[Mapserver-users] Maplab beginner problem

Dave McIlhagga mcilhagga at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Jan 16 07:01:28 EST 2003

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patruno wrote:
> Hi anyone!
> Probably my problem is stupid, but  I cannot sleep because of it!!
> I'm building up a mapfile using Esri shapefiles that normally you can find in the folder "esridata" after you install
> Arcview.
> The problem is when I ask for the preview of my mapfile. (I use Maplab)
> In fact, the map is completely blank (or empty?). I've tried to change the coordinate according to the coordinate of the upper left corner and
> bottom right corner that I obtain opening my shapefile with Arcexplorer but ... nothing.
> Any suggestion?
> Thanks in advance
> V
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