[Mapserver-users] Projection accuracy problems

Paul Dymecki millardymecki at sympatico.ca
Mon Jan 20 15:22:28 EST 2003

Hi there,
    I was wondering if anyone knows about projection differences between
proj4 and geotrans.  I've tried both but am cannot get the same accuracy
with proj4 as with geotrans.  Here is the proj4 code i'm using in mapscript.
Any help would be much appreciated,

Code for converting lat/long -> lcc

$lat = 64.16;
$lon = -95.50;

$parms1[0] = "proj=longlat";
$parms1[1] = "ellps=GRS80";
$parms1[2] = "datum=NAD83";
$parms1[3] = "no_defs";
$projLonLat = pj_init($parms1);
$parms2[0] = "proj=lcc";
$parms2[1] = "ellps=GRS80";
$parms2[2] = "datum=NAD83";
$parms2[3] = "lat_0= 49.0";
$parms2[4] = "lon_0= -95.0";
$parms2[5] = "lat_1= 49.0";
$parms2[6] = "lat_2= 77.0";
$parms2[7] = "units=m";
$projLCC = pj_init($parms2);

$ret = pj_transform($projLonLat, $projLCC, $lon, $lat,0 );
$ln = ($ret["u"]);
$lt = ($ret["v"]);
echo "<BR>".$ln."<BR>".$lt;

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