[Mapserver-users] OT: Extracting dead ends from a polyline th eme

Lowther, David W dlowther at ou.edu
Wed Jan 22 11:48:15 EST 2003


So, you have 2 point shapefiles. 1 has intersections, 2 has all points.
Select the features from 2 that overlap 1. Switch the selection. Create
shapefile 3 that has all points that are not intersections. Select roads
that overlap shapefile 3. These should be your roads that are deadends.

Good Luck!


-----Original Message-----
From: Kieran J. Ames [mailto:kames at keyspanenergy.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 10:25 AM
To: mapserver-users
Subject: [Mapserver-users] OT: Extracting dead ends from a polyline

Sorry for the off-topic, but I've looked everywhere trying not to bother
the group.

I've discovered Fred Pierssen's EDTOOLS script and have used it to
extract intersections from a road theme. However, lines that terminate
(Dead Ends) are not extracted. Any thoughts on how I might capture them?

I tried extracting ALL points from the polyline theme, but that gives me
an unwieldy point theme which contains ALL VERTICES as well, which is
not where I'm aiming.

Suggestions on how to extract deadends appreciated.

GIS Spatially-Challenged

Kieran Ames

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