[Mapserver-users] mapfile mapscale strangeness

Dana Quinn dana at nextbus.com
Wed Jan 15 20:48:54 EST 2003

I'm seeing a strange problem with application of the MINSCALE and 
MAXSCALE parameters.  I'm using 3.6.3, redhat linux 8, and perl
mapscript.  I'm am working on getting an existing application that
works under an old version of the mapserver working on this new
version, on a new machine.

So this is my new problem - I have layers that are only supposed to
turn on at a 'larger scale' - more zoomed in - things like street
names and secondary streets and stuff like that, that were turning
on when my scale was much smaller.  I'd have something like
MAXSCALE 40000 in the layer, but when I'd create a map that is
zoomed out far enough that I could see complete states, I would
still have the MAXSCALE 40000 layers displayed.

So after some testing and lots of debug print statements, I
found that mapscript, as I compiled it, thinks the SCALE is
usually somewhere between 1 and 5.  I adjusted some of my MAXSCALE
lines to these sorts of values, and things work the way I expect
them to.

So to summarize - I would expect the scale of the maps I create to
be in ranges like 10000-25000, 250000 and so on, but they seem to
be smaller numbers like 0.5, 3, so on.  Has anyone else seen
something like this?  Did I blow some configuration option?



Dana Quinn, dana at nextbus.com
NextBus Information Systems
(510) 420-3117

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