[Mapserver-users] wms client

Brian Clark brclark at usgs.gov
Wed Jan 15 18:17:58 PST 2003

Hey Mapservers,

We've built and installed libwww 5.4.0. However, configure returns:
"libwww version 5.3.2 or more recent is required"
Tried it with: --with-wmsclient=/usr/local/lib, and no errors on 
configure or make,
but also no wmsclient support.
OS is Solaris 2.6.



Brian R. Clark, Hydrologist              Email: brclark at usgs.gov
U.S. Geological Survey, WRD                 Phone: (501)228-3655
Arkansas District                           Fax:   (501)228-3601
401 Hardin Road
Little Rock, Arkansas 72211

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