[Mapserver-users] regular expression help

Steve Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Thu Jan 9 22:57:45 PST 2003

Looks like the lexer doesn't quite recognize the escapes correctly.
Could you file that as a bug?

As a work around you could do something like:

/Trees.Woodland.Forest, Native__*/

That should work as long as you don't have some values that use /'s and
others that use another character and you need to differentiate between


>>> "Stender, Amy ERDC-CRREL-NH Contractor"
<Amy.Stender at erdc.usace.army.mil> 01/09/03 18:18 PM >>>

i'm trying to write a regular expression in my map file. to recognize:

1. shrub native__salix exigua
2. shrub native__salix goodingii
3. shrub native__salix laevigata
4. shrub native__salix lasiopis

i found that the following regular expression works for my CLASS
EXPRESSION: /shrub native__*/

BUT now i have:

1. Trees/Woodland/Forest, Native__blah
2. Trees/Woodland/Forest, Native__blah1
3. Trees/Woodland/Forest, Native__blah2
4. Trees/Woodland/Forest, Native__blah3

the forward slashes confuse my regular expression, so i tried using
escape characters:
/Trees\/Woodland\/Forest, Native__*/

but this did not work. the error is: loadClass(): Unknown identifier.

any ideas on another escape character or a work-around?


Amy L. Stender
Remote Sensing/GIS Center
Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
United States Army Corps of Engineers
72 Lyme Road, Hanover, NH 03755-1290
Tel: (603) 646-4733
Fax: (603) 646-4730
Amy.Stender at erdc.usace.army.mil

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