[Mapserver-users] [Fwd: MapLab MapInfo support]

Paul Spencer spencer at dmsolutions.ca
Sat Jan 4 23:26:24 EST 2003

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Diego, I can't really help you with specifics on this particular 
problem, I am forwarding your question to the mapserver-users list. 
Hopefully someone there can answer you.

Paul Spencer
Applications and Software Development
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2003 01:29:24 +0100 (MET)
From: Diego Tiozzo Netti <tzzntt01 at bora.iuav.it>
To: spencer at dmsolutions.ca
Subject: MapLab MapInfo support
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Dear Mr. Spencer,

I'm new to MapServer/MapLab world.

I've read a your reply in "Maplab Users Mailing list" about questions 
concerning MapInfo data using and importing.

Well, although I'm still fighting with some troubles in configuring PHP, 
before ending to tune MapLab, I wonder (and I ask to you) which is 
correct procedure to import Mapinfo (4.x version) native .tab files.

I'm going to use a very complex structured cartography with many layers 
in .tab format: which preliminary procedures are necessary to work with 
MapInfo files?

Have I to convert / transform these files in any way?

Thank you for any help.


-Diego Tiozzo Netti


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