[Mapserver-users] Calculate bounds of a ShapeObj with PHP Mapscript

mapserver at geochem.de mapserver at geochem.de
Wed Dec 10 07:38:04 PST 2003

Dear List,

I am using a function which creates Polygon Shape Objects with PHP
Mapscript (Mapserver 4.0.1).

$shpobj = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POLYGON);
$lineobj = ms_newLineObj();
foreach ($geok as $werte) {
	$lineobj -> addxy ($werte['x'], $werte['y']
$shpobj -> set ("text", $bez);
$shpobj -> add ($lineobj);

Unfortunately the bounds of the shapeObj are set to
[bounds] => ms_rect_obj Object
            [_handle_] => Resource id #58
            [minx] => -1
            [miny] => -1
            [maxx] => -1
            [maxy] => -1

Perl Mapscript allows to call 
to calculate the bounds belated.

Do a similar function also exists in PHP Mapscript?

Many thanks

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