[Mapserver-users] RE: mapinfo-l Digest of: thread.12345

ally heng cs_ally at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 27 03:29:20 EST 2003

Hello guys:

I am developing a GIS application using MySQL 4.1.1 and MapInfo Professional

First, all my spatial and attribute data are stored in MySQL in the format
for example as below:

| no   | name | astext(coordinate) |
| 1    | KLCC | POINT(0 0)         |

To port to the MapInfo Pro as the front end, I have tried MyODBC 3.51
downloaded in http://www.mysql.com/downloads/api-myodbc-3.51.html, however,
the map browser does not appear to show the point.

Can I know how could I map the spatial column stored in MySQL database in
MapInfo professional?

from ally
University of Technology Malaysia
cs_ally at hotmail.com
hp: 6012-2145921

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