[Mapserver-users] AXL to MAP converter

Sean Gillies sgillies at frii.com
Thu Dec 18 12:51:03 EST 2003

On Thursday, December 18, 2003, at 04:27  AM, Bart van den Eijnden 

> Hi list,
> does anybody know of a converter for AXL (ArcIMS) to MAP (Mapserver).
> If Mapserver would have XML files it could be done with XSLT ofcourse, 
> but for now I suspect the easiest would be to use PHP/Mapscript to 
> build a converter?
> Best regards,
> Bart

XSLT would be useful but not easy!  I think the _easiest_ way is to use


with the Python interpreter like I've done with my ArcIMS emulator.


This project was inspired by Refraction's ArcIMS emulator and you will
find useful examples there (refractions.net) if you want to use Perl.

I believe that there is also a Java emulator/adapter being traded out
there which might provide a good head start with Java.

PHP has XML/DOM functions so should be good as well, only that there
is existing code in other languages that you could adapt.


Sean Gillies
sgillies at frii dot com

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