[Mapserver-users] Polar stereographic projection misbehaviour

Sebastian Albrecht api at justapi.de
Tue Dec 16 09:14:31 EST 2003

Hello Frank,

I installed Mapserver 4.1 nightly build now and changed one line in
the code - in mapshape.c in msSHPWhichShape(...).

Near the end of the method I commented (added //) the line
"if(msRectOverlap(...)=MS_TRUE)" so that every shape is added to the
image and not only those which work with that msRectOverlap method
which works as you said only with standard extents (xmax>xmin,
ymax>ymin) - not really with those strange polar extents.

My ship tracks are all displayed correctly now. Only the graticule
does not always work but that's ok for now.

Of course it will be great to add this as a feature to the mapfile
but I am not sure whether people all understand the problem and
whether the effort is not too big...


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