[Mapserver-users] History for 3.6.4 ?

Yewondwossen Assefa assefa at dmsolutions.ca
Fri Jan 17 10:18:01 EST 2003

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Attached is HISTORY.txt with the changes. This file is also available in
the mapserver cvs repository.


Guillaume SUEUR wrote:

> Hi there,
> Where can I find the description of the changes from 3.6.3 to 3.6.4 ?
> Thx
> --
> ---------------------------
> Guillaume SUEUR
> Ingénieur développement SIG
> KHI2 - BVA
> 25bis Avenue Marcel Dassault
> ----------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Mapserver-users mailing list
> Mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
> http://lists.gis.umn.edu/mailman/listinfo/mapserver-users

Assefa Yewondwossen
Software Analyst

Email: assefa at dmsolutions.ca

Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14)
Fax:   (613) 565-0925

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MapServer Revision History

This is a human-readable revision history which will attempt to document
required changes for users to migrate from one version of MapServer to the
next.  Developers are strongly encouraged to document their changes and
their impacts on the users here.  (Please add the most recent changes to 
the top of the list.)

For a complete change history, please see the CVS log comments.  A copy of
the CVS logs is updated daily at the following URL:


Version 3.6.4 (2003-01-08)

- Use LD instead of CC to refer to linker program name in the Makefile to
  help dealing with GCC 3.x issues (doesn't resolve the issue completely)

- Added missing MS_LAYER_CIRCLE and MS_CC constants in PHP MapScript

- Fixed bad memory corruption bug with WMS SRS parameter value mapwms.c
  (Thanks to Ed M. for finding it)

- Added version 3.7's mappostgis.c
      - minor bug fixes
	  - lots of help if you make a mistake
	  - more functionality

- Fixed problem in space-delimited wms_srs metadata with WMS client mode
  where the last SRS in the string was never used even if it would have
  been a best match.  Causing unnecessary WMS reprojections in several cases.

- Fixed configure script to produce an error if --with-gdal does not point
  to a valid gdal-config file.

Version 3.6.3 (2002-10-07)

- Fixed problem with numeric labels with OGR's STYLEITEM AUTO (bug 185)

- PHP MapScript: fixed set() method on all object types for parameters
  of type float and string.  The param value was not forced to the right
  type and this could lead to unexpected values being set or crashes.

- Fixed bug 174 - improperly terminated string buffer in msWMSException()

- Fixed problem with 'gcc undef' appearing in the mapscript/php3/Makefile
  on FreeBSD.  Also added --enable-internal-ld-detect configure switch to
  force use of an internal configure macro to detect ld command and args
  in case the default doesn't work (this is for mapscript/php3/Makefile only)

- Fixed potential crash with WMS GML query output (missing msInitSHape() in 

- Fixed Windows-specific problem where WMS capabilities were always returned
  as 1.0.0 even if 1.1.0 was requested

Version 3.6.2 (2002-07-08)

- Added msTokenizeMap() in MapScript (and via 'mapserv -t test.map')

- Added map->setFontSet()

- Fixed Windows-specific problem with PHP MapScript ms_newMapObj("")
  called with empty filename.

- Fixed problem with double 'gcc' appearing in mapscript/php3/Makefile on
  some systems.

Version 3.6.1 (2002-06-20)

- Fixed a performance problem in msImageFilledPolygon() (bug 162)
  3.6.0 was up to 50% slower than 3.5 rendering polygons, and now
  3.6.1 is up to 10-20% faster than 3.5.

- Removed obsolete PHP3 stuff in README files and configure scripts.

- Fixed color problem with crosshair in reference map.

- Fixed an issue with "LOCATION TINY" being output in legend label objects.

- Postgis bug 165: fix dont_force() to allow for POINT shapes 

- Make sure inline symbols (symbols defined in the mapfile) are saved 
  when msSaveMap() is called.  They used to be lost.

Version 3.6.0 (2002-05-28)

- No change since 3.6.0-beta2

Version 3.6.0-beta2 (2002-05-23)

- A few fixes.

- PostGIS: Added Sean Gillies <sgillies at i3.com>'s patch for "using unique 
  <column name>". Added "using SRID=#" to specify a spatial reference 
  for an arbitrary sql query.

- WMS Capabilities XML: Return grouped/ungrouped layers in an order closer
  to the natural mapfile order (bug 154)

- Integrated patch from Tim Mackey to support ROSA applet parameters via 
  mapserv CGI, see: 

Version 3.6.0-beta1 (2002-04-30)

- MapScript: qitem and qstring params added to layer->queryByAttribute().
  Instead of being driven by the layer's FILTER/FILTERITEM, the query by
  attribute is now driven by the values passed via qitem,qstring, and the 
  layer's FILTER/FILTERITEM are ignored.

- Symbol and MapFile changes:
   ANTIALIAS and FILLED keywords now take a boolean (TRUE/FALSE) argument
   and    FILLED    becomes FILLED TRUE

- Reference Map:
  Added options to show a different marker when the reference box becomes
  too small.  See the mapfile reference docs for more details on the new 
  reference object parameters (MARKER, MARKERSIZE, MAXBOXSIZE, MINBOXSIZE)

- Added MINSCALE/MAXSCALE at the CLASS level.

- Support for tiled OGR datasets.

- PHP 4.1.2 and 4.2.0 support for PHP MapScript.

- Added LAYER TRANSPARENCY, value between 1-100

- Fixes to the SWIG interface for clean Java build.

- New HTML legend templates for CGI and MapScript.  See HTML-Legend-HOWTO.

- WMS server now supports query results using HTML query templates instead
  of just plain/text.

- Added support functions for thread safety (--with-thread).  Still not 
  100% thread-safe.

Version 3.5.0 (2002-12-18)

- No Revision history before version 3.5

$Id: HISTORY.TXT,v 2003/01/08 19:06:59 dan Exp $


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