDF_LIB= -L/home/joe/pdflib/bind/c/include/lib -lpdf

  look for libpdf.so or libpdf.a in /home/joe/pdflib/bind/c/include/lib.

Make sure you specify the correct path to the lipdf.so/.a

  Daniel Morissette               morissette at dmsolutions.ca
  DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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