[Mapserver-users] Mapserver and flash

Geoffrey Rowland geoffrey.rowland at noaa.gov
Thu Aug 21 12:31:10 PDT 2003

Okay, Thanks, I have made the function ElementSelected and can get the 
LayerID,ShapeID, and Event.

But I'm still at a loss how to get the SWFDUMPATTRIBUTES then?  lets say 
my attribute is called Name.  how do I get the value using ActionScript?

Here is what I have so far (just doing this as a test)

onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent(mouseDown) {
    _level1.ElementSelected = function(lid,sid,ev){
             trace("The Layer id is : " + lid);
             trace("The Shape id is : " + sid);
             trace("The event was : " + ev);
        _level1.ElementSelected(LayerId,ShapeId,Event, Name)


Yewondwossen Assefa wrote:

> The way to do it is to use at a layer level a metadata called 
> SWFDUMPATTRIBUTES. The value used for this metadata are the names of 
> the attributes you want to export to the swf file. Please refer to 
> section "How to configure the map file to export attributes"  and 
> "Events and Highlights" in the document 
> http://www2.dmsolutions.ca/mapserver/dl/FlashMapserverUserDoc.html
>  Once the attributes are exported to the swf file, when the user 
> clicks on these objects, there is a mouse event which is triggered and 
> makes an Action Script call to: _root.ElementSelecetd(LayerId, 
> ShapeId, Event). The Flash application who want to receive these 
> events should define the function ElementSelected and use the 
> information receive to do actions like retrieving the attribute values 
> from the specific SWF for the specified shape and display it.
> Later,
> Geoffrey Rowland wrote:
>> I was playing around with this a bit the other day.  Is there a way 
>> to identify features in the swf file?  for example if I am displaying 
>> a county layer (from a shapefile), and I want to get the names of the 
>> counties....is that possible using the swf output?
>> Thanks,
>> Geoff
>> William A. Bronsema, C.E.T. wrote:
>>> Lars-Göran,
>>> It is fairly easy to view the SWF output using actionscript.  Set 
>>> the outputformat in the map file to the following:
>>>     NAME swf
>>>     MIMETYPE "application/x-shockwave-flash"
>>>     DRIVER swf
>>>     IMAGEMODE PC256
>>>     # the following line is used to output all layers in one swf
>>>     # the following line is used to output all layers individually
>>>   END
>>> After mapserver has generated the temp swf file(s) you can use the 
>>> "loadMovie" actionscript function to load the swf file into a 
>>> pre-existing container.  For example, create a new swf file with a 
>>> movie clip called "clip1" and add the following line in actionscript:
>>> loadMovie ( "http://url/to/swf/mymap.swf", "clip1" );
>>> I use PHP and php_mapscript to help manage the files on the fly and 
>>> Flash to manage my actionscript.
>>> I hope this quick overview helps.
>>> Regards,
>>> Bill
>>> Lars-goran Edholm wrote:
>>>> Hi!
>>>> Does anybody have an example of using Mapserver with swf vector 
>>>> output.
>>>> How do i use the swf-actionscript file to view the layers?
>>>>  Mvh
>>>> Lars-Göran Edholm    tel 026/24 14 36
>>>> 1:e byggnadsinspektör
>>>> Bygg- och miljökontoret
>>>> 811 80 Sandviken
>>>> lars-goran.edholm at sandviken.se
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Geoffrey Rowland
Technical Officer
Climate Information Project
NOAA Research
Office of  Global Programs
RGII Technologies, Inc., a Computer Horizons Company
Phone: 301-427-2089x186
Fax : 301-427-2082
geoffrey.rowland at noaa.gov

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