[Mapserver-users] mapserver compile problems

Philipp Jacob philipp.jacob at geosysnet.de
Tue Jan 7 07:58:01 EST 2003


i'm running suse linux 8.1 and i'm trying to compile the mapserver 3.6.3

the configure command:
"CXX=/opt/gcc295/bin/c++ CC=/opt/gcc295/bin/gcc ./configure --with-gd 
--with-php=../php-4.2.3/ --with-gdal=../gdal-1.1.7/ 
--enable-force-freetype1 --with-proj --with-wmsclient"

seems to work fine.
(i use gcc295, because suse8.1 includes gcc3.x which does not work with 

but when i do 'make' the make process stops with the following error:

[...some regular make outout above this...]
/opt/gcc295/bin/gcc -O2  -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA  -DUSE_EPPL 
-I/usr/local/include            -I/usr/local/include 
-I/usr/local/include/w3c-libwww -DHAVE_CONFIG_H  shp2img.o  -L. -lmap 
-lgd -L/usr/local/lib -lgd -ljpeg -lttf -lpng -lz  -ltiff -ljpeg -lttf 
-lpng -lz -lproj -ljpeg      -L/usr/local/lib -lwwwxml -lxmltok 
-lxmlparse -lwwwinit -lwwwapp -lwwwhtml -lwwwtelnet -lwwwnews -lwwwhttp 
-lwwwmime -lwwwgopher -lwwwftp -lwwwfile -lwwwdir -lwwwcache -lwwwstream 
-lwwwmux -lwwwtrans -lwwwcore -lwwwutils -lmd5 -ldl    -lm   -o shp2img
./libmap.a(mapraster.o): In function `drawGDAL':
mapraster.o(.text+0x4d4): undefined reference to `GDALGetRasterXSize'
./libmap.a(mapraster.o): In function `msDrawRasterLayer':
mapraster.o(.text+0x489a): undefined reference to `GDALAllRegister'
./libmap.a(mapogr.o): In function `msLoadWKTProjectionString':
mapogr.o(.text+0x19): undefined reference to 
`OGRSpatialReference::OGRSpatialReference(char const *)'
./libmap.a(mapogr.o): In function 
`msOGRSpatialRef2ProjectionObj(OGRSpatialReference *, projectionObj *)':
mapogr.o(.text+0x1fe): undefined reference to 
./libmap.a(mapogr.o): In function `msOGCWKT2ProjectionObj':
mapogr.o(.text+0x2f5): undefined reference to 
`OGRSpatialReference::OGRSpatialReference(char const *)'
./libmap.a(mapresample.o): In function `msResampleGDALToMap':
mapresample.o(.text+0xb1c): undefined reference to `GDALGetGeoTransform'
mapresample.o(.text+0xb2f): undefined reference to `GDALGetDescription'
mapresample.o(.text+0xb4b): undefined reference to `GDALGetDescription'
mapresample.o(.text+0xb54): undefined reference to `GDALReadWorldFile'
mapresample.o(.text+0xb63): undefined reference to `GDALGetRasterXSize'
mapresample.o(.text+0xb75): undefined reference to `GDALGetRasterYSize'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [shp2img] Error 1

the '...' are some more 'undefined references'

what is wrong?
has someone got an idea?


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