[Mapserver-users] MapScript and SWIG 1.3.20

Sean Gillies sgillies at frii.com
Wed Dec 17 14:45:02 PST 2003

I downloaded, compiled, and installed the new release of SWIG today.
Those of you who are generating your own MapScript wrappers may want
to consider upgrading.  There are a lot of new features and performance
enhancements, particularly for Python users.  Also a lot of Java 

Release notes and such are at http://www.swig.org

I tested out MapScript with SWIG 1.3.20 using Python 2.1

   swig -python -shadow ...

and 2.3 with the new -modern option

   swig -python -shadow -modern ...

This option emits faster code but is only compatible with Python 2.2+.

The resulting modules pass all the mapscript tests in the stable and
development branches.


Sean Gillies
sgillies at frii dot com

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