[Mapserver-users] Raster support - JPG problem

Zatorsky.MichaelP at police.qld.gov.au Zatorsky.MichaelP at police.qld.gov.au
Tue Jan 14 18:40:23 EST 2003


I have a number of raster images of topographic maps in jpeg (JPG) format.  The images are projected into a regional transverse Mercator projection and display perfectly in ArcView & ArcExplorer using a world-file and in MapInfo using a TAB registration file.

Each image is between 2-4 MB and has dimensions of approximately 5000 by 5000 pixels.

I am currently using MapServer 3.6.3 with GDAL support (pre-compiled Windows binaries) and GIF output.

When I attempt to load the image into MapServer as a layer

	    NAME "sheets100k_images"
	    DATA "images\topomap_100k\au7669a.jpg"
	    PROJECTION #MGA Zone 56
	        "lon_0=141"   # central meridian, zone 54

... I receive the following error message:

	CGI Error
	The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:

	JPEG parameter struct mismatch: library thinks size is 432, caller expects 464

If I convert the image to a TIFF, and rename the file in Map file, it displays perfectly.  The fact the JPG is readable by everything else I have that reads JPG suggests the problem is not a corrupt image.  The fact the TIFFs work suggests that there problem isn't with the projection complications.  
(The problem with the TIFFS is that even with LZW compression each image is between 30-40 MB, and I have 200 of them, so a highly compressed format like JPG is valuable).

Is there a known problem with using JPG as an input data type in the version of MapServer I'm using?

Any advice will be appreciated.


Michael Zatorsky
Manager, Geographic Information Services
Queensland Police Service
GPO Box 1440, Brisbane, QLD 4001, AUSTRALIA
p. 07 3364 4384
f. 07 3364 3942
e. zatorsky.michaelp at police.qld.gov.au  

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