[Mapserver-users] help with ???->draw() mapscript function

Eric Bridger eric at gomoos.org
Wed Aug 13 09:26:59 PDT 2003

If you use MapObj->prepareImage() you should not use MapObj->draw(). You
are responsible to do all the drawing using LayerObj->draw(), which
draws on the image prepared and Point->draw() or Rect->draw() etc. which
take both the prepared image and a layerObj.  After you've finished all
your drawing you should call MapObj->drawLabelCache($img) to draw the

Typically I loop thru each layerObj, turning it on and calling
LayerObj->draw().  I make sure to skip any dynamic point layers.
Then I get the point layer obj and call Point->draw() for each point:

$point->draw($map, $layerObj, $img, undef, $text);

Finally I call $MapObj->drawLabelCache($img);



On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 19:17, Matt Doggett wrote:
> Can anyone help me out with the mapscript "draw" function?
>  From what I see we've got a PointObj->draw(),  LayerObj->draw(),
> MapObj->draw(), RectObj-draw(), etc. etc.  So which one should I use?
> I'm using mapscript to dynamically create a layer containing point
> observations and I get different results depending on which object
> function I use.
> Matt
> Matt Doggett
> Spatial Climate Analysis Service
> Oregon State University
> 316 Strand Ag Hall
> Corvallis, OR 97331
> (541)737-9153
> mdoggett at coas.oregonstate.edu
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