[Mapserver-users] msGetLabelSize error

Tyler Mitchell TMitchell at lignum.com
Thu Dec 11 13:23:10 PST 2003

If you can, send us a copy of your .map file and your fontset (fonts.txt?)
file too.


             "Hugo Nathaniel                                               
             <hugo at pbh.gov.br>                                          To 
             Sent by:                  <mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu> 
             mapserver-users-a                                          cc 
             dmin at lists.gis.um                                             
             n.edu                                                  Fax to 
             12/11/2003 10:43          [Mapserver-users] msGetLabelSize    
             AM                        error                               

when i run the gmap75, i receive this message:

Warning: [MapServer Error]: msGetLabelSize(): Could not find/open font in
c:\arquivos de programas\apache
group\apache\htdocs\gmap\htdocs\gmap75.inc.php on line 550

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in c:\arquivos de
programas\apache group\apache\htdocs\gmap\htdocs\gmap75.inc.php on line 552
now im using this:
windows xp
php 4.3.2
php_mapscript 4.1
mapserver 4.0

i tried before with another version of mapscript (and maybe another version
mapserver/php too) and worked well.

Only for test purposes, i take off all the "label" parts of my .map file,
and tried again, and worked well, (im using the gmap75.map of the gmap75
zip file). so, the problem seem to be the font part of the label section...
im really new about mapserver. (i just installed it 2 days ago, and im not
used to work with maps) but im very good in configuration and i work with

can anyone help me?

Hugo Rodrigues
SSSS - Prodabel

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