[Mapserver-users] (no subject)

Steve Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Mon Jan 6 15:06:31 EST 2003

Should work with any datasource, assuming that source populates the
extent properties of a shape when it's retrieved.


>>> "Martin Hoegh" <mh at svaj.dk> 01/06/03 08:08AM >>>
It seems to me that 'mapxy=shape' in a mapserv url only works with
shapefiles not with PostGis data. Is this right? I want to zoom to
features found in an itemnquery.

Martin Høgh
Sven Allan Jensen as
Sankelmarksgade 9
9000 Aalborg
Tlf. 98129300
Direkte tlf. 96314082
mh at svaj.dk

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